Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1551 Excited Miss Six

"Sister, sit down quickly, good sister, try this venison, it is the most nourishing and beautifying, sister."

Hand in hand, Li Shu pulled Miss Six to the soft couch and sat down, mixed a plate of secret sauce for her by herself, and enthusiastically served her two slices of the fattest venison in the hot pot with serving chopsticks.

In short, they are extremely affectionate, as if they were moved by Miss Six's words just now.

The Sixth Miss of the Hou Mansion sat on the soft couch kindly, and before she could react, a mouthful of venison slices dipped in sauce was stuffed into her small mouth. It seems that the fifth sister has been perfected by me

His acting skills were conquered.

Hey hey.

It's good to be pregnant for three years.

Immediately, the villain in Miss Six's heart crossed her hips triumphantly, looked up to the sky and smiled, roaring like a little fox who stole a chicken.

cough cough

No, I have to control myself and not laugh out loud, or it will be bad if the fifth sister of the village girl finds out.

Miss Six tried her best to control herself, but the corners of her mouth still curved involuntarily.

Looking at the curvature of Miss Six's mouth, Li Shu's mouth curved into a beautiful curvature.

"Good sister, eat more." Li Shu squinted her eyes, adding vegetables and meat from time to time, loving like a wolf grandmother.

"Fifth sister, you are too kind to me. Originally, I was going to help you share two shops, but now I decided to bite the bullet and help you share another shop. Fifth sister, don't worry, I will help you look after it." Miss Six Chewing the venison in his mouth, he said vaguely, as if my sister treated me well, and I gritted my teeth and wanted to help my sister share more.

"Thank you, sister." Li Shu touched her lips with an embroidered handkerchief in her slender hands.

If you don't cover it, you can't help but laugh out loud.

"Sister and I are being polite, this is what a younger sister should do." Miss Six said vaguely with her small mouth.

"However, I don't have to bother my sister to grit her teeth and worry about the shop. I don't care about the shop on weekdays. I leave it to the shopkeeper to take care of it. It's fine for the accountant to reconcile the accounts every month. I don't have to worry about it." Li Shu said Sixth Miss said softly as she picked up the vegetables.


Miss Six was stunned for a moment, her cheeks stopped chewing, and the venison in her mouth was no longer fragrant.

You, hum!

The hateful fifth sister of the village girl must be playing me on purpose! Pretend to be a good sister on purpose, just to reject me at this moment, hateful, hateful, so hateful!

Miss Six's face fell instantly, and she was about to get up to fight back when she heard Li Shu speak again.

"Although I don't need to trouble my sister to take care of the shop, there is one thing my sister wants to ask my sister to help me. If a good sister can help my sister, my sister will be very grateful."

Li Shu said leisurely.

Hearing the words "Thank you so much", Miss Six raised half of her buttocks and fell down again. She coughed, and a smile formed on her lowered face, "Ahem, why don't you thank me so much? Yes, my sister said this, and I saw it. Oh, by the way, what is my sister talking about?"

Miss Six didn't say whether to agree or not, but asked something first, if it was profitable, she would agree, if it was not profitable, she would not agree, and sometimes she just made excuses to shirk.

"Good sister, you also know that my sister comes from the countryside and likes to be quiet," Li Shu said leisurely.

Hearing Li Shu say that she came from the countryside, Miss Six couldn't help but raise her swan-like chin proudly, and hummed in her heart, you still know that you are a village girl from the countryside...

"I heard that there is a 'Zizai Building' that also operates a board and lodging business near the Dajue Temple in the outer city. The location is remote and the business is not very good." Li Shu continued.

It's not just that the business is not very good, it is simply too bad, losing money every day, every month, every year.

During this period of time, since the second and third misses are all married, the sixth miss has also studied with Mrs. Linhuai Hou and participated in running the house. She still knows very well about this money-losing restaurant.

If you pay every day, you will lose at least ten taels of silver a month, and you are already considering closing the business...

"Oh, my sister is talking about Zizai Restaurant. Although the business is not very good, it is still passable. Hey, why did my sister mention this restaurant?" Sixth Miss didn't tell the truth, looking at Li Shu and asked.

"My sister likes to be quiet. I went to Dajue Temple to offer incense and pray for Brother Zhu a few days ago. I passed this restaurant. I found that although the location of this restaurant is not good and it doesn't make money, the surrounding area is sparsely populated and the natural scenery is good. There are mountains and rivers. It couldn't be more clean. My sister likes quietness, and this restaurant is close to Dajue Temple, so it's very convenient to go to the temple to worship Buddha. My sister wants to buy this restaurant, and she will come to the restaurant every year for a few days to enjoy the quietness for a few days. You can also drop by Wouldn't it be a good thing for Dajue Temple to offer incense to brother Zhu and the baby to pray for blessings?"

Li Shu blinked her big watery eyes, and said softly, "I don't know if my sister can help her achieve her wish?"

"Ah? Do you want to buy Zizai Building?" Miss Six's eyes lit up, but she quickly put on a look of embarrassment, picked up her teacup and asked Joe, "Zizai Building is a property in the mansion. Although the business is not very good, But there is income every month, and the old ancestor is also a person of Xiangfo. When he went to Dajue Temple to pay homage to the Buddha, he would also rest in the Zizai Building. My sister wants to buy the Zizai Building.

"My dear sister, I am willing to pay one thousand taels of silver to buy Zizai Building." Li Shu said in a hurry.


Miss Six had just taken a sip of tea, and when she heard Li Shu saying that she was willing to pay one thousand taels of silver to buy Zizai Building, she immediately spewed out a mouthful of old tea excitedly, and Miss Six's personal maid was serving vegetables to Miss Six, He was sprayed all over the face on the spot, and tea leaves were still hanging on the tip of his nose.

Miss Six is ​​so excited!

According to the market price of Zizai Building, it is worth seven or eight hundred taels of silver at most. In order to live there for a few days every year, the fifth sister of the village girl is willing to pay one thousand taels of silver, which is a full two to three hundred taels of silver. It's not a small amount, it's really a fool with a lot of money!

One pregnancy and three years of stupidity! Well-deserved reputation!

If it was normal, how could the clever and fairy-like Fifth Sister be so taken advantage of?

"Oh, by the way, in order to keep the Zizai building clean, I'm also willing to pay one hundred taels for the barren slope behind the Zizai building." Li Shu said again.


Miss Six sprayed tea again.

Although the barren slope connected to the Zizai Building is large, covering an area of ​​more than ten acres, it is just a barren hillside overgrown with weeds. No crops can be planted, and there is no output at all! It's not even worth ten taels of silver!

The fifth sister of the village girl, for the sake of cleanliness, she actually had to pay a hundred taels to buy it! It's been three years of being pregnant and stupid, so stupid.

"Ahem, dear sister, my younger sister also wants to help you, but Zizai Building is the property of the mansion, and it is up to the decision." Sixth Miss suppressed the excitement in her heart, and continued to talk to Qiao.

"If my good sister helps my sister to say something nice to my aunt, I'm willing to give my sister fifty taels of silver as a thank you gift." Li Shu held Miss Six's hand and said anxiously.

"It doesn't matter whether it's fifty taels or not. The main thing is that my sister wants to fulfill my sister's yearning for tranquility."

Miss Six's eyes widened when she heard that Li Shu was willing to give her fifty taels of silver as a thank you gift, and she couldn't sit still immediately. She got up and went to Madam Linhuaihou to report the good news.

Li Shula couldn't help it.

"Sister, just prepare fifty taels of silver, no, no, sister, just wait for good news from sister."

As soon as Miss Six was happy, the words in her heart came out, and she quickly changed her words to cover it up.

Fortunately, I reacted quickly. The fifth sister of the village girl was pregnant for another three years and didn't notice, so she succeeded.

After walking out of Jingxiang Garden, Miss Six couldn't hide the smile on her face, and walked towards Mrs. Linhuaihou's yard bumping and bumping.

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