Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1566 Distinguished Guest

Dongchang Mansion is located in Shandong Province and sits on the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal. It is one of the important transportation hubs of the Grand Canal. Outside the city, there is a huge lake named Dongchang Lake, also known as Phoenix Lake and Rouge Lake. It is as big as Hangzhou West Lake is similar in area and is known as "West Lake in the south and Dongchang in the north".

Dongchang Prefecture is backed by the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, and water transportation is particularly developed. The Grand Canal has brought prosperity to Dongchang Prefecture for hundreds of years.

There is a restaurant on the bank of Dongchang Lake that integrates accommodation and dining, called Phoenix Tower. It is in an excellent location, simple and elegant, noble and luxurious.

"Hey, people scolded Emperor Sui Yang for being overjoyed with achievements, resorting to militarism, and living in dire straits for the people, but we people in Dongchang Prefecture don't do that. We still have to thank Emperor Sui Yang. If Emperor Sui Yang hadn't opened the Grand Canal, we would still be eating in the fields. Earth, how can we have the good days we have today? Look at this big river. Even in winter, there are an endless stream of ships. Water transport ships and business ships will all take a rest in Dongchang Mansion. This rest, We are not allowed to stay and eat, and we are not allowed to provide daily necessities. Our Phoenix Tower is just taking advantage of Emperor Sui Yang. We are rich and noble, and we are going to offer three sticks of incense to Emperor Sui Yang."

The shopkeeper of Phoenix Tower was calculating the day's income while happily giving instructions to the waiters beside him.

"Okay, shopkeeper, let's go now." Fugui, the young man, responded and went to the back to offer incense to the statue of Emperor Sui Yang.

"Shopkeeper, look at how happy you are, have you made money again today?" the young man asked with a smile after he came back from offering incense.

The young boy Fugui is related to the shopkeeper, and they are usually relatively close to each other, so they are not so restrained.

"Hey, I made a bit of money, but it can't be compared with the day before yesterday. The day before yesterday, we passed by our restaurant on the highway from the capital and stayed overnight. It was just an ingot of gold ingot, which covered the whole floor. During the meal, we cleared the place directly. It was really a pomp. It’s unforgettable. You said, we are welcoming guests, how many dignitaries have lived in our Phoenix Tower, compared with the father-in-law who came from other people’s palaces, they are nothing to mention.”

The shopkeeper was still deeply impressed when he thought about the scene the day before yesterday, and of course he was even more impressed by the ingot of gold ingot.

"No, you said that our tables and chairs are wiped clean every day. People still disliked it and wiped it again before eating. Also, the master chef in the kitchen was told several times that my father-in-law's taste is bland. , I must make Huaiyang cuisine." The young man Fugui was also very impressed, "That's really noble. Hehe, he was also generous, and even gave me a silver bean as a reward."

"It would be great if we had such distinguished guests every day." The young man Fugui said with a smile.

"You want to eat shit? If such a good thing happens once a year, you should burn incense and worship Buddha." The shopkeeper glared at him, "Stop being lazy and go help quickly. Don't do it just because I am your cousin." special."

"I do the most work." Fugui, the young man, said this confidently. After saying this, he turned around and was about to go to work. However, as soon as he turned around, he saw a group of people coming outside the door and heading towards the restaurant. The scene was even bigger than the day before yesterday. .

"Shopkeeper, should I go burn incense again?" Fugui, the young man, swallowed his saliva and said to the shopkeeper.

"We just finished burning, what else should we burn?" The shopkeeper was checking the account book. Hearing the words of the young man Fugui, he couldn't help but open his mouth to retaliate. The retort stopped abruptly when he saw a group of noble people entering the door.

There is an extremely luxurious double-decker boat docked on the lake outside the door, and five large boats are docked slowly in a protective manner.

A large ship had already docked, and people were getting off the ship in an endless stream. Those who had gotten off earlier had already reached the door of the restaurant.

A dozen or so sturdy men in fine attire carried waist knives. The scabbards were decorated with brass tiger heads. The scabbards were very thick and long. From the looks of it, they were obviously heavy machetes, much larger than the ones at the Dongchang Mansion Guards Station. Standard waist knives are much heavier and cannot be wielded without the strength of an arm. However, these sturdy men seem to be as if they are nothing. They are scattered and undisturbed when walking. Their eyes are looking around. It can be seen that they are well-trained and are by no means just waiting for others. Guard.

It seemed that they were more aggressive than the casual guards that my father-in-law had the day before yesterday. Of course, my father-in-law only brought twenty guards to live in the Phoenix Tower the day before yesterday. The rest of the guards were staying in an inn a hundred or ten meters away. The inn there was much cheaper. .

A dozen sturdy men were surrounded by a girl of about seventeen or eighteen years old. The girl was dressed in a beautiful dress and a fox fur cloak. She was delicate, beautiful and capable, followed by a dozen old women and little girls.

"Invite your distinguished guests inside. I apologize for being a little disappointed." Two shop assistants from Phoenix Tower had already come forward to greet me.

"The environment is not bad." The girl in the fox fur cloak came in, looked at it twice, and nodded slightly.

"That's right, our Phoenix Tower is one of the best in Dongchang Mansion." The store clerk said proudly.

"Our lady likes to be quiet. Today and tomorrow, we will cover your store." The girl in the fox fur cloak took out a gold ingot from her sleeve and threw it to the store clerk, and then ordered, "Please tell me in the store The guests who have already checked in have been very kind to us, and their expenses will be borne by us, and we are also willing to pay double the compensation to ask them to move to a hotel."

ah? !

Book the entire restaurant? !

The day before yesterday, my father-in-law only booked one floor. Today's distinguished guests actually want to book the entire restaurant for two days? !

This ingot of gold ingot must be very heavy. It is much bigger than the ingot that my father-in-law gave me the day before yesterday.


Our lady? !

Ah, such a noble master is just a girl? !

For a moment, the store clerk and shopkeeper seemed to have been struck by several lightning strikes one after another, and they were shocked one after another.

Money can make the world go round.

With gold clearing the way, the shopkeeper fully complied with Fox Fur Girl's request for booking and clearing the place, with double compensation, and the guests in the store didn't have much objection. Anyway, there are several restaurants nearby where you can stay.

"Wang Xiaoer, please greet your people. It's enough to leave about ten of you on the first floor to protect you secretly. It's very safe here. The rest of the people should stay in the restaurant next door. The lady likes peace and quiet."

"Mama Liu, please bring someone to wipe the tables and chairs with hot water several times. Use the tableware we brought with us."

"Xiaohong, go and clean the room in the Emperor's No. 1 several times carefully. Change the bed and bedding to the ones we brought. Miss is afraid of the cold. Remember to heat up the room and make it ventilated. Don't be stuffy."

"Wang Ma, you go take over the kitchen and make some light and delicious side dishes that the young lady likes, as well as nourishing soup. The boat has been bumpy and the young lady is sick again. You should be careful when cooking."

The girl in the fox fur cloak methodically directed the accompanying guards, old ladies and maids, making all arrangements.

The shopkeeper and the waiter were stunned.

This was because they disliked us. The beds and bedding were replaced with their own, as were the tableware. The kitchen was also taken over, and even the cooks and apprentices in the restaurant were not used. They had their own

What a noble master this is. Compared with them, the father-in-law from the Heavenly Palace pales in comparison.

"Sister Qin'er, the young lady is about to disembark." A little girl trotted over and said.

"Ah, you watch here, I'll go pick up the young lady. The young lady is heavy, so I don't worry about others." Qin'er, a girl in fox fur, picked up the hem of her skirt and ran out.

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