Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1561 Three Monks

The next morning, Zhang Guyi, the Blood-Drying Sword of Thousand Households of Dongchang, led a hundred Dongchang fanzi. They escorted the five eunuchs out of the capital early in the morning and went south to the south of the Yangtze River to announce the edict to Yingtian. The court finally agreed on the Japanese invasion of Yingtian. rewards and punishments. It is conceivable that when they leave, Jiangnan's officialdom will change drastically.

At nine o'clock, Zhao Wenhua went to Xiyuan to meet Emperor Jiajing and listen to the holy teachings. Sure enough, he got the job of supervising the military affairs in Jiangnan. He left Xiyuan with a face of joy, arranging his carriage and horses, preparing to set off the next day.

In Linhuai Marquis Mansion, Li Shu touched her pregnant belly with her hand and watched with a smile as the girl and old woman packed their luggage and arranged their carriages and horses. One hundred heavily armed guards had already assembled in the manor outside the city, ready to escort them south.

In Xiahe Village, Zhu Shouren shamelessly pestered Mrs. Zhu and took five taels of silver from the second daughter-in-law, Mrs. Chen, while she was away. Zhu Shouren took the money with Hu Wei and Xia Qiang to the county seat to have a meal at Hu Eat Sea. His heart softened and he couldn't help but spend a long night with the good girl who admired his talent, leaving behind two taels of silver. , the three of them set off, traveling around mountains and rivers, eating, drinking and having fun. The journey was long and joyful...

At this moment in Yingtian, Jiangnan, Zhu Ping'an was on a high platform in the Zhejiang Army's camp. More than 800 Zhejiang troops were standing in a fan-shaped semicircle around the high platform.

After Han Laosan and three others were raped and beheaded in public trial for robbing a civilian girl, Zhu Ping'an sent people to collect and bury their bodies, and also paid a pension to be given to their living relatives.

All the officers and men of the Zhejiang Army admired him.

"Brothers of the Zhejiang Army, starting from today, our Zhejiang Army has officially resumed training." Zhu Pingan stood on the high platform, glanced at the Zhejiang Army under the stage, and said loudly.

"Practice! Practice! Practice!" the Zhejiang army officers and soldiers shouted one after another.

In a good state of mind, Zhu Pingan nodded with satisfaction, stretched out his hand, and the Zhejiang Army shouting in the audience stopped.

From this scene, it can be seen that Zhu Pingan's control of the Zhejiang Army has also risen to a new level.

Zhu Pingan continued to speak loudly, "Before we start training, I want to announce two things. These two things have been brewing since I brought you out to suppress the Japanese."

"Excuse me, sir!" Zhejiang Army responded enthusiastically.

Zhu Pingan looked at the Zhejiang troops with a smile, and slowly said: "Before announcing the first thing, I will tell you a story. This story is a bit cliché. Once upon a time, there was a mountain, and there was a temple on the mountain. In the temple There was a young monk. There was no water on the mountain, so he had to carry water from the river below. The young monk was very diligent and went to the mountain to carry water every day. One day, a thin monk came to the temple..."

At this point in the story, all the Zhejiang soldiers couldn't help laughing, "Sir, this is indeed an old story. It's almost toothless. It's one monk drinking water, two monks carrying water to drink, and three monks carrying water to drink." We all heard the story about a monk who ran out of water when we were children."

"Haha, it is indeed this story. One monk has water to drink, two monks carry water to drink, three monks have no water to drink, and three monks have no water to drink. Then if there are more monks in the temple, in addition to difficulty in drinking water, Obviously there will be other difficulties, such as difficulty in eating, difficulty in cleaning, etc. So, I would like to ask you, how to solve this problem in the temple?" Zhu Pingan smiled slightly and asked from the high platform.

After two seconds of silence, a person said loudly, "Assign them an abbot and let the abbot take care of them."

"That's right, if the temple has an abbot, there will be no chaos." A group of Zhejiang soldiers were greatly inspired and agreed one after another.

"Well, very good, arrange an abbot for them. The abbot can take care of them and arrange the division of labor for them. Monk A is responsible for carrying water, Monk B is responsible for chopping firewood, Monk C is responsible for cooking, and Monk Ding is responsible for cleaning the courtyard." Zhu Pingan followed Their advice goes on.

"Yes, that's it. The abbot will make clear arrangements for them, and nothing will happen."

All the Zhejiang troops nodded repeatedly.

"However, where there are people, there are rivers and lakes. If this happens for a long time, problems will still arise." Zhu Pingan continued.

"What could go wrong?" Zhejiang troops asked one after another.

"Monk A will complain that carrying water has to go up and down the mountain, which is a long distance, and is too tiring; Monk B will complain about going to the mountains to chop firewood, mosquito bites, and his hands are worn out; Monk C will complain that cooking is too time-consuming and affects him Sitting in meditation is too unpromising; Monk Ding would complain about cleaning the courtyard, which is dirty and tiring." Zhu Pingan shrugged his shoulders and pointed out the existing problems.

"Well, it seems like this is true. If I carry water for a long time, I will complain like this."

"Well, sweeping the floor is indeed the dirtiest."

The officers and soldiers of the Zhejiang Army stepped into the scene and thought about it, and they all sighed with emotion.

"How to solve such a problem?" Zhu Pingan asked everyone again.

"Uh, what should we do?" All the Zhejiang soldiers fell into deep thought.

"Take turns, let them take turns." A smart Zhejiang soldier thought of a way and shouted proudly.

"Yes, that's right. Don't they all despise their own jobs and envy other people's jobs? Then let them take turns, each having a thousand, and see if they can complain."

All Zhejiang troops agreed.

Zhu Ping'an smiled and nodded, accepted their opinions, and continued: "Well, very good, the abbot proposed a job rotation system. In the next ten days, Monk A will chop wood, Monk B will carry water, and Monk C will On the second ten days, Monk A cleans, Monk B cooks, Monk C carries water, and Monk D chops wood; on the third ten days, the order continues. However, if this continues, it will still happen. problem appear."

"We've all been rotated, what else can go wrong?" A group of Zhejiang Army soldiers asked in confusion.

Zhu Ping'an looked at them, smiled slightly, and explained, "After rotating for a while, the monks complained. Some monks complained that the amount of firewood chopped by Monk A was not enough for burning; some monks complained that the amount of firewood picked by Monk B was not enough. The water was not clean enough or timely enough; some monks complained that Monk Ding’s cooking was too unpalatable, the steamed buns were either sour or filled with uncooked rice, and the fried vegetables could kill a person; some monks complained that Monk B did not clean the courtyard clean enough and only swept the floor. I swept the whole area without sweeping every corner, and the Buddha statue was covered with spider webs.”

"Well, it seems that things like this will happen over time. Some people do things seriously, and some people do things just to deal with it."

"That's not caring."

"Indeed, some people don't work hard and just want to cheat and take advantage..."

The Zhejiang troops nodded one after another and were filled with emotion.

"Then how to solve it?" Zhu Pingan threw the problem to them again.

"How to solve this? Some people are lazy by nature. They can't change their minds and work hard. Should we stare at them every day and give them a slap in the face if they don't work hard?"

"The monk has so many things to do and is troublesome. The abbot is really not something ordinary people can do."

"I really can't think of a good way."

The officers and soldiers of the Zhejiang Army thought hard for a long time and shook their heads, saying that they could not think of a solution.

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