Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1564: In troubled times, heavy scriptures are used, and the continuous sitting method comes

"Sir, you said there are two things. The first thing is the discipline performance assessment. What is the second thing?"

After Zhu Pingan announced the epoch-making discipline performance assessment, the Zhejiang army became even more curious about the second thing.

"The second thing is that I want to add a military law." Zhu Pingan stood on the high platform, slowly glanced at everyone, and spoke with a serious face, revealing a set of cold teeth.

"military law?"

"We need to add military law? What kind of military law? Your Excellency is so serious." All the Zhejiang soldiers looked at each other. Judging from the serious look on their faces, this military law must be extraordinary.

"We sent troops from Taohuaji and went all the way south to attack the Japanese pirates and relieve the siege of Yingtian. Late that night, we sent troops to temporarily station the Japanese pirates and killed all fifty-six Japanese pirates. This is the glory of our Zhejiang army, and more It is your glory. However, there is also dirt behind the glory! When we charged directly at the Japanese pirates, some people were afraid, timid, retreated, and scattered. Our military formation was also disrupted. If the Japanese pirates were not in such a hurry, If we retreat and fight head-on, the consequences will be disastrous: During our battle to annihilate the Japanese pirates late at night, we faced the desperate counterattack of nine Japanese pirates who had been hit by peacock tails. Some people were greedy for life and feared death, and fled before the battle. Some people even fled before the battle. In order to escape faster, we even lost our weapons and armor. If we had not planned in advance and the Japanese pirates were poisoned by the peacock tail drug, and we were outnumbered, we might have been the Zhejiang Army who failed in this battle and fell!"

Zhu Ping'an stood on the stage with a serious face and listed the problems in Yingtian's battle to suppress the Japanese one by one.

After Zhu Pingan finished speaking, many people in the audience lowered their heads in shame, with flushed faces. They were the people Zhu Pingan exemplified who were greedy for life and afraid of death, who were afraid of fighting, fled first, and abandoned their armor.

"What your Excellency said is absolutely true. These people who are greedy for life and afraid of death are really ashamed to be associated with them!"

"When I mention them, they get angry. During the battle, they hide behind, but when the reward is distributed, they rush forward. Now that there is a discipline assessment, it's okay. They don't move forward in the battle and have no contribution. They There will be little or no reward at all."

"This is not just a matter of money. Next time we fight Japanese pirates, we will be tricked by these greedy and fearful people! As soon as they escape, the army will be in chaos and morale will be lost. How can we fight against Japanese pirates?"

Many people were filled with righteous indignation. They had endured it for a long time and had long been dissatisfied with some of the greedy and fearful people in the camp.

Zhu Pingan stretched out his hand, and the audience suddenly fell silent.

"Yue Wumu once said that if civil servants do not love wealth and military generals are not afraid of death, the world will be at peace. Once you wear this skin and receive this salary, you must bear the responsibility of protecting your home and country! When you are a soldier, you have to fight! The purpose of being a soldier is to fight! From today on, all of you must remember this sentence: If you want to get promoted and make a fortune, please go another way; if you are greedy for life and afraid of death, don't join the Zhejiang Army!"

Zhu Pingan glanced at the audience with a serious face and spoke impassionedly to everyone word by word.

"If you want to get promoted and make a fortune, please take another path; if you are greedy for life and afraid of death, don't join the Zhejiang Army!"

This sentence was very shocking and contagious. After listening to it, the Zhejiang army in the audience was greatly encouraged and shouted along.

Zhu Ping'an noticed the shameful people in the audience, paused slightly, and said, "Of course, people are not saints, no one can have no faults, and there is no good thing that can be corrected. Let the past be forgotten, let bygones be bygones! From today onwards! , all officers and men of the Zhejiang Army, from me to every one of you, must fight bravely to be the first in every battle! Do not shrink back and run away in the face of battle!"

"No!" Zhejiang troops in the audience responded one after another.

"But sir, what should I do if some people can't change their ways of eating shit?"

"Yes, sir, as the saying goes, mountains and rivers are easy to change, but nature is hard to change. Some people are just selfish. What you say now is good, but when the time comes, if you face Japanese pirates again, they may still run away."

Soon, another Zhejiang Army raised questions.

"Very good. The questions you have raised are very good. This is why I want to add a military law!"

Zhu Pingan verbally praised the soldier who raised the question, and then naturally introduced military law.

"In troubled times, heavy laws should be used! Nowadays, the Japanese invasion is becoming more and more serious. Time waits for no one. There is no time to slowly reform the cowardly people who are afraid of war. The only way is to grow quickly, so I have specially formulated this military law. This military law is called: Continuous Sitting Law! Zhu Pingan said with a serious face.

"Continuous sitting method?"

"Why don't we sit together?"

After hearing the name of Lien Sifa, all the Zhejiang soldiers couldn't help but open their mouths. They felt a chill just hearing the name.

They have basically heard of Lian Zuo. If a person makes a mistake, not only he himself will be punished, but his relatives and neighbors will also be punished. It depends on the level of Lian Zuo.

"From today on, the law of continuous sitting that has been promulgated mainly includes three contents, from the officer to the officer, and down to every soldier. The first item is that the superior officer guarantees the 'continuous sitting' of the lower-level officer. The so-called, Every soldier can make a nest of generals. Officers are the soul of the army and role models for soldiers, and superior officers are role models for junior officers. In our Zhejiang Army, officers at every level must vouch for subordinate officers and write letters of guarantee. You must also vouch for each battalion commander and write a letter of guarantee. The content of the letter of guarantee is roughly as follows: I, XX, will vouch for XX of my subordinates, and I guarantee that XX is not a cowardly person who is greedy for life and afraid of death. He escaped in the face of battle, and someone is willing to share the same crime with him. He has a guarantor named so-and-so! And signed it." Zhu Ping'an said loudly while standing on the high platform.

"Ah?! What?! The superior officer vouched for the inferior officer?! We, sir, have to vouch for the battalion commander?! In this case, if the inferior officer is greedy and fearful of death and escapes from battle, then the superior officer will be guilty of the same crime! This. In the past, even sitting down was the same. I didn’t expect us adults to be so ruthless when I sat down the people below. I started directly from myself, starting from the officials...

"It was actually the official who sat down first."

As soon as Zhu Pingan finished speaking, all the Zhejiang soldiers in the audience couldn't help shouting in shock, shocked by Zhu Pingan's courage.

"Haha, fellow battalion commanders, please take good care of me in the future. My life depends on you." Zhu Pingan smiled slightly, bowed his hands to the battalion commanders in front, and then showed his white teeth and said, "In order to save my life, I will train and manage you fiercely! If I find that any of you are greedy for life and are incompetent, don't blame me for ruthlessly dismissing you!"

Liu Mu and others quickly expressed their stance, "Don't worry, sir. The general will never be afraid of life or death. He will climb mountains of swords and descend into seas of fire, and he will never take a step back!"

Zhu Ping'an smiled slightly and said, half seriously and half jokingly, "I remind you that your lives are also tied to the hands of your officers."

Liu Dadao and the others suddenly realized it, and quickly said harsh words to the subordinates behind them. From now on, they will train and manage you hard. Don't think that bribes, good words and begging will get you through. Whoever is incompetent or greedy for life, I will definitely remove him...

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