Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1555 Preparations Before Departure

"Mother Liu, later on, you can ask the maids and mothers who have recently come to Jingxiang Garden one by one, if they are willing to go south with me, and tell them clearly that they may return to the capital in a year or two, or they may not come back in three to five years, or Maybe I will never go back to the capital. If you are willing to go south with me, you will have to double the monthly payment; if you don’t want to go south, don’t force it, let alone make things difficult for them, and reward them ten taels of silver as a reward for serving me during this time. Then transfer their deeds to the Hou Mansion. Of course, you old people who follow me don’t need to ask, you all follow me to the heaven, and the monthly payment will be doubled.”

Supported by the girl, Li Shu took a walk in the garden to digest food. After walking tired, she sat in the pavilion to rest, and called Liu Ma to give instructions.

"Miss is too kind. It is us and their blessing to be able to follow Miss. The monthly fee is much higher than that of other courtyards. Why do we need to double it? We are panicked when we receive such a high monthly fee. .If any of them is unwilling to go south with Miss, then they are traitors whose consciences have been eaten by dogs, and why do they reward them with money." Liu Ma said.

"Hehe, why are you so flustered, just serve me well in the future." Li Shu giggled, and then said to Liu Ma, "There is no need to blame any of them who are unwilling to go south, after all, most of their families are in the capital. Nearby, it is human nature not to abandon their family members and go south. They have served me with all their heart and responsibilities during this time, and some rewards are also what they deserve. Moreover, if Brother Zhu is transferred back to the capital in the future, it is also a good idea to open a mansion and build a courtyard. I need manpower, they are role models, and I will reward anyone who is willing to serve me, so it will be easier to recruit people."

"Yes, I listen to Miss." Liu Ma nodded repeatedly.

"Okay, you go down." Li Shu nodded, sent Liu Ma down, and then told Qin'er, "Qin'er, you pay a hundred taels of silver from the account, and take my token, go Xu Ge's old man greets Mrs. Xu on my behalf, and will give the bank note to Mrs. Xu when it is convenient. If Mrs. Xu asks why it is longer than usual, you will say that I will leave in a few days to go south to Yingtian to unite with my husband, so The store dividends for the second half of the year were distributed in advance."

"One hundred taels? Miss, Mrs. Xu doesn't have to do anything, she just puts up a partnership name, so she can share so much money." Qin'er said distressedly.

"How much do you think?" Li Shu asked with a smile.

"Of course there are too many." Qin'er nodded vigorously.

"Hehe, I still think it's too little. It would be better if there were more." Li Shu smiled slightly.

Qin'er was dumbfounded.

What's wrong with Miss, you don't think it's enough to give people money, but you still think that more money would be better? !

Seeing this, Li Shu couldn't help poking Qin'er's head lightly, and explained, "Although Mrs. Xu only has a name, but this name is worth a thousand dollars. Mrs. Xu represents the Xu Mansion, and the owner of the Xu Mansion is Xu Mansion." Mr. Ge. Not counting Zizai Building, we currently have 18 shops in the capital, oh, and Brother Zhu’s three Zhuji fast food stores, a total of 21 shops. Mrs. Xu seems to be just using a name, but in fact Our business has the background of the Xu Mansion, and we enjoy the influence and protection of Xu Ge, the elder of the Xu Mansion, invisibly. The reason why our shop enjoys various preferential taxes and fees and is free from exploitation by officials is all because of Xu Ge The influence of the old man, whether it is Brother Zhu or the brand of Linhuaihou Mansion, is not qualified. After a year, the preferential treatment of taxes and fees will have thousands of taels of silver, and the layers of exploitation are even more difficult to measure. Moreover, with Xu With the background of Mr. Ge, all kinds of rascals dare not come to the store to make troubles. He only needs a mere one hundred taels of silver for half a year, which is as cheap as a white radish in the field. Teacher, and Mr. Xu Ge valued Brother Zhu, so he acquiesced in this matter, so he had this opportunity. Otherwise, do you think Mrs. Xu would agree to be named in our shop and accept our dividends. How many people, how many people are in the purse? Thousands of taels of silver, there is no such opportunity. Without a reliable relationship, it is difficult to come to the door, let alone get a name."

"Ah!!! It turns out that a name has such a big effect, and one hundred taels of silver is really not much"

Qin'er was enlightened, and suddenly realized.

"That's not all, it's also of great benefit to Brother Zhu." Li Shu said again.

"It will be of great benefit to my uncle?!" Qin'er was at a loss again, not understanding how this would be of great benefit to my uncle.

"As a husband and wife, Mrs. Xu received the dividends, which is equivalent to that of Xu Ge's old man." Li Shu said softly, "Xu Ge's old man was the elder of the court, and he once served as the right servant in the official department. He has been working in the official department for many years. The ministry has great influence, and has a good reputation for appointing talents. Mrs. Xu received the dividends, and Mr. Xu Ge will definitely take care of Brother Zhu. Now that Brother Zhu has made great contributions, it is time for him to be promoted. Ge Lao can help Brother Zhu say a word, it will be of great benefit to Brother Zhu's promotion."

For a mere one hundred taels of silver, it is too cheap to let the court elder take special care of Brother Zhu.

You must know that the price that Yan Song and his son sell officials and nobles according to the rumors in the market is not generally high. If a person wants to seek a small seventh-rank magistrate, the price is eight hundred taels of silver; if the seventh-rank official is promoted to the sixth rank, it will cost two thousand taels of silver; Two taels of silver; for further promotion, more silver is needed, and the highest price is twenty thousand taels of silver. This opportunity has to be introduced by a particularly reliable relationship person; if there is no relationship, if you want to send money, they will not accept it.

Brother Zhu is now at the fifth rank, if he wants to use the relationship between Yan Song and his son, it is necessary to prepare 10,000 taels of silver

Of course, it’s useless to prepare more money, because Yang Jisheng’s impeachment memorial, the strict party hates Brother Zhu to death, and it’s good if they don’t blame Brother Zhu, how can they help Brother Zhu get promoted?

"I didn't expect that this one hundred taels of silver would have such a big effect." Qin'er opened her mouth wide.

"That's why it's too little. This is like General Han Xin, the more the better. The more dividends Mrs. Xu receives, the better. It's also because Brother Zhu and I have been in the capital for too short a time, and the relationship with Xu's residence is not deep enough."

Li Shu said regretfully.

"Miss, the relationship will definitely get deeper and deeper in the future. I think Mrs. Xu is becoming more and more enthusiastic towards Miss when we go to Xu's mansion. Last time, she held Miss's hand and joked that she would accept Miss as her goddaughter."

Qin'er said.

"Hehe, you said it too. You were joking. Besides, you have a deep relationship with the Xu family, so you can't be too attached. Unforeseen circumstances, who knows what will happen to Xu Ge in the future, you can't implicate brother Zhu." Li Shu smiled slightly, then waved her hand, "Go, you still have to pack your things when you come back."

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