Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1549 Two snackers

In Shuntian, the capital, the light snow that had been falling for two days and two nights finally stopped. The long-lost sun showed half of its pretty face from below the horizon, and the warm and comfortable sunshine finally met everyone again.

Both inside and outside the city are enchanting.

However, there is not a single piece of snow in the Jingxiang Garden of Linhuai Marquis Mansion. It seems that the snow girl has favored the Jingxiang Garden and deliberately avoided the Jingxiang Garden when it snows.

"Sweep carefully again, and there won't be even a single snowflake. The sun has come out, and the lady will definitely come out to bask in the sun later. There are steps in the corridors of the courtyard, and they are all covered with blankets to prevent them from slipping and making the lady sink. , but we can’t make any mistakes, otherwise I won’t be able to afford to peel off your skin.”

The eldest girl Qin'er, wearing a brand new fox fur cloak, directed the little girls to clean the courtyard over and over again to make sure not a single snowflake could be seen. Then she nodded with satisfaction and asked the old lady to pave the aisles and steps again. I got on the big red wool blanket and carefully smoothed out the wrinkles along the aisles and steps to secure the blanket firmly. I walked up and back twice to make sure nothing was missing before giving up.

Slowly, the sun went up and it became warm outside.

In the main house of the park, the gorilla felt door curtain was opened, and several girls walked out of the house, surrounded by a very pregnant and pretty young woman. They carefully supported the young woman as if they were treating a national first-level protected animal. arm.

The young woman wears gold-plated thick-soled sheepskin boots, a peach-blossom-strewn crane velvet jacket, a sable snow hat decorated with gems, and a flaming red fox fur cloak. What's more, the young woman has fair skin, beautiful face, and a pair of smart eyes. She is full of cunning, her little cherry mouth is red, and she is so beautiful that she looks like a walking fairy.

It was Li Shu.

At this time, under the flaming red fox fur cloak, Li Shu's belly was obviously bulging, and she looked very pregnant. She subconsciously stretched out a pink hand to carefully protect her belly while walking, full of the glory of a pregnant mother.

"Keke, Qin'er, you don't have to be so nervous. It's as if I have really become the protected animal in Brother Zhu's mouth."

Li Shu was protected by everyone like a national protected animal, and she couldn't help but raise the corners of her lips and giggled.

"Miss, you are not alone now, but there are three of us. We are all very valuable, so we cannot be too careful. My uncle wrote to us last time and specifically told us to take good care of Miss."

The eldest girl Qin'er carefully supported Li Shu and said seriously, not allowing Li Shu to refuse.

"You listen to him, or you should listen to me." Li Shu said angrily.

"I think it's good for Miss." Qin'er stuck out her tongue and replied cleverly.

"You, I don't know how much more thoughtful you are than Hua'er. If it were Hua'er, you must have been confused by the question, haha."

Li Shu covered her lips and smiled.

At the mention of silly and cute paintings, Qin'er also covered her mouth and laughed.

"Miss, look, the sun is so warm outside." The eldest girl Qin'er squinted her eyes and looked at the sun, her brows beaming with joy.

"It's quite warm. I can finally come out for some air." Li Shu also smiled. She had been suffocating in the house with Xiaoxue for the past two days, and now she can finally come out to breathe fresh air.

"Miss, why don't I have someone set up a soft couch in the courtyard, and surround it with colorful curtains to block the wind? You can sit on the soft couch and bask in the sun for a while. Miss slept less last night, so she should make up for it. Sleep."

The eldest girl Qin'er felt warm and lazy while basking in the sun. She suddenly had an idea and suggested to Li Shu.

"Well, that's a good idea. I guess the two little guys were so excited and fussy yesterday when they heard the news that Brother Zhu had made another meritorious service. We were kicked awake by the two little guys right after we fell asleep. We thought they were hungry. I got up in the middle of the night and gave them a late-night snack, but it still didn't work. After finishing the late-night snack, I lay down and was about to fall asleep when the two of them woke me up. It was almost dawn before I stopped. I have dark circles under my eyes." Li Shu gently patted her pregnant belly with her little hand and said softly.

Early yesterday morning, reports on the Yingtian Japanese pirate war spread in the capital. The most outstanding news was the news that Zhu Ping'an led the Zhejiang army to completely wipe out the Japanese pirates who invaded Yingtian. After the Linhuai Marquis Mansion received the news, it immediately Informed Li Shu.

After hearing this, Li Shu was naturally in high spirits and very happy. She was so happy that she almost moved her fetus.

Li Shu was happy and enjoyed the natural joy and celebration of the garden.

The whole day yesterday, the Jingxiang Garden was in a happy and festive atmosphere, decorated with lanterns and colorful lights, as if it was the Chinese New Year.

Seeing her young lady patting her belly, Qin'er hurriedly said nervously, "Miss, be gentle."

"You have only been friends with them for a few months, but you grew up with me. We have been friends for more than ten years. They made me sleep poorly, but you helped them bully me." Li Shu said jokingly.

"I'm not helping them bully the young lady. They are still in the young lady's belly. When the young lady pats them, she is just patting herself. I feel sorry for the young lady." Qin'er blinked and said with a giggle.

"Sophistry." Li Shu laughed and cursed.

Soon, the maids and old ladies set up the soft couch and the colorful curtain in the courtyard. Qin'er helped Li Shu get on the soft couch. After Li Shu lay down, Qin'er half sat on the soft couch and helped Li Shu gently massaged her calves.

"It's warm and smells like sunshine." Li Shu lay on the soft couch and hummed comfortably.

Li Shu lay lazily on the soft couch, and her bulging belly suddenly moved significantly.

"Giggle, the young masters must also like it." Qin'er saw Li Shu's fetal movement and couldn't help covering her mouth and laughing.

"These two little ones are full of sleep and are having fun again." Li Shu put her hand on her forehead and rolled her eyes helplessly.

She had just fallen asleep and was about to catch up on another night's sleep when the two little guys started moving again.

Fortunately, after the two little guys moved for a while, they became quiet.

Li Shu basked in the sun and slowly fell asleep. Under the sunlight, her pretty face shone.

Seeing her young lady falling asleep and her swollen belly also calming down, Qin'er couldn't help but whispered in surprise, "The two young masters also felt sorry for the young lady. They knew that the young lady didn't sleep well last night and wanted to catch up on her sleep, so they told her After a good morning, I stayed by myself so that the lady could have a good sleep."

Li Shu slept for two full hours before waking up from her dream to the sound of birds chirping.

"Miss is awake." Qin'er carefully served Li Shu and said softly, "My maid asked the kitchen to make a hot shabu-shabu, using the bottom of the pot made of boiled black chicken soup, and cut a plate of Ningxia Tan Mutton, a plate of venison from outside China, a plate of local yellow beef, and a plate of Yangtze River anchovy and fish dumplings, together with white cabbage, leeks, eggplant, radish, straw mushrooms, fungus, and vegetables grown in hot springs outside the city."

When Qin'er announced the name of the dish, Li Shu's bulging belly moved again. Li Shu couldn't help but touch her belly, squinted her eyes and smiled, "Gee, it makes me happy when I hear it. It seems they can't wait any longer." . What a two-bit snack."

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