Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1563 New Book on Zhejiang Army Discipline

"I have compiled the specific and detailed assessment rules into a book called "New Book of Discipline and Effectiveness of the Zhejiang Army". Now distribute it, one copy to each corps. From now on, each corps leader will be responsible for leading the entire corps to study."

Zhu Ping'an waved his hand as he spoke, and a team of soldiers who had been prepared for a long time under the stage held stacks of "New Book of Zhejiang Army Discipline and Effectiveness" that were simply bound and distributed them to each corps and handed them to the corps leader.

"Captain, let's see how the assessment is done specifically?"

"Commander, we are illiterate. Please read it to us quickly. I am very excited."

The soldiers of each corps couldn't wait to gather around their corps leader and read the "New Book of Discipline of the Zhejiang Army". Then almost all the soldiers found that they were illiterate at all. It was like looking at ghost drawings, and they couldn't read it. They all urged their corps commander to give it to them. Read the content inside.

All corps commanders and officers above were forced into night school literacy classes by Zhu Ping'an.

Therefore, most of the corps commanders could barely recognize the contents of the "New Book of Discipline and Effects of the Zhejiang Army".

"Ahem, a bunch of blind, illiterate people are just having fun. Hurry up, get out of the way and don't block the light. Let me read you a passage every year, and I will read it to you again during the break. Well, okay That’s it, that’s it.” A corps commander cleared his throat proudly, looked down upon his soldiers, then turned over a page and read out proudly.

"Well, compare. Oh, this word read Wu, compare martial arts chapter. The martial arts competition, according to the results of the competition, the initial test is determined to be upper, upper, middle, upper and lower; middle upper, middle, middle, middle lower; lower upper, lower middle, lower The second grade is the third grade. In the second competition, if the grade remains unchanged, there will be no reward or punishment; if it rises by one, the reward will be one silver point; if it rises by two, the reward will be two silver points; if it can be ranked from the lower grade If you are promoted to the middle level, or from the middle level to the upper level, you will be rewarded with five points of silver. The first time, if you are still in the same level, you will be exempted; if you are still in the same level the second time, you cannot make progress, and you will be given five sticks; if you are still in the same level the third time, Then, he will be beaten with ten sticks; after five times, the principle is still the same, and he will be beaten with forty sticks and withdraw from the Zhejiang Army. If there is anyone who is unwilling to be beaten with military sticks, he will be given one point of silver for each time, two points of silver for the second time, and two points of silver for the third time. Three points, and all the silver recovered will be awarded to those who make progress in the competition as an additional silver reward."

Wu Zhang opened the page and read on. He was not fully literate. Fortunately, when Zhu Pingan was writing, he took into account the general limited culture of the Zhejiang Army and tried to use legible words. The content was also relatively straightforward and easy to understand. Wu Zhang After stumbling for a long time and guessing, I managed to finish reading it smoothly.

"Wow! If you are promoted, you will be rewarded with one point of silver. If you are promoted to the first level, you will be rewarded with five points of silver."

"You kid only watch the thieves eat meat, but don't watch the thieves get beaten. If you don't make any progress twice, you'll get five sticks, three times you'll get ten sticks, and five times you'll get forty sticks and you'll be dismissed."

"What are you afraid of? As long as you study hard and practice hard, can you still regress? If you want to say that I am not good at literacy, but if I want to say that I am hardworking, who am I afraid of?"

"Well, that makes sense."

"But, I'm not good at boxing, what should I do?"

"Put me down. You are not good at fists and kicks. You are lazy. You will pay it forward when you practice, just like the lazy monks in the temple."

After listening to the corps commander read out a paragraph of detailed rules, most of the soldiers were excited and gearing up, preparing to show off their talents, practice hard, and strive for promotion. In the future, promotion and wealth will no longer be a dream.

There are also some people who are like mourning their heirs. After the disciplinary performance examination is implemented, their dawdling life is gone forever. If they want to avoid being punished or dismissed, they can only practice hard.

Of course, there are also some corps commanders who were pushed into literacy classes, but they were just in it, not their hearts. They fell asleep in the literacy class, and even after a period of night classes, they didn't know a few words.

This resulted in them holding the "New Book on the Discipline of the Zhejiang Army" and being illiterate just like the soldiers under their command.

The corps commander was holding a copy of "New Book on the Discipline of the Zhejiang Army" and was surrounded by a group of his soldiers. The corps commander lowered his head to read the book and then looked at his soldiers, staring at them like a fool.

"Ahem, Captain, why don't you read a paragraph to us? I see that Captain Niu next to me has already read a paragraph. Uh, Captain, you have been attending night school literacy classes for more than a month, don't you think you can do it too? Do you know the words?"

Finally one soldier couldn't help it anymore and boldly asked a question.

"Ahem, who said I can't read? It's just that, ahem, it just so happens that there are no words I know in this book." The corporal was exposed among others as illiterate. He suddenly blushed and had no confidence to insist.

"What a coincidence? There are no words you recognize in any book? Haha, Captain, you really don't know how to read."

The soldiers below discovered the truth and couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"Smile, let me see who dares to laugh. I will drill you hard later and let you know why the flowers are so red!"

The captain said in anger.

However, it had no effect, and the soldiers below laughed even harder.

Zhu Ping'an also noticed this scene, and his liver ached with anger, and he immediately said on the high platform: "If officers of corps commander and above are illiterate, they should go to the night school literacy class to make up lessons at night! If they can't keep up with the learning progress, their discipline will be punished." The effectiveness assessment shall not be rated as above average”

A group of illiterate corps commanders and other officers suddenly felt as if they were mourning. They could not be rated as medium, which meant that their positions were no longer stable. They immediately regretted that they had not learned Chinese characters well in the literacy class and vowed to learn Chinese characters from tonight on. Ben is good at reading.

"This is the first thing I announced. What do you think?" Zhu Pingan looked at everyone with burning eyes.

"Support! Support sir! With this discipline assessment, every drop of sweat we shed will be in vain."

"No objection, we have no objection, we support it with both hands and feet."

All the Zhejiang troops expressed their support.

Of course, there were some people who raised different opinions, but their voices were small and were drowned out by the crowd’s approval.

"Haha, if you have any opinions, leave them to me." Zhu Pingan said with a smile.


When everyone in the audience heard this, there was a burst of laughter.

"The military camp is not a place for retirement, let alone a charity hall. The more you sweat in peacetime, the less you will bleed during war. Nowadays, the Japanese invasion is becoming more and more serious. Japanese pirates are burning, killing, looting and committing all kinds of evil in our land. Our soldiers are the fists and sharp knives to protect our country. , if our fists are not strong enough and the sharp knives are not sharp enough, how can we destroy the Japanese pirates and how can we protect our country? From now on, daily drills must be carried out in accordance with actual combat, and the discipline and effectiveness assessment system must be strictly implemented. Only through repeated practice, our Zhejiang Army will become a The army of tigers and wolves will come when called upon, capable of fighting when they come, and will win the battle."

Zhu Pingan stood on the stage, waved his fists, and said to the Zhejiang Army in the audience with a serious face.


A group of Zhejiang troops followed and shouted, their morale soaring.

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