Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1565 If you are afraid of death, you must fight bravely

"Haha, are the people below a little gloating?! Don't worry, it will be your turn soon."

Zhu Pingan glanced at the audience, smiled and joked.

All the lower-level officers of the Zhejiang Army, especially the soldiers in the audience, couldn't help but laugh after Zhu Pingan pointed out their inner thoughts. They were indeed a little gloating. When the adults just said that they should sit down together, they were still very nervous. After hearing the result, well, Good guy, officials start to sit together, especially the bigger the official, the more powerful the chain is. The lower-ranking officers, especially the corps commander and the soldiers were not connected at all, so they couldn't help but rejoice in the misfortune.

"The second content of the continuous sitting law is that subordinates vouch for the continuous sitting of superiors, including lower-level officers vouching for the continuous sitting of superior officers, and soldiers vouching for the continuous sitting of officers." Zhu Pingan said with a serious face.

When the junior officers and soldiers heard this, they couldn't help but smile bitterly. Sure enough, it was our turn.

"The lower-level officers jointly vouch for the higher-level officers, and the lower-level officers also have to issue a guarantee letter for the higher-level officers. This applies to everyone from the corps commander to the battalion commander. The content of the guarantee letter is roughly as follows: 'Today, so-and-so is on bail, and the general of this battalion has received the guarantee. Officer so-and-so, go to the battle and ensure that you will not make any mistakes or escape during the battle. If you make any mistakes or escape, you will be willing to die.' What does it mean, that is, the lower-level officers must be responsible for the lives of the higher-level officers. If the lower-level officers abandon the higher-level officers, they will take their own lives. If you retreat or escape, then the junior officer will be executed. If the superior officer is killed in battle, then all the first-level officers below that officer will be executed!"

Zhu Pingan said with a cold expression.

A layer of cold sweat suddenly appeared on the lower officer's back, and he looked at the superior officer as if he were looking at a precious protected animal. From now on, you must not only obey the general's orders, but also protect your superior officers on the battlefield, otherwise you and other junior officers may all be executed.

In response to this, the superior officers immediately felt balanced. They looked at their subordinate officers proudly and said harshly to them: "In the future, when I rush forward on the battlefield, you all have to rush for me. Who dares not to do so?" Chong, if I die, you all have to be buried with me! Don’t even think about running away!"

Naturally, the subordinate officers nodded repeatedly. They dare not to rush. If they rush, they can still make meritorious service. If they don't, they will die!

Zhu Ping'an took the reaction of everyone in the audience into his eyes and continued seriously: "The soldiers also vouch for the officers, and each soldier must write a letter of guarantee for the commander of the unit. The content of the letter of guarantee is roughly as follows: Today, so-and-so, he is responsible for the actual situation. Guarantee, take the commander of our corps so-and-so and go to battle, and promise not to make any mistakes or escape during the battle. If there is any negligence or escape, everyone will be willing to die. The meaning is the same as above, the soldiers must be responsible for the life of our corps commander, if If the corps commander is killed due to ineffective combat or desertion, then all the soldiers in the corps will be executed!"

Now the pressure was on the ordinary soldiers, and dense cold sweat suddenly appeared on the soldier's back. He looked at the corps commander with the same gaze as if he were looking at a precious animal. In the future, on the battlefield, you must fight bravely and protect your corps commander.

The corps commander's life is not only his own, but also ours. Protecting the corps commander is everyone’s responsibility

The corps commander felt much more balanced in his heart, and he told the soldiers in his corps the harsh words that had just been spoken by the Shangguan. Don't you dare rush? If I die, you will all be buried with me! Don't even think about running away!"

"Come on, come on, we're rushing in front of you, please take it easy." The soldiers expressed their stance one after another.

"You, uncle, do you dare to lie down? I have to get in front of the chief!" The Wu chief glared at them.

Hey hey hey. The soldiers suddenly laughed.

Zhu Ping'an stood on the high platform and continued to announce: "The third item of the joint sitting law is the joint sitting guarantee between soldiers. Everyone must write a guarantee letter for other soldiers in the army. The content of the guarantee letter is roughly: Today so and so , guaranteeing that so-and-so, so-and-so, and others in this unit are not deserters. Now that they have escaped, so-and-so is willing to be punished. After the guarantee is signed, if there are deserters in our unit outside of combat, the rest of the soldiers will be punished, and half of them will go to jail. , half of them will have their food and wages deducted until the deserters are caught; if there are deserters during the battle, the deserters will be executed, and the rest will be punished with a hundred sticks! No matter life or death!"

After hearing this, the Zhejiang soldiers in the audience looked at each other and reacted fiercely.

"Well, I have to keep an eye on you all, don't get me involved. Zhang Laosan, I think you are the most dangerous one. You were tired from training before, and you are too greedy for life. I will keep an eye on you day and night. It’s yours!”

"Go away, I won't be a deserter."

The soldiers of the Zhejiang Army immediately began to supervise each other, reminding each other, and telling others that they will keep an eye on you day and night. Don’t even think about deserting, don’t even think about it, and stand up for me during the war. Don’t get me involved. , otherwise don’t blame me for not remembering old feelings.

"In addition to the above three items, the company sitting method also has the following contents: First, in every group, one person takes the lead. If nine people are not saved, and they are killed in battle, all nine of them will be killed. If one person is killed in battle, he will be killed as a true thief, and nine will be killed. People are exempted from guilt; one person killed will get two, and nine people will be rewarded. Shi, sentry, and camp are as usual; secondly, whoever takes the lead will be surrounded by one group, and the rest of the group will not be saved; if one is surrounded, each of the sentries will not be saved. If one post is surrounded and another post is not rescued, causing the leader to fall, all the commanders, commanders, and post commanders will be killed according to military law. Thirdly, if one person is killed in battle and there is no enemy head in the unit, each soldier will have his pay deducted for one month. , give preferential treatment to the family of the dead. For example, if the corps leader is killed in action, one team will be deducted, the sentry commander will be deducted one sentry, and the battalion commander will be deducted one battalion. However, if the subordinates of the fallen officer have gains, they are exempted from prosecution. The soldiers and officers who died in action will be exempted from prosecution. The pension will be borne by the Zhejiang Army Public Treasury."

Zhu Pingan announced the remaining contents of the Lian Si Fa to everyone in one breath.

"The chain of command is really complete. Superiors, subordinates, and peers are all connected. If one person escapes from battle, his comrades, superiors, and subordinates who may be sleeping in the same tent will all be implicated."

"The cruelty of this company's sitting method is a bit unhuman. Not only do I have to fight bravely, but I also have to supervise others and not let him escape. If he escapes, we will also suffer unreasonable disasters."

"Didn't your Excellency say that now the Japanese pirates are too arrogant and can't wait any longer, so they can only use heavy codes in troubled times. Besides, Your Majesty is not afraid of death, so what are we afraid of!"

The continuous sitting method has a deeper and more personal impact on the Zhejiang Army than the discipline performance assessment. All the Zhejiang Army feel a lot of pressure.

Although it is a bit inhumane, it is very intimidating and the effect is immediate because of this. Almost immediately after Zhu Ping'an announced the Houlian Lifa, the discipline and morale of the Zhejiang Army were fundamentally improved.

Even after the promulgation of the Sitting Law, the officers and soldiers of the Zhejiang Army have reached a consensus: If you are not afraid of death, then you should fight bravely; if you are afraid of death, then you should fight bravely! Otherwise, even if you sit down, you will die faster!

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