Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1537: Overcrowded with people asking for medicine

How popular is the Secret Knife Creation Medicine? !

It is no exaggeration to say that the name of Secret Technique Knife and Medicine spread quickly in almost a day.

For a time, the secret knife-creating medicine became a hot commodity. In particular, after the soldiers in various military camps in Yingtian faced the Japanese pirates from Shangyu, they were frightened by the ferocity of the Japanese pirates and the cruelty of the war. The Japanese invasion has become more and more serious recently, and they know that the number of times they will face and fight Japanese pirates will definitely increase in the future.

Therefore, every soldier in each battalion would like to have a pack of secret knife sore medicine to increase the probability of surviving on the battlefield.

In addition, in the city's medical circle, doctors such as Dr. Liu, Dr. Wang, and Dr. Li appeared and gave their own opinions, and there was also a craze in researching secret methods of knife-creation and medicine. One doctor privately bought two packs from the military quartermaster for 10 taels of silver. Secret knife creates medicine and wants to study craftsmanship. As a result, because the secret medicine is powdered medicine, there must be no flaw in any of its ingredients, proportions, processing methods, heat, etc. Otherwise, the life-saving medicine will become a life-threatening medicine. Just two packets of medicine powder cannot be used at all. Research it out

If you can't find out what to do with the secret knife wound medicine, you can only buy ready-made medicine. Buy more and stock up. If you encounter knife wounds in the future, the treatment will be twice the result with half the effort. If there is no secret knife-creating medicine in your own medicine hall, you can imagine that in terms of treating knife wounds, it will definitely not be as good as those medicine halls that have secret knife-creating medicine. Over time, the medicine hall will be abandoned by the public.

Therefore, large and small medical clinics, medicine halls, and pharmacies that were established also wanted to purchase the secret knife sore medicine.

In short, for a while, the secret knife sore medicine became one of the most popular products in Yingtian City.

However, there are secret magic knife-creating medicines for sale on the market. In the Zhenwu Camp, Shuijun Camp, Pioneer Camp and other camps, many of the secret knives and medicines given to them by Zhu Ping'an were secretly sold by generals and quartermasters at high prices ranging from five taels to ten taels of silver.

However, this small amount of smuggled goods is far from meeting people's growing and huge needs.

Through various channels and various connections, people finally found out that the secret medicine for sores was produced by Master Zhu Ping'an of the Zhejiang Army. Moreover, people also found out that the Zhejiang Army intended to sell the secret knife-creating medicine to external parties.

If you want to buy the secret medicine for knife sores, you can only go to Zhejiang Army.

As a result, early the next morning, the temporary camp of the Zhejiang Army was already overcrowded.

The people in front of the temporary camp of the Zhejiang Army include soldiers, doctors, bodyguards, ordinary people with injured families, butlers sent by wealthy families, etc. They all come to the Zhejiang Army camp with the intention of buying. A person who creates medicine with a secret sword.

As soon as people arrived at the temporary station of the Zhejiang Army and saw the heavily guarded camp, they almost couldn't help but open their mouths in surprise.

Outside the military camp, there are antlers, trenches, wooden fences and horse-drawn carriages to form a temporary fence.

From time to time, there are soldiers in armor patrolling the inside of the wall. Without permission, no bird can fly into the military camp.

"The military camp is an important place, and outsiders are not allowed to enter without an adult's warrant!"

There is a general guarding the camp gate with a sharp knife. His face is expressionless, he strictly enforces military discipline, and he refuses to accept hard or soft orders. He insists that no one can enter the camp gate without a warrant from the commander-in-chief Zhu Ping'an Zhu! The people outside are either asking for mercy or trying to bribe. , or using relationships to get close, etc., even after exhausting all means, they still failed to make the gatekeeper open the school net.

"Why is this Zhejiang Army barracks different from other military camps? It looks so strict."

"It's not that bad. This is just a temporary camp for the Zhejiang Army. Antlers have been set up outside, trenches have been dug, and fences have been erected. The walls of the camp are impeccably built. Even if you want to find an opening to get in, you can't find it. The gatekeeper general is there again. He's a black-faced guy who doesn't take any soft or hard food. Let alone buying medicine, it's hard to get in."

The people outside the camp couldn't help but sigh. Some of them came from the military camp, and many of them had been to the military camp. How can I put it, other military camps felt to them like a sieve leaking air everywhere, but what about the Zhejiang Army's camp? , like an airtight copper wall.

Although it is a temporary camp, it is much more heavily guarded than permanent camps such as Zhenwu Camp.

"Look, there's training going on inside. Hey, why are you singing? It's really different from other military camps."

While people were waiting outside, they heard bursts of loud slogans, drums, footsteps, and shouts coming from the military camp. Through the fence, they could vaguely see running and training inside the military camp.

Soon, people heard bursts of loud and masculine military songs coming from inside:

I'm a soldier;

Coming from the common people, bathing in the emperor’s kindness

Defeat the Japanese invaders and eliminate the Hulu Hun;

I'm a soldier

Love the king and the people

The fiery war tested my stance and became firmer

Hehe, hold the weapon tightly and see clearly

Who dares to invade my home

Beat him resolutely without mercy.

After listening to the Zhejiang Army's loud military song, the people gathered outside the camp couldn't help but sigh with emotion again.

"Listen, no wonder the Zhejiang Army was able to stand up and fight the Japanese pirates when the entire city's defenders were cowering in fear. Listen to what they sang, 'I am a soldier, from the common people, defeat the Japanese invaders, love You love the people.' This song really touched my heart."

"The coach of the Zhejiang Army, Mr. Zhu, was born as a champion. This easy-to-understand but touching military song must have been written by the champion. The champion really deserves to be the champion. He actually thought of using military songs to teach his officers to love." You love the people and defeat the Japanese pirates."

"No wonder Master Zhu can predict the movements of Japanese pirates several days in advance. He really understands military affairs. The construction of this barracks is all about rules and regulations. This training method is also innovative, which is amazing."

"Master Zhu allowed Wen and Wu to win. Yun Wen can be the number one scholar, and Yun Wu can destroy the Japanese pirates. He also introduced a miracle medicine for treating trauma. Such a number one scholar is unprecedented and unprecedented."

People were filled with emotion after listening to the Zhejiang Army's loud military song, and they had a little more respect for Zhu Pingan and the Zhejiang Army.

Just when everyone was sighing, there was movement in the military camp. After a burst of footsteps, more than ten soldiers walked out of the camp gate, carrying three promotional display boards in their hands.

The leading general is Liu Mu.

Liu Mu left the military camp, clasped his fists and saluted the people waiting outside the camp, and said loudly: "You have come all the way to buy my camp's secret knife and medicine. My lord was originally prepared to meet you in person. However, there is an emergency in the capital. The official document needs to be processed by my lord immediately. Therefore, my lord is unable to get away to meet with you. Please forgive me. Your lord specifically asked me to express my gratitude to you on behalf of your lord for trusting my camp's secret knife and medicine. Thank you for your trust. . I believe that you have all seen or heard about the efficacy of our secret knife-creating medicine, and I will definitely not betray your trust."

"Master Zhu is so polite. Master Zhu and Guijun are our benefactors. We naturally believe in Master Zhu and Guijun, and we have all seen the miraculous efficacy of your secret medicine. We are here this time. I am harassing your army because I am here to buy the secret medicine, and I hope your army will fulfill my wish."

People clasped their fists in return and asked for medicine.

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