Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1567 A great success

In the early morning, it was still dark, and the morning light had to wait for at least half an hour. There were already overcrowded people outside the Peach Blossom Army Camp, and there was a long queue.

The people lining up outside have already lined up from the gate of Taohuaji School to the nearby Taohuazhuang Village.

The twenty or so people at the front all queued up last night. Some were wrapped in quilts and slept in a sack on the ground for the night. If conditions were good, they simply set up a small tent.

The people at the back have all queued up before dawn (this is outside the city, and the curfew is not here), and people still queue up from time to time.

As a result, the queue became longer and longer, like a giant snake that snaked for more than a hundred meters.

A business-minded family in Taohuazhuang Village got a business opportunity and baked two large pots of scallion pancakes overnight, as many as eighty pieces. They also fished out a large pot of pickled vegetable lumps from the pickle vat and cut them into pieces. Thinly shredded rice, mixed with sesame oil and chopped green onion, and cooked a large pot of millet porridge until it was fragrant.

After the couple made breakfast, they mobilized the whole family and moved two tables, a dozen stools, and all the dishes and chopsticks at home. They set up a stall on the roadside in the middle of the queue and started selling loudly. stand up.

Warm scallion pancakes, bright and delicious pickles, and sizzling millet porridge.

Although it is not delicacies from the mountains and seas, it is just ordinary farm food, but for people who have queued up in the middle of the night and endured the cold wind blowing in the middle of the night, the temptation is not ordinary, it is quite big.

The couple's business is doing extremely well, beyond their imagination.

"Come over from that family and bring me two fried cakes with your pickled vegetables.

Bring me another bowl of hot porridge. It’s freezing cold today, but having a sip of hot porridge makes me feel alive.”

"Do you still have the pancakes? Give me another one. This side dish of yours is pretty good. You can't sell it alone. If you sell it alone, cut it into a big bowl for me and take it with me when I leave."

"Yuan boy, do you have any more porridge? Scoop out a bowl of thick porridge for me. I'll give you two more bowls."

People in line shouted loudly to the couple who set up a temporary stall from time to time. "Oh, okay." "Here it comes."

"Thank you for your appreciation. We sell them on a small menu, and of course we sell them individually. A bowl is a discount of 20 cents."

"Erdan, why don't you go and scoop out the porridge for me? Hold the spoon on the bottom of the pot and scoop out the thick porridge."

The couple was so busy working that they never had a moment to spare, but they couldn't hide the smiles on their faces.

From setting up the stall to selling out all the food, it didn’t take long at all, just one stick of incense.

"I'm sorry, sir, the cakes are gone, the porridge is gone, the side dishes are gone, there's nothing." The couple apologized to everyone.

"Oh, I'm not full yet. You can cook more next time." The people in line were still unsatisfied.

"Yes, yes" the couple responded repeatedly as they closed the stall, smiling brightly and promising to make more next time.

After the couple sold out, they went home smiling from ear to ear. When the family returned home, the couple entered the house and locked the door.

"Hurry up and pour it out and count it." My wife urged anxiously.

"Hey, what are you in a hurry for? Don't let me take a breath." The husband chuckled and picked up Qiao.

"I'm giving you shame, aren't you!" His wife glared at him angrily, turned around and said, "If you don't fall down, I won't watch it."

"Okay, okay, that's all I want." The husband gave in, quickly took the robe off his shoulders, and fell on the bed.

The sound of jingling, clanking, and colliding copper coins is very pleasant to the ear.

The wife had already turned around, looking at the copper coins on the bed with bright eyes, and couldn't wait to count them.

The husband was not much better, his eyes were shining brightly, he was sitting on the bed counting money and having a silly time.

"One, two, three, four. Six hundred and forty-seven. In such a short time, I actually made 647 cash. Excluding the cost of rice, flour, oil and firewood, I made at least 500 cash, which is half a tael of silver."

After the wife counted it over and over again, she couldn't help but open her mouth in surprise and her eyes flashed with golden light. She had known that she had made money, but she didn't expect to make so much. She was so surprised that she couldn't help herself.

"I wanted pancakes last night, but you still stopped me. Fortunately, I had a good idea and persisted. Thank me."

The husband raised his head proudly.

"Okay, man, you're good. I'll reward you tonight." His wife looked at him with a bright face.

"Ahem, there's no need to reward her, just cook a delicious meal and let me drink a bowl of wine." The husband waved his hands repeatedly.

"Okay, you can eat as much as you want, and drink as much as you want. Only when you are full can you work in the evening." His wife gave him a hard look, and then she couldn't help but feel pity, " What a pity, I found out clearly that Zhejiang Army only sells the magic medicine once every first day of the month. Because the takeout is limited, they come here overnight and queue up. It would be great if Zhejiang Army sells medicine every day."

Other people in the village learned from the couple. While the couple was selling breakfast, several families hurriedly made pancakes, made porridge and cut pickles. Not long after the couple closed the stall, they also came out to sell. Although the taste is slightly inferior, the food is still popular and business is booming.

While people in Taohuazhuang Village were making money, they all lamented that it was great to have the Zhejiang Army next to the village, and the relationship between the military and civilians had deepened a lot.

Finally, the dawn came out, and the camp gate of the Zhejiang Army was opened amidst the repeated calls of everyone.

"Hurry, the Zhejiang Army has opened its camp and started selling secret medicine."

The people waiting in line to buy medicine suddenly became excited and rushed towards the gate.

An officer of the Zhejiang Army directed his soldiers to maintain order. He shouted loudly to the people: "Don't be anxious or crowded. We will come in the order you registered. This time our Zhejiang Army tried its best to defeat the original two thousand people." On top of the bags, five hundred more bags have been added, for a total of 2,500 bags of secret medicine for sale. The old rules are still the same. Everyone has a limited purchase of medicines. This time we listened to your feedback last time and increased the purchase limit. Quantity, each person is limited to ten packs of Secret Art Knife Creation Medicine. The last time it was a big opening bonus, our Zhejiang Army had a big hemorrhage and gave everyone a big discount. This time it has returned to the original price, 0.0 yuan per pack. The news of the price returning to the original price last time I have told everyone. Of course, if you find it too expensive, you don’t have to buy it. Our Zhejiang Army has always been free to buy and sell, and will never buy or sell by force. Okay, I will now start to call the names in the sign-in book and click on the names. Buy medicine beforehand."

No one complains that medicine is expensive, only that it is scarce.

There was a lively shopping scene at the gate of the camp, with people waving money to buy medicine.

Zhu Pingan watched from a distance in the camp for a moment, and raised the corners of his lips with satisfaction. This scene is very familiar in modern times.

What kind of fruit powder, rice noodles?

Thinking of modern times, Zhu Ping'an couldn't help but have a bad idea. When the camp is short of money, can he organize a promotional event such as 618, Double Eleven, Double Twelve, etc., which will definitely make a huge sale.

Hunger marketing is a big success.

In one morning, 2,500 packages of the secret knife sore medicine, which had returned to its original price of 5 qian each, were sold out, and the Zhejiang army was making gold every day.

Liu Mu and other Zhejiang army officers all admired Zhu Ping'an's hunger marketing strategy.

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