Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1522 We brought the Japanese pirates

Hearing Zhu Ping'an's voice from the city, Zhang Jing, Eunuch He, Duke Wei and other officials all swept away Shi Pengfei in unison.

Just now, Shi Pengfei swore that he was sure that the troops outside the city were Japanese pirates gathering reinforcements to come back. He also said that Zhu Ping'an led the Zhejiang army and disappeared without a trace in the middle of the night.

As a result, it was a slap in the face. The troops outside the city were not Japanese pirates, but the Zhejiang army led by Zhu Pingan.

Shi Pengfei naturally knew why everyone was looking at him, and his face turned red with shame, wishing he could find a mouse hole to crawl in. It's all Zhu Pingan's fault! It's my fault! He naturally recorded this account on Zhu Pingan.

"Master Zhu is such a noble man and forgets things! Didn't he say it in the evening? Now that the Japanese pirates have not been eliminated, everything must be done with safety in mind. To prevent Japanese pirates from raiding, no city gates are allowed to be opened until the Japanese pirates are eliminated! Moreover, urgent information has just arrived that the defenders of Moling Pass have abandoned the pass, and the Japanese pirates may gather reinforcements to attack at any time. I know that the conditions outside are difficult, and Mr. Zhu may not be used to it with his rich body, but for the sake of the overall situation, I also ask Mr. Zhu to work hard to overcome it. One or two. As the saying goes, only by enduring hardship can one become a master."

Shi Pengfei took a step forward, lay down at the crenellation of the wall, and said to Zhu Ping'an at the foot of the city in a rude and threatening manner.

"Japanese pirates? Hahahahaha!" The Zhejiang army outside the city couldn't help laughing when they heard Shi Pengfei's words.

"What are you laughing at?! What's so funny! This is a serious matter, related to the survival of Yingtian!" Shi Pengfei said shyly.

"Ahem, Mr. Shi, don't worry about the Japanese pirates. We have already brought the Japanese pirates."

Zhu Ping'an coughed, twitched the corners of his mouth slightly, and said to Shi Pengfei on the city with a smile. "

"What?! You brought the Japanese pirates?!" Upon hearing this, Shi Pengfei's face suddenly changed, as if the ground was hot for his feet. He jumped up and took two steps back, almost not knocking the soldier protecting them behind him. Somersault. "

"Master Zhang, Eunuch He, Duke Wei, colleagues, did you hear this? Zhu Ping'an, he said he brought the Japanese pirates!!!!!! He said he brought the Japanese pirates!!!!" Shi Pengfei hurriedly reached out and pointed at Zhu Ping'an outside the city, and said excitedly to Zhang Jing and others.

There are torches and bonfires on the top of the city, and you can pretty much see the action on the city from below.

Seeing Shi Pengfei jumping to point at himself and complaining to Zhang Jing and others, Zhu Ping'an couldn't help but smile. Why did he feel that this guy's behavior was so similar to that in Detective Chinatown? Xiao Yang pointed at Chen He and said, "He slandered me. He is here." Slander Me gave people an inexplicable strong sense of joy, and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Zhu Ping'an!!! You actually have the nerve to laugh! It's so disappointing! You are the number one scholar appointed by the Holy One. The Holy King has been as kind to you as a mountain. The Ming Dynasty has raised you to be successful. How do you repay the Holy One? How did you repay me, Daming?! You actually brought the Japanese pirates!!!! You just said that you had important military information to report to Lord Zhang, Eunuch He and Duke Wei. You just wanted to deceive the city gate!! Are you? Chi Guoguo's betrayal! You are Chi Guoguo's traitor! You are Chi Guoguo's cheating! You are Chi Guoguo's shamelessness! As the saying goes, a person needs face and a tree needs skin. If you don't have face, you won't have skin. Thing! You are even more shameless than Shi Jingtang, who ceded the Sixteen Prefectures of Yanyun and the Khitan, and Qin Hui, who framed Yue Wumu on trumped-up charges! You brought the Japanese pirates. Damn you! How could you have the nerve to say that! "

Shi Pengfei pointed at Zhu Ping'an, became emotional, foamed at the mouth, and quoted a lot of insults and criticisms from classics.

"Fuck your mother's stinky ass!"

"What kind of bastard in the city is scolding our lords! Spewing stinking feces from his mouth! He really needs to be dealt with!"

When the Zhejiang troops under the city heard Shi Pengfei insulting Zhu Ping'an with such unpleasant words, the crowd suddenly became angry and yelled and cursed.

"What?! Haha, you are so angry that you can't hide it anymore?! If you can't deceive the city, it's time to attack the city?!"

Shi Pengfei looked at the angry Zhejiang army below and took a step back. Feeling safe, he sneered and criticized again with sharp words.

"Master Zhu, you are only a young man, but you are already a fifth-grade official. This is a great favor from the emperor. You have a bright future, but don't make mistakes! What can the Japanese pirates give you? Can our court give you more? ?!”

At this time, another official took a step forward and told Zhu Ping'an, who was under the city, heartbroken.

"That's right, isn't it because I didn't let you enter the city to rest in the evening?! As for making you forget your ancestors and invite Japanese into your house?! Zhu Ping'an, you have been bathed in the emperor's grace for generations, and you are where you are today. Don't make any mistakes!"

"Zhu Ping'an, I hope you will rein in your horse and return from the lost path. We will plead with the Holy One to spare your life."

Then two more officials stood on Shi Pengfei's side, and they also scolded Zhu Ping'an below the city with grief.

A bunch of stupid birds.

Zhu Ping'an stretched out his hand to stop the noise of his Zhejiang army, raised his head and twitched the corners of his mouth, and quietly watched the performance of Shi Pengfei and others in the city.

Seeing that someone was supporting him, Shi Pengfei immediately became more energetic and criticized Zhu Pingan at the bottom of the city again, "Zhu Pingan, the reason why your Zhejiang army was able to drive away the Japanese pirates in the evening was because you had surrendered to the Japanese pirates a long time ago, and the Japanese pirates accompanied you to act A scene, right?! Haha, more than a thousand of Hu Yushi’s elite troops were defeated by Japanese pirates. Hundreds of regiments of your Zhejiang Military Region were able to defeat the Japanese pirates. Isn’t this a joke? Haha, it’s clear now. It turns out that It was you, Zhu Ping'an, who had surrendered to the Japanese pirates a long time ago, and the Japanese pirates accompanied you in a play, with the purpose of fraudulently opening the city gate. Fortunately, Zhang Shangshu, Eunuch He, and Wei Guogong acted cautiously and ordered the city gates to be closed tightly, so they were not trapped. Your conspiracy of collusion succeeded! Zhu Pingan, you are truly a disgrace to our generation!"

"What? Master Zhu has surrendered to the Japanese pirates a long time ago?!"

"The reason why the Zhejiang army was able to drive away the Japanese pirates was because the Japanese pirates cooperated in a show to deceive the city gate."

After Shi Pengfei said something, there was an uproar on the city.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

There was a burst of applause from the city. He stood out from the crowd and easily attracted the attention of everyone in the city.

Everyone followed the sound and found that it was Zhu Ping'an who was applauding.

"Master Shi's brain circuit is really admirable." Zhu Pingan applauded and praised with a smile.

"Bah, you still have the nerve to applaud. You are giving up on yourself." Shi Pengfei and others spurned.

"Okay, no more nonsense. Mr. Zhang, Eunuch He, Duke Wei, and all the other lords, soldiers, and fellow villagers have been fighting against Japanese invaders during the day and late at night. Thank you for your hard work. Ping An gave you a big gift. I originally wanted to go to the city to give you a gift. Yes, but it’s the same if you don’t enter the city." Zhu Pingan smiled and arched his hands towards the city, and said loudly.

Then, Zhu Pingan waved his hand and ordered the Zhejiang army, "Push the gifts over and hold up more torches so that the city can see them clearly."

"Bah! Who cares about a gift from a traitor like you!" Shi Pengfei dismissed it.

However, Zhang Jing and others, protected by the soldiers' shields, approached the battlements and looked curiously at the bottom of the city.

Soon, the Zhejiang army under the city pushed eight carriages covered with oilcloths, stopped within a stone's throw, and uncovered the oilcloths.

Then, a handful of torches were gathered around the carriage, illuminating the "gifts" on the carriage clearly.


When they first saw the gifts, everyone in the city was shocked, "Why are they all corpses?!"

"Hey, aren't those the Japanese pirates who attacked the city today? Yes, they are them. I can recognize them even if they turn into ashes."

"It's really a Japanese pirate during the day! I recognize the leading Japanese pirate, it's him!"

"Damn it! It's really the corpse of a Japanese pirate!"

Soon, everyone in the city recognized the corpses of Japanese pirates on the carriage. During the day, the Japanese pirates showed off their power and shot and wounded many soldiers and civilians. The soldiers and civilians in the city hated them so much that they recognized them at a glance.

"One, two, three, four, fifty-six, fifty-seven, not a few of them, all were killed by Master Zhu and his Zhejiang army!"

"All the Japanese pirates have been killed!"

"God finally opened his eyes. All the Japanese pirates were killed by the Zhejiang Army. Victory, Zhejiang Army is awesome!"

"Long live! Long live!"

"Lord Zhu is mighty! The Zhejiang army is mighty! Lord Zhu is mighty! The Zhejiang army is mighty!"

After the soldiers and civilians in the city recognized the corpse of the Japanese pirate, they immediately fell into earth-shattering excitement, and the cheers were like an earthquake.

Seeing the corpse of the Japanese pirate with their own eyes, Zhang Jing, Eunuch He, Duke Wei and others couldn't help but smile in disbelief and surprise. The huge surprise shocked them and they grinned again and again, "Okay, okay, okay."

"How could this happen?" Shi Pengfei's face turned pale, as if he had been struck by lightning, and he collapsed to the ground.

"Open the door, open it, open the door quickly!" It took Zhang Jing, Eunuch He and others a long time to come to their senses and ordered the city gate to be opened.

Immediately, Zhu Pingan and the Zhejiang Army entered Yingtian City amid a burst of earth-shattering cheers, like a king returning.

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