Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1523 Famous in Heaven

In ancient times, the news was not transmitted as quickly as in modern times. The news that all fifty-seven Japanese pirates had been wiped out by the Zhejiang Army had not yet reached the city. Only the village near the city gate heard the earth-shattering shouts of joy on the top of the city. , only knew the news, most areas in the city did not know about this good news, and the city was still shrouded in panic about the threat of Japanese pirates.

Near the Confucius Temple in the city, there is a street called Zhuangyuan Lane. There are many inns and B\u0026Bs in this alley. Many scholars preparing for the imperial examination and provincial examination will rent in this alley, in order to take the name of the street as a good omen.

Of course, there are also some students from Jiangnan who are renting here to prepare for the national examination, and they look forward to ranking among the top three in the national examination next year.

When the Japanese pirates attacked, Zhang Jing and other big bosses ordered the people in the city to help defend the city. Scholars and candidates preparing for the imperial examination had certain privileges and status. Unlike ordinary people, they were naturally exempted from being recruited.

However, although they were exempted from going up to the city wall to help defend the city, they were still too frightened to prepare for the exam when faced with such a big disaster as the Japanese pirates sieging the city.

Gui Youguang is also a member of the Zhuangyuan Lane exam preparation team, and he is quite famous. He is not young anymore, he is forty-six this year. He was a candidate in the 19th year of Jiajing. He was thirty-five years old at the time. The examiner Zhang Zhi admired him very much and called him a "national scholar". He praised him as "Jia Yi and Dong Zhongshu were alive" and ranked him second. Juren, I hope he can get closer, become a Jinshi as soon as possible, serve the court as soon as possible, and give full play to his talents.

However, it is a pity that although he has a comprehensive review of the literature of the three dynasties and the two Han Dynasties, and has read hundreds of schools of thought, and is famous for his talent and prestige, he had poor luck in the exams. He went to Beijing to take the exams several times in a row, but failed in all of them.

After failing the exam again the year before last, he settled in Yingtian Zhuangyuan Lane, where he studied for the exam and lectured. Scholars from hundreds of miles around came here to admire it. Sometimes there were more than ten people, and sometimes there were hundreds of people.

It can be said that there is no scholar in Zhuangyuan Lane who does not know Gui Youguang, and everyone respectfully calls him Mr. Zhenchuan.

When Japanese pirates besieged the city, Gui Youguang was studying the scriptures in seclusion. He was suddenly inspired when he was going to the toilet in the morning, and he had a unique understanding of the meaning of a scripture. After cleaning, he went into seclusion in the study and ordered his servants not to disturb him. . It was already late at night when he was pulled out of the room by three friends.

When he heard that the Japanese pirates were sieging the city, Gui Youguang no longer wanted to study the scriptures, so he went to a secret room with some friends to take shelter temporarily.

The secret room was secluded and private, with food, wine, and vegetables. The four scholars had no interest in learning, and they used the wine to angrily discuss state affairs and current affairs. Of course, the focus of their anger was the Japanese pirates from Shangyu who besieged the city.

"This group of Japanese pirates from Shangyu are simply beasts and inhumane!" A fat scholar put down his wine glass and sighed.

"No, this group of Japanese pirates has committed many crimes in Shangyu, Weizhou, Shexian and other places before. However, it is far away from Yingtian, so the feeling is not that deep, but Jiangning is right under your nose. This group of Japanese pirates committed crimes in Jiangning The numerous murders he committed are too numerous to describe and make people weep with blood! Beasts, beasts!" The long-bearded scholar next to the fat scholar cursed at Wo Guan with red eyes, "It's so tragic, most of the Jiangning camp was killed or injured. Jiangning Town was plunged into a sea of ​​fire, and almost every family had to pay filial piety."

"Nowadays, the troubles caused by Japanese pirates are worse than the troubles caused by Northern pirates. Jiangnan is the granary of our Ming Dynasty, and it is also the money bag of our Ming Dynasty. The Japanese pirates are raging in the south of the Yangtze River. This is digging into the roots of our Ming Dynasty. Thousands of miles away The embankment was destroyed by ant nests, not to mention the harm caused by Japanese pirates is far worse than that of ants!"

Gui Youguang had a far-sighted vision and a sense of urgency. He could not help but sigh when he saw the damage caused by overseas Chinese to the foundation of the Ming Dynasty.

"Mr. Zhenchuan's views are sobering. Japanese pirates are raging in the south of the Yangtze River, and food and taxes are greatly affected. Without food and money, how can we pacify the northern barbarians, how can we pacify the southern border, and how can we pacify all places? The Japanese pirates must do their best. Get rid of it quickly, otherwise, as the teacher said, the foundation of our Ming Dynasty will be damaged!"

The fat scholar was immediately inspired and nodded vigorously, agreeing with Gui Youguang's comments.

"However, it is not easy to get rid of the Japanese pirates as soon as possible!!! The Japanese pirates have been infested for many years, and they have only become more and more serious. From the southeast to Shandong, there is no hope of the Japanese pirates subsiding. And this time, this group of Japanese pirates Landing from Shangyu, we penetrated deep into the mainland of our Ming Dynasty, spanning more than a thousand miles, and defeated more than ten states and counties. Until today, we have broken through Jiangning and surrounded our Liuyingtian! This is the capital of Liuzhou!"

The last thin scholar shook his head and let out a long sigh, showing dissatisfaction and helplessness.

"Brother Zhengtai, things happened in a hurry this time. The Japanese pirates from Shangyu suddenly came to Yingtian. We knew nothing about the enemy's situation. Yingtian was in panic all over the city, and both the army and the people were frightened. That's why the fat scholar explained.

When the thin scholar heard Ji, he couldn't help but sneered, "What happened in a hurry?! Where was the rush! Didn't Zhu Ping'an, the Minister of Prosecution and Prosecution of Jiangsu and Zhejiang Province, warn you three days ago?! You're not a carnivore!"

"Zhu Pingan?! But Zhu Zihou, the top scholar in the last Enke Examination?! I have read all his masterpieces in the provincial examination and the general examination. I am really ashamed of myself." Gui Youguang sat upright when he heard Zhu Pingan's name. He asked eagerly, "Brother Zhengtai, you just said that he issued a warning three days ago. What happened?"

"This is how it is to be innocent." The thin scholar told Gui Youguang the whole story in detail, focusing on the story of how Zhu Pingan's warning was ridiculed as a joke.

After hearing the whole story, Gui Youguang sighed for a long time, with regret, anger, and various emotions filling his chest.

Zhu Ping'an's warning was spread throughout half the sky, and only Gui Youguang, who was present, didn't know about it.

"Actually, even if there is no warning from Zhu Ping'an, so what! Husband, the defense of the capital cannot be said to be unsecure. On weekdays, the nobles and nobles are riding along the road, and the soldiers are asking for 80,000 yuan of food every month. Just for today. Today, five Seventeen thugs knocked on the door, even if the emperor is like this, he would rather bring shame to the court!" The long-bearded scholar put down the teacup vigorously and cursed sadly. +

"What? You said fifty-seven?! There are only fifty-seven Japanese pirates?" When Gui Youguang heard fifty-seven Japanese pirates, he suddenly lost his grip on the wine glass in his hand and dropped it to the ground. He looked at San San in disbelief. People seek proof.

The long-bearded scholar and others nodded vigorously.

"Fifty-seven, fifty-seven, hahahaha." When Gui Youguang heard this, his jaw almost dropped, and his outlook was completely destroyed. He couldn't help but laugh angrily. He smiled and suddenly clapped his chest hard with both hands. , looked up to the sky and sighed, tears falling like rain.


The three people in the room couldn't help feeling the same and let out a long sigh.

"Mr. Zhenchuan, I'm so happy, so happy." At this moment, an excited voice suddenly came from outside.

Then, a scholar pushed the door open and broke the news to Gui Youguang and others, unable to control his emotions, saying, "Fifty-seven Japanese pirates have been sentenced to death. The inspector general, Zhu Ping'an, led the army and wiped them out. No one was spared." , killed them all, and brought all the corpses. Now, Mr. Zhu has led the Zhejiang army into the city."

"What?! Are you serious about this?!" Gui Youguang and others stood up in a hurry, their faces full of surprise and excitement.

"It's true, it couldn't be more true. The Japanese pirates were showing off their power during the day. None of the soldiers or civilians in the city had seen them. These Japanese pirates could be recognized even if they turned into ashes. They were all confirmed. They are definitely the corpses of Japanese pirates."

The scholar looked certain.

"Oh my God, this is so great. Zhu Ping'an deserves to be the number one scholar, and he is truly a role model for our generation! It should come to light!"

"It's so clear!"

Gui Youguang and others were overjoyed, and the secret room became a sea of ​​joy.

There are countless scenes like this in Yingtian City, and the whole of Yingtian is caught in a huge surprise. Zhu Ping'an's name is suddenly known to everyone.

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