Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1524 My good minister

The white snow is inlaid with the red wall, and pieces of it fall into pieces.

This is the first snow in Xiyuan since the beginning of winter this year. The red walls and golden tiles of the palace turned white overnight. After the snow, Xiyuan is pure white, making the already majestic and cold Xiyuan even more chilly.

Groups of palace maids and eunuchs, under the command of the steward eunuchs and female officials, cleared the snow in the palace courtyards to make it easier for the nobles to travel.

The palace people were cleaning carefully, not to mention whispering to each other. They didn't even dare to make a sound. It felt like they were controlling the brooms and baskets in their hands with their lives, and they must not let them make the slightest sound.

The whole Xiyuan was very depressed.

Why? Without him, the owner of Xiyuan, Emperor Jiajing, was furious this morning. Not only did he not eat breakfast, he also smashed all the dishes that contained breakfast to pieces, and even threw the table away.

The reason why Emperor Jiajing was so furious was not that the breakfast cooked in the imperial dining room was not to his liking (on the contrary, today's breakfast was very successful, with all the color, flavor and taste, which made Emperor Jiajing's fingers twitch), but because an urgent letter of 800 miles was expedited. Military intelligence.

At that time, Emperor Jiajing had just had two bites of breakfast, and his appetite was whetted. When he was about to enjoy it, a servant presented him with an urgent military report of eight hundred miles.

Emperor Jiajing opened it and took one look at it, then he couldn't help howling angrily. He put the ginseng porridge in his hand that he was praising with his backhand on the table. He was so angry that he threw all the dishes to the ground, and even He even knocked the table away!

"Trash, trash, Jiangnan's officialdom is full of trash. It betrays my trust in you! It betrays my good intentions for you!"

Emperor Jiajing roared angrily, almost blowing off the roof of the house. How could the palace people dare to touch Emperor Jiajing's troubles? They all wanted to shrink into ants and crawl into the cracks in the ground to escape Emperor Jiajing's thunderous wrath.

The young eunuch who presented the urgent military information from 800 miles away had an ashen face. He knelt on the ground tremblingly to plead guilty. He kowtowed as if he were pounding garlic. While kowtowing, he cried and said, "My slave deserves to die. My slave deserves to die. Your Majesty, please forgive me."

After Emperor Jiajing beat him to vent his anger, he caught a glimpse of the young eunuch kneeling down to plead guilty, and walked over with a gloomy look on his face.

The little eunuch listened to the approaching footsteps of Emperor Jiajing as if listening to the footsteps of the God of Death. When Emperor Jiajing stopped in front of him, his heart was filled with despair.

"Go to Wuyi Hall and bring the ministers who are on duty to me!"

Emperor Jiajing's scolding sounded from the little eunuch's head, and the little eunuch suddenly felt like he had escaped from death.

Soon, the little eunuch walked backwards from the ground and walked out of the palace, got up and ran all the way to Wuyi Hall to deliver the order.

Soon, Yan Song, Xu Jie and several ministers were ordered to meet the saint.

Seeing the palace in a mess, Yan Song, Xu Jie and others suddenly felt nervous. They had already asked the young eunuch about the general situation on the way. Now it seems that the wrath of the Holy Emperor is even worse than imagined.

Why is the Holy One angry? As cabinet ministers, they all have nine orifices in their minds, many ears and eyes, and they know everything in their hearts.

The barbarians in the north continued to fight, but they did not cause much of a fight. On the contrary, the Japanese invasion in the south of the Yangtze River became more and more serious. Every now and then, urgent reports of the Japanese invasion arrived in the capital from eight hundred miles south of the Yangtze River.

Not long ago, there happened to be an urgent report from the south eight hundred miles away about the Japanese invasion. The Holy Emperor's anger must be related to this report.

However, what exactly was written in this urgent letter actually made the Holy Emperor so angry.

Although the Japanese invasion in Jiangnan is becoming more and more serious, it is still within control. Is it possible that major changes have occurred in the Japanese invasion in Jiangnan and it is no longer under control? ! Could it be that the Japanese invaded Jiangnan in a large scale? !

While Yan Song, Xu Jie and others were making prostrations to see Emperor Jiajing, they were brainstorming urgently to deal with it later.

"This is the eight-hundred-mile express that was just delivered. Take a look and see how my good ministers helped me solve my problems in Jiangnan!"

Emperor Jiajing used his feet to kick the balled up Eight Hundred Miles toward Yan Song and others, and sneered in a sinister manner.

Yan Song bowed and took two steps forward, picked up the eight hundred miles on the ground, unfolded it and looked at it carefully.

"More than a hundred Japanese pirates landed in Shangyu, Shaoxing, and attacked Kuaiji. Liu Xi, the prefect of Shaoxing, and Xu Ziyi, a member of the Qianhu household, led 3,000 troops to encircle and suppress them. The Japanese pirates broke out, killed Qian Jing, the censor who had returned to his hometown, rampaged through Hangzhou Prefecture, and plundered Qian, Changhua County and two counties, marched westward to plunder Chun'an County, left Zhejiang, and entered She County, Huizhou Prefecture. The five hundred officers and soldiers guarding the pass in Huizhou collapsed and fled. Fifty-seven Japanese pirates broke into Jiangning, defeated Yingtian's blocking army, and killed four More than a hundred people, Japanese chieftains in red clothes and yellow caps, riding big horses, led the prisoners to the Ande Gate of Tianda. In response to the emergency, we hereby report it."

Yan Song only glanced at it and couldn't help but take a breath of cold air, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

No wonder the Holy One was so angry that the Japanese pirates invaded and stayed in Yingtian! The Japanese chief also wore red clothes and yellow caps, arrogantly offending the Holy One!

Yan Song hurriedly read it and handed the eight hundred miles to Xu Jie who was standing aside. Xu Jie couldn't wait to take it and looked at it, and then he also took a breath of cold air. No wonder the emperor was so angry that a mere hundred Japanese pirates moved to fight thousands of miles away. More than ten cities were destroyed, thousands of officers and soldiers were killed, and finally they attacked Yingtian with only fifty-seven soldiers.

After Xu Jie read it, he passed the eight hundred miles to the people behind him. Then, there were gasps one after another.

"You have seen it, you have all seen it, this is my good minister! Very good, very good! A mere fifty-seven Japanese pirates can control the areas of Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Nanzhili in the south of the Ming Dynasty, and fight for thousands of miles. , acted unscrupulously, as if entering an uninhabited land! In the end, he braved the disapproval of the world and brazenly attacked Yingtian, where I stayed! How many ministers and soldiers were there in Jiangnan, and they actually let a mere fifty-seven Japanese pirates attack Yingtian? Haha, that’s great! I want to thank these fifty-seven Japanese pirates, and I want to highly commend these fifty-seven Japanese pirates, because they let me see how good the ministers in Jiangnan really are!"

Emperor Jiajing walked slowly to Yan Song and others, gritted his teeth and let out a strange roar.

Emperor Jiajing was so angry that fifty-seven Japanese pirates crossed the Ming Dynasty for thousands of miles, and finally attacked Yingtian. The face of the Ming Dynasty was severely trampled and rubbed under the feet of this group of Japanese pirates, and the face of Emperor Jiajing was also severely beaten by the Japanese pirates. Rub it under your feet.

This feeling, this humiliation, is even worse than the year before last when Chief Hu from the North came to the capital with his troops! At the very least, Anda, the chief Hu of the North, led 30,000 Mongolian cavalry back then! As for the Japanese pirates, there were only fifty-seven of them!

How ironic and unbelievable!

If it hadn't been for the urgent need of eight hundred miles, Emperor Jiajing would have even suspected that this was a joke made by some bold bastard!

"Your Majesty, please calm down, I will be punished by death!"

Yan Song, Xu Jie and others knelt down to apologize.

"Get up, it's not you who deserve to die!" Emperor Jiajing had a stinky face and waved his hand coldly.

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