Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1550: One pregnancy and three years of stupidity

The smokeless charcoal lit up a red flame, kissing the copper-colored shabu-shabu passionately. The white black-bone chicken soup gurgled in the pot, red meat slices, green vegetables, white lotus roots, brown pine mushrooms, black fungus, milk White shad fillets, as well as plump and crystal-clear quail eggs. Floating up and down in the soup pot.

The two little girls were still peeling shrimps, opening oysters, unpacking abalones, cutting sea cucumbers, and putting them into the hot pot from time to time to roll together.

As the ingredients rolled, a burst of delicious aroma overflowed, rushing towards the face, making people's lips and teeth twitch.

"It's moving, it's moving, it's moving again. It seems that the young masters are so greedy." Qin'er counted Li Shu's fetal movements. Seeing the fetal movements becoming more and more frequent, she giggled and narrowed her eyes.

"These two little things are the same as Brother Zhu when he was a child. They can't walk when they see delicious food."

Li Shu couldn't help squinting her eyes, her small cherry mouth slightly raised, forming a beautiful arc.

"Hehehe, miss, take a quick bite, if you don't eat, the young master will be turned upside down."

Qin'er took the prepared sesame sauce dipping sauce, boiled a piece of mutton, dipped it in the sesame sauce, and handed it to Li Shu graciously.

Li Shu opened her red lips slightly, brushed the entrance of the mutton, squinted her eyes slightly, and chewed it carefully. After using it, she picked up the embroidered handkerchief with her right hand and gently wiped the corners of her lips. She smiled at Qin'er and other girls, "The taste is not punctured."

Qin'er waited for the girls to dance happily as if they had received the highest reward in the world.

Sure enough, after a mouthful of boiled mutton, the two little guys were appeased, and the fetal movement became gentle.

Li Shu made fun of the snack food again.

In the twelfth lunar month of winter, when the cold wind blows gently, it is really a small blessing to enjoy the hot shabu-shabu in the curtain.

"Ah, Fifth Sister really knows how to enjoy it. The curtains, the soft couch, and the shabu-shabu are really enviable."

While Li Shu was enjoying the shabu-shabu, Hu Di heard a female voice with a long tail coming from the door.

You don't need to look to know that she is Miss Six.

Sure enough, Li Shu looked up and saw Miss Six walking over with an envious and jealous look on her face. She was wearing a bright red feather satin double-breasted gown, a gorilla felt, a jade hairpin in her hair, and jasper on her forehead.

Miss Six indeed looked envious and jealous.

Once envious, jealous and hated, the fifth brother-in-law of the native turtle has made meritorious service again, and he is already at the fifth rank, and if he is promoted again, he will reach the fourth rank. For such a young fourth-grade official, her fiancée couldn't even catch up with her. I heard people say that there are not many people like the fifth brother-in-law who are like the country turtle since the founding of the Ming Dynasty.

The second one is envious and jealous. The village girl Sixth Sister's belly is so promising that if she gets pregnant, she will be the chosen twin.

The third one is envious and jealous. When other people are pregnant, their figures are out of shape and their appearance is reduced. Why is it that the village girl Sixth Sister is pregnant and only has a fat belly and a little more flesh on her face, but she is even more beautiful than before, as if. My breasts have also become bigger, and my femininity has increased several times. I am really pissed off!

Si was envious and jealous. Although the village girl Six Sisters stopped wearing jewelry after she became pregnant, the flaming red fox fur she wore was extraordinary. Brown-red and brown fox furs were common, but such a red flaming fox fur was rare. See, it’s more expensive than white fox fur. You must know that in ancient times, Lord Mengchang had a white fox fur, which was recorded in "Historical Records". The village girl Sixth Sister actually wore a flaming red fox fur that was more valuable than Lord Mengchang's white fox fur! Do you think it's annoying?! Even a village girl is worthy of it! If I wear it, it’s almost the same.

I heard that the third uncle was doing business with some Folangji people in Nanyang, and he did not hesitate to spend thousands of dollars to buy it. He even sent ten people to escort him all the way from the south to the capital at high speed, thousands of miles away.

The travel expenses cost hundreds of taels of silver!

What can I say? It’s getting cold. I’m afraid my pregnant daughter will be frozen.

It’s true, Third Uncle, you spoiled a village girl like the eldest princess of the Ming Dynasty! Even the princess didn’t have as much comfort as she did!

She deserves it too!

Wu was envious, jealous, and resentful that the village girl Sixth Sister actually enjoyed it so much after she got pregnant. Others were so pregnant that they vomited so much that they wished they could vomit even if they drank water, but she seemed to be fine. She ate and drank well and was not affected at all!


I'm furious!

"Hey, you rare visitor, what brings the sixth sister to my place?" Li Shu asked lazily.

"My younger sister has long wanted to come and see the fifth elder sister. However, the weather has been gloomy and it snowed again two days ago. My younger sister was afraid that the coolness would be too cold for her elder sister, so she resisted and didn't come. Today the weather is sunny, and our ancestors are concerned about the fifth elder sister again. My sister is in bad health, so my sister took the initiative to ask for a job and came to visit her." The sixth lady suppressed the deep envy, jealousy and hatred in her heart, forced a smile, and replied sweetly.

"Gee, Grandpa Lao and my sister are worried about me. Uncle Zhang came to see me the day before yesterday. I am in good health, and the two little ones are in stable fetal condition." Li Shu touched her pregnant belly with her hand and said with a smile.

"Fifth sister, although the fetus is stable, you can't be careless. After all, you have two little babies in your belly. Our ancestors feel sorry for your big belly, and you have to take care of it inside and outside. Thinking of letting me be your sister. I'll help you look after the shop outside. My sister also wants to help her," Miss Six said kindly.

Hearing this, Li Shu couldn't help but rolled her eyes and said, "Why did you come over here? It turned out that you wanted to attack my shop."

Why do you feel sorry for me because I have a big belly? You want to kindly help me take care of the shop, but you don’t want to be a white wolf with nothing. If I let you look at it, you will see the shop as an empty shell in a short time.

Now, even the ancestors have intervened regardless of their dignity. It seems that the financial situation of the Hou Mansion has reached a certain level.

it seems ok

Thinking of this, Li Shu couldn't help but show a bright smile, and affectionately waved her pink hands to the sixth lady, and said with a moved face: "Thank you ancestors and sister for your concern. My sister is caring. My heart is touched. My sister is happy." Come and sit down. Qin'er is going to get a set of tableware. Last time, Eunuch Feng in the palace returned a set of Jingdezhen tableware, whichever one I will use. There is also a set of ivory chopsticks sent by my father. I also got a pair. "

They look like sisters, so close that no biological sisters are so close.

Faced with Li Shu's enthusiasm, Miss Six was stunned. Who am I?! Where am I? What am I going to do?

Miss Six was originally prepared to receive Li Shu's cynicism. After all, she came here in the name of her ancestors and in the name of helping Li Shu share the burden, but she actually wanted to get involved in Li Shu's shop.

She felt that Li Shu was so smart that he must have noticed it. She just hoped that the name of her ancestors could suppress her, or she would sneer at her. As long as she could get her hands on one or two shops, it would be worth it.

However, I never expected that Li Shu would be so enthusiastic?!

This was completely beyond Miss Six's expectations!

Miss Six was confused!

Does the fifth sister really think that I am really kind-hearted to help her look after the shop and share the burden for her? !

One pregnancy makes you stupid for three years? !

Is it really that smart? !

After pregnancy, has the IQ been lowered by the two babies? !

This is really great! ! !

After thinking about it for a while, the sixth lady couldn't help but feel happy. She had her hands on her hips and laughed to the sky. She had already begun to envision the scene of getting involved in Li Shu's shop and filling her own pockets to transport gold and silver.

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