Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1518 Great things are done

The sudden change in the hall surprised everyone. Who would have thought that the Japanese pirates were hit by the peacock's tail and fell unconscious, and the Zhejiang army still had an absolute advantage in strength. Such a good situation could be reversed!

It happened quickly and suddenly.

The first and second sentries went in to support and the situation was stabilized. However, after a few breaths, several pale and panic-stricken Zhejiang soldiers were the first to escape timidly, shouting "The wind is tight and pulling the whistle".

There is the first grade of junior high school and the second grade of junior high school. After these Zhejiang troops fled, many Zhejiang troops followed closely and fled away.

Suddenly the situation in the hall was reversed.

The Japanese pirates took the opportunity to chase after them with their knives. The Zhejiang army who fled timidly plunged into the formation of the Zhejiang army that was waiting outside, seriously disrupting the Zhejiang army's position. The pursuing Japanese pirates took the opportunity to pounce in.

Naoshima Naoshima and Matsuura Sanbanro led the charge, piercing the Zhejiang Army's formation like two cones, sparing no effort and slashing with their swords, intending to break through the Zhejiang Army's formation. Break out.

As long as we break out of the encirclement, the sky is high and the birds can fly and the sea is wide and the fish can jump, the Ming army will not be able to do anything to us! Then we will travel day and night, sneak to the seaside, sail into the sea, and return to Feiqian. With the investigation results of this trip, we will lead the way in the future. When His Highness's army comes back, it will surely be easy for the bandits to plunder the Ming Dynasty. When the time comes, we must avenge this bloody sea of ​​​​blood!

Naoshima Nabeshima and Matsuura Sanbanro were in a life-and-death situation, and their combat power was far beyond normal.

The two men took advantage of the chaos of the Zhejiang army's formation, and like hungry tigers pounced on a flock of sheep, they brandished their pheasant knives and swords like flying swords. Cold light shot in, and blood splashed everywhere, killing the cowardly deserters and the Zhejiang army whose front line was being disrupted. The Zhejiang troops at the front were suddenly frightened as their men fell on their backs and screamed repeatedly. They involuntarily thought of retreating and even began to take action.

The Japanese pirates will die if they don't fight hard, but they won't die if they don't fight hard, so there is a huge difference in their fighting spirit.

Seeing that the Zhejiang army at the front of the team was about to collapse and flee due to the previous defeat, Liu Dadao, Liu Mu, Ruofeng and others stood up, stepped out of the crowd, and fought Nabeshima Naoo and other Japanese pirates with their swords.

"If the shield soldiers form an array on top, whoever dares to take even half a step back will be killed without mercy! Send all the crossbowmen and fire muskets over to me!"

Zhu Pingan waved his sword and shouted loudly, and immediately ordered the formation to be adjusted to prevent the Japanese pirates from breaking out.

If these Japanese pirates were allowed to break out, they would not be able to take full credit! The merits would be greatly reduced!!

Merit is secondary. If these Japanese pirates are allowed to break out, the anti-Japanese morale will be severely damaged, the Japanese invasion will become more intense, and the people will be even more unlucky!

In today's battle, the Zhejiang Army has exposed more problems. It planned in advance and the situation was excellent, but it was forced to this point by the Japanese pirates! The Zhejiang Army must be rectified! Of course, this must pass the current hurdle. First, these Let's talk about it after the Japanese pirates are wiped out.

Soon the Zhejiang army put shields in front, and bows, crossbows and fire guns were also mobilized.

Zhu Ping'an commanded the shield soldiers to form a semicircular formation to completely surround the Japanese pirates. Archers and gunmen were also ready to attack.

The situation is stable again.

However, since Liu Dadao, Ruofeng and the others were fighting with the Japanese pirates, it was difficult for them to shoot with arrows.

The situation at this moment is very tense.

The Zhejiang army in the front row was first overwhelmed by the defeated troops, and as soon as they fought, they were killed by Nabeshima Naoo and other Japanese pirates. They were so frightened that they avoided the battle and did not dare to fight. Only Liu Dadao and a few brave men stepped forward to fight against the Japanese pirates. .

As the Japanese pirates fought hard, Liu Dadao and the others were a little bit overwhelmed, especially Naoshima Naoshima and Matsuura Sanbanro, who were born as samurai. They had practiced killing techniques since they were young. They had been fighting for years in the Japanese country, and their combat power was at the top of the military general level. of. Although Liu Dadao and others are far braver than ordinary people, they are still lagging behind Naoshima Naoki. What's more, Naoshima Naoki and Matsuura Sanbanro tried their best, but Liu Dadao and Liu Dachui just managed to overcome it with their combined efforts. Liu Dachui suffered a lot of injuries to his waist and abdomen after being attacked by the violent Nabeshima Naoman. Nabeshima Naoman even had some strength left. While fighting the two men, he also stabbed and killed a Zhejiang soldier. This made Liu Dadao particularly angry.

Ruofeng faced off against Matsuura Sanbanro. After the three battles, he was powerless and was almost killed by Matsuura Sanbanro. Thanks to Liu Dadao's timely support, he blocked Matsuura Sanbanro's sword at the critical moment and saved Ruofeng's life. .

Liu Daqiang and Liu Dagang made some achievements. The two teamed up to fight the Japanese pirates fiercely. After a few rounds, they severely injured a Japanese pirate. After all, not all Japanese pirates are as fierce as Nabeshima Naoji and Matsuura Sanbanro!

However, the overall situation is still not optimistic.

However, it is enough for Liu Mu and the others to stabilize the situation. The shield has been established and the Japanese pirates can hardly fly even if they have wings!

In order to avoid too many casualties and worry about the misfortune of Ye Changmeng, Zhu Pingan shouted to Liu Dadao and others: "Dadao, Ruofeng, all of you, retreat in formation and strive to break away from the Japanese pirates."

"The shield soldiers are ready to respond, and the archers and gunmen are all aiming at the Japanese pirates. As long as one

Out of the battle, you shoot arrows and fire cannons. "

Zhu Ping'an then ordered the Zhejiang troops, "I believe that under the salvo of thousands of arrows, this group of Japanese pirates will be punished on the spot no matter how brave and skillful they are in fighting."

Liu Dadao and others acted according to the order, tried their best to retreat, and tried their best to break away from the Japanese pirates. However, Nabeshima Naoo and others clearly saw the situation clearly, and they had been in Tai Ming for a long time, so they could understand Zhu Ping'an's orders. They knew that once they broke out of the battle, the Ming army would definitely be covered with arrows and iron cannons, even though they were extremely brave. , can't escape death.

Therefore, they kept pestering Liu Dadao and others, and changed their positions from time to time to prevent the Zhejiang army's cold arrows.

However, Liu Dadao and the others focused on getting out of the battle, slowly retreating, moving closer to each other, waiting for opportunities to form a two-person or three-person formation. Once the three-person formation was formed, it would be difficult for Nabeshima Masao and others to entangle themselves. If the entanglement continues, the number of gaps will definitely increase. The Zhejiang Army's feather arrows and fire blunderbuss are not just for nothing.


Silver-nosed Zhenjie was extremely angry. He thought that since he landed in the Ming Dynasty, he had traveled thousands of miles and fought hundreds of battles, big and small, and all hostile Ming armies fell to his Japanese sword. He didn't expect that today he would be killed by this cowardly and insidious Zhejiang army. We have been forced to this point and the big thing has not yet been accomplished. Is Nabeshima Naoshima going to die from this today?!

No, no, my fate is determined by fate!

Like a trapped beast, Nabeshima Naoshima began a dying counterattack. The pressure on Liu Mu and the others increased sharply. After Liu Dachui took the knife from Nabeshima Naoshima, his mouth spurted out a stream of blood uncontrollably. It was obvious that his internal organs were injured. light.

"General, retreat inside the house quickly, otherwise it will be too late to evacuate. Once the Ming people fire arrows, it will be difficult for us to resist." Matsuura Sanbanro shouted loudly in Japanese, "There are still many frightened Ming soldiers in the house. We didn't have time to run out, so we went in and held them hostage, forcing Akito to let us live!"

"吆西! You are worthy of being a Sanbanro! Quickly, retreat into the house! Take the Ming army hostage inside!" Upon hearing this, Nabeshima Naoshima's eyes suddenly lit up, and he immediately ordered decisively.

A group of Japanese pirates gave orders to stop him. As soon as Nabeshima Mao gave the order, they all waved their swords to force Akito back and rushed into the hall.

However, it is a pity that Zhu Pingan also understands the Japanese language. When Matsuura Sanbanlang shouted, Zhu Pingan knew the Japanese pirates' plan, and rushed into the room before Nabeshima Naoman gave the order, "In the room The Zhejiang army listened to the order and closed the door quickly! Close the door quickly!"

So, they won half a second, that is, half a second. When Nabeshima Masao and others were about to rush into the hall, the door of the hall slammed shut.

Naoshima Naoji and others bumped into the door, making the door tremble with a bang, and the Zhejiang army behind the door kept screaming.

The door was knocked open a wide crack!

As long as the Japanese pirates hit me again, the door will definitely be scrapped.

Unfortunately, they never got another chance.

Even before the Japanese pirates turned around and rushed towards the hall, Zhu Ping'an had already ordered to fire arrows and fire cannons.

There is only a distance of less than three meters, so there is no reason why the Zhejiang army can't shoot accurately no matter how wet it is!

The moment the Japanese pirates were blocked by the door, their sinful life came to an end. Arrows and projectiles fell on them densely like rain, turning them into hedgehogs and sieves.

Although Naoshima Nabeshima and Matsuura Sanbanro were extremely brave, they were no exception and were given special care. Their bodies were covered with arrows, like porcupines.

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