Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1556: Zhu Shouren's Plan (Part 1)

In Xiahe Village, the sun hangs high in the middle, and the warm sunshine shines down, adding warmth to Xiahe Village in the deep winter.

On the avenue outside the village, a figure shaking his head came slowly, walked into Xiahe Village with ease, seemed to be reciting poems silently, or seemed to have a stiff neck at night, shaking his neck to soothe


The person who came was a middle-aged man with a fair complexion. He was wearing a square flat scarf and a brand-new jade-colored silk uniform. His long sleeves fluttered as he walked. Zhu Shouren.

"His uncle is back."

After Zhu Shouren entered the village, the villagers basking in the sun at the entrance of the village laughed and waved to greet Zhu Shouren.

Now people in the village greet Zhu's family with Zhu Pingan as the default value. For example, for Zhu's father, everyone in the village calls him his father; for Zhu's mother, everyone in the village calls him his mother; Call him Grandpa. Therefore, for Zhu Shouren, everyone in the village called him uncle.

In the past, when people in the village called Zhu's family, they always used Zhu Shouren as the default value.

For this kind of change, Zhu Shouren has gradually gotten used to it from the resistance and loss at the beginning.

"Well, yes. I don't know how long I was preparing for the exam in the county. This morning, I suddenly remembered that I hadn't done my filial piety in front of my parents for a long time. I was terrified. I came home to do my filial piety at the knees of my parents. I will return to the county at another day. Continue to study."

With his hands behind his back, Zhu Shouren glanced sideways at the villagers basking in the sun with his head held high, and dropped a few bookbags arrogantly with the scholars.

After finishing speaking, like a crane, he walked proudly among a group of native chickens and ducks.

After Zhu Shouren walked away, the people basking in the sun at the entrance of the village couldn't help talking about Zhu Shouren.

"His uncle regards himself too much as a character, and doesn't even look at us." A villager dissatisfied.

"That's right. Look at the family's safety. After winning the first prize, the uncle is still tall and the uncle is short. He has never put on airs. His uncle is just a boy up to now, not even a scholar. He puts on such a big picture."

The villagers said with disdain.

"If you say a word, you will drop your book bag. I seem to understand it, but I don't seem to understand it. What does he mean by the pile of words?" A villager asked the neighbors who were confused.

"Generally, I have gone to the county to study for a long time, and I miss my parents, and I will do my filial piety when I come back, and then I will go back."

The person next to him pouted.

"What? It's been a long time to study in the county?! Didn't he just go to the county three days ago? Why has it been so long?!"

"Filial piety? His uncle is all about studying for the imperial examinations. He usually doesn't care about agriculture, housework, or rough work. How can he be filial? Are you talking?"

"He is safe. When he was a child, he herded cattle and went to work in the fields. He did not fall behind in everything. He won the first prize. He was lucky. He didn't have to do anything, but he just studied. But he is still a boy, and he didn't even pass the exam for a scholar."

The people in the village sneered.

While the villagers were talking about it, Zhu Shouren had already walked into the old Zhu family's house.

"Huh? Why are you back?"

The eldest aunt Wu, who was basking in the sun in the yard and wearing the soles of her shoes, couldn't help being surprised when she saw Zhu Shouren came back.

One must know that she sent Zhu Shouren away from home three days ago to prepare for the exam in the county, so why did she come home so soon.

"Ahem, this morning, I suddenly remembered that I haven't done my filial piety in front of my parents for a long time, and I felt ashamed. I'm coming back now. I'll do my filial piety in front of my parents for two days before going back to prepare for the exam." Zhu Shouren coughed.

Wu Shi looked at Zhu Shouren suspiciously.

"Boss is back, okay, it's not good to eat outside, boss, go to the chicken coop and touch two eggs, fry a shallot egg later, and feed the boss well. This scholar is the most troublesome."

The old Mrs. Zhu, Mrs. Liu, heard the voice and came out of the house, her hair was even thinner. After seeing Zhu Shouren, she was overjoyed and distressed, and ordered Wu to fry two eggs at noon to nourish Zhu Shouren's body.

"Boss, you didn't study well in the county to prepare for the exam, why are you back?" Mr. Zhu came in from outside smoking a pipe at this time, and asked with a displeased expression.

He was walking outside, and when he heard the villagers say that Zhu Shouren was back, he still didn't believe it. After all, Zhu Shouren had only gone to the county to study for the exam three days ago. How could he come back so soon? Naturally, he didn't believe it, but several villagers said He said that Mr. Zhu was also a little uncertain, and when he came back to see what happened, he didn't expect to see Zhu Shouren standing in the yard just after he entered the house, and he immediately became displeased.

"Ahem, father, when I was studying this morning, I suddenly remembered that I hadn't done my filial piety in front of my parents for a long time, and I felt ashamed. I'm coming back now. I will do my filial piety in front of my parents for two days before going back to prepare for the exam."

Zhu Shouren coughed and repeated it again.

Hearing the words, Mr. Zhu couldn't help spit out a mouthful of thick phlegm, knocked the bag pot in his hand on the sole of his shoe vigorously, and said angrily, "Bah! What kind of filial piety are you doing when you come back? I haven't seen you in normal times. Filial piety! You study hard and come back as a scholar, that is the greatest filial piety!"

When Mrs. Zhu saw that Mr. Zhu lost his temper, she couldn't help stepping forward to protect her, "Old man, what are you talking about! Is it easy for our eldest son to study? Come back and stay for two days, and then go back. It's worth your temper."

"A loving mother makes many losers! You are used to it! How can you spend three days fishing and two days drying the net in reading! See how the pig studies. It is dark in the morning, and he gets up before the rooster crows, reading and practicing calligraphy; At night, in the middle of the night, everyone is asleep, but the pig is still reading and practicing calligraphy in front of the oil lamp. It is because the pig studied so hard that he was able to pass the exam! Uncle, can you learn a little bit and work hard? Study, and come back as soon as possible to be a scholar!"

Mr. Zhu glared at Mrs. Zhu, snarled a few words, then stared at Zhu Shouren, and lectured him foamingly.

"My family is so big and it's hard work." Hearing the old man Zhu compare Zhu Shouren with Zhu Ping'an, the old lady Zhu's tone couldn't help but weakened by three points. Knowing children is like a mother. After all, in fact, Zhu Shouren is far more diligent Go to Zhu Ping'an.

Zhu Shouren shrank his head resentfully.

"Hurry up, your mother and I won't die in a short time! You've seen me too, hurry back and study hard!"

Mr. Zhu stared and scolded.

"Old man, you are urging your soul. Why are you in a hurry? There is no rush to study for a while. It's not too late to leave after the boss finishes eating."

Mrs. Zhu said protectively.

"Sigh." Old Master Zhu sighed deeply, gave Zhu Shouren a hard look, and said angrily, "Hurry up and go back to study after eating!"

"Oh, my son obeyed. My son left after eating." Zhu Shouren nodded repeatedly.

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