Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1573 This Chen Hong is extraordinary

When the building boat docked, officials from the Ministry of Rites had already laid out a red carpet at the riverside pier. First, the factory guards got off the boat and lined up on both sides with honor guards. Then Chen Hong and other five eunuchs slowly walked off the building boat with the honor guard of the emperor's envoys. .

"Welcome the angel." Zhang Jing and Eunuch He led the officials to come forward and bow to greet Chen Hong and other five eunuchs.

Although Zhang Jing and other officials despised the eunuch, they had no choice but to make him the emperor's messenger and represent the emperor's arrival. Even if they despised him, they had to pay homage and greet him.

The ones kneeling were not Chen Hong and other eunuchs, but the Holy One.

The same goes for Zhu Ping'an, who had to follow the crowd to pay homage. Living in the feudal era, how could he go beyond the rules?

Suddenly, people were kneeling on the dock.

Seeing a group of civil and military officials kneeling at his feet, especially his old enemy Eunuch He, who was also kneeling at his feet, Chen Hong couldn't help but squint his eyes and enjoy this moment, feeling as if he was in heaven.

"My lords, please get up quickly. The Zajia family is just a servant running errands for the Holy Master and does not deserve your lordship's courtesy."

After Chen Hong enjoyed it for a second, he smiled softly and became humble, bending down and making a gesture of support.

He is the eunuch in charge of the royal horse and has the highest position among the eunuchs in this line. He is naturally qualified to express his position on behalf of the other eunuchs who declare the decree.

"Thank you so much, Eunuch. It's so noble for Eunuch to humble himself and share the worries of His Majesty." All the officials thanked and complimented endlessly.

"You still need to verify your identity. It's a procedure. Don't blame the angel." After Zhang Jing stood up, he took a step forward and cupped his hands.

Then, officials from the Ministry of Rites came forward to verify.

"The emperor's order is so important that there is no room for sloppiness. It should be so. No wonder." Chen Hong said with a smile, and then took out a talisman from his body and handed it to the official of the Ministry of Rites, "Chen Hong, the eunuch of the Zajia Royal Horse Supervisor, here. Fan was ordered to come and announce the decree."

Then, Chen Hong turned to the other eunuchs on the side and said, "You will also submit your command talismans for verification, as well as the documents of our appointment for this trip. Once your identity is verified, we will be justified."

Immediately, the other eunuchs took out all their talismans and appointment documents and handed them over to the officials of the Ministry of Rites for verification.

I go!

Royal Horse Eunuch Chen Hong!

When Zhu Pingan heard Chen Hong announce his name, he couldn't help but twitched his lips. Two months ago, he beat his godson Qianxu, confiscated Qianxu's more than 10,000 taels of dirty money, and wrote a letter to Chen Hong. The letter "Autumn is getting colder, I hope to nourish my mind" made Liu Dadao escort Qianxu to Chen Hong, who was buying pearls in Suzhou at the time. Liu Dadao said that Chen Hong thanked him with a smile after accepting the letter.

After listening to Liu Dadao's description, he knew that Chen Hong was not a brainless person like Qianxu, but a powerful and ruthless character.

When I saw it today, it turned out to be true!

Zhu Ping'an observed Chen Hong without any trace, observed his words and deeds, and saw that he was a ruthless character with a strong heart and a secretive expression of his emotions and anger.

Also, among the group of physically disabled and mentally abnormal eunuchs in the palace, the one who can stand out is a ruthless character.

What happened to Qianxu last time was because he had grasped the evidence of Qianxu's crime. He only confiscated Qianxu's ill-gotten gains and returned the Taicang silver and purchased pearls to Chen Hong, so Chen Hong did not make an attack.

However, the beam is definitely tied.

Under the inhumane eunuch system, most eunuchs have more or less mental illnesses and are more or less abnormal. After all, they lack the physical pleasure of men, and their psychological and spiritual pursuits are somewhat distorted.

Chen Hong seems to be a serious pervert. Xiao Xizi, the godson of Eunuch He, once reminded himself to be careful about Chen Hong, saying that Chen Hong was known as a pervert among eunuchs, and that the idol Chen Hong admired was a man from the Southern Han Dynasty. Gong Chengshu, who proposed that "all civil and military officials must first be castrated before they can become officials" and the legend that he committed suicide in Gongqiu Xuanqing in order to concentrate on spiritual practice

Is it possible for such a pervert to let Liu Dadao take the lead and say thank you to him? Chen Hong is not Fan Wei, so how can he thank himself? If he is Fan Wei, how can he stand out if he is still cleaning toilets in the palace? day. Therefore, you must listen to his words in reverse. If he says he is grateful to himself, he must hate himself.

Unexpectedly, it was this person who announced the decree today. Zhu Pingan immediately became vigilant and mustered up 300% of his energy.

When the officials of the Ministry of Rites verified the identities of Chen Hong and other five eunuchs, Chen Hong approached Eunuch He with a smile, and greeted Eunuch He with a familiar and enthusiastic expression, "Haha, Eunuch He, we said goodbye two months ago, and I thought we didn't know each other. How many years have it taken us to see each other, but I didn’t expect that we would meet again so soon. I hope your father-in-law is well."

"Alas, the Za family can't compare with Eunuch Chen. The last time we saw each other, Eunuch Chen was very proud of himself. The Za family has been having bad luck since the last time they saw Eunuch Chen. First there was the mutiny in Zhenwu camp, oh, those perverts who killed a thousand swords **, you are really seeking death. Thanks to Mr. Xiao Zhu, the number one scholar, the Za family managed to escape the disaster without any risk; then they encountered the insidious and perverted Japanese pirates who killed a thousand swordsmen. They were really insidious villains who made little moves behind the scenes and sneaked in in advance. Yingtian, in an attempt to cooperate internally and externally, plotted to seize Yingtian. Fortunately, Mr. Xiaozhu, the number one scholar, was alert. I, the officials of Yingtian, worked together to smash the conspiracy of the insidious and perverted Japanese pirates, and completely wiped out this group of insidious and perverted Japanese pirates! The Za family has been in ruins in the past two months. I’m suffering from bloody bad luck. The fortune teller said that I am destined to be a villain and will have bad luck this year.”

Eunuch He sighed and said angrily.

Zhu Ping'an had sharp ears and listened to the conversation between the two of them. He couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth.

Eunuch He is quite strong.

Eunuch-gong He was full of words, he was full of yin and yang, he pointed at Chen Hong's nose and said you are a broom star, I will be unlucky when I see you. Later, Eunuch-gong He also added "pervert" and "sinister pervert" from time to time in his words. and other words, even more criticizing Chen Hong. When Xiao Xizi mentioned Chen Hong in public, the most common words used to describe him were sinister and perverted. He must have been influenced by Eunuch He.

Faced with Eunuch He's eccentric tempers and scoldings, Chen Hong's smile remained unchanged, and he even smiled more appropriately.

"Haha, I wonder which one Eunuch He would choose to tell his fortune. The Za family would also like to see it." Chen Hong said with a smile.

"Haha, what a coincidence. I met that person on the street by chance. I don't know his name. I can't find him anymore."

Eunuch He smiled and shrugged.

"Oh, that's such a pity. The fortune teller was quite accurate. I wanted to see it."

Chen Hong said with a pity expression.


Eunuch He was stunned for a moment.

"The fortune teller said that Eunuch He will have bad luck this year. He is really accurate. Eunuch He will have another bad luck next time."

Chen Hong squinted his eyes and said with admiration.

Eunuch He's face changed greatly. Chen Hong said that he would have bad luck next. Thinking about what Chen Hong was here to do today, saying that he was going to have bad luck was equivalent to saying that he would be punished according to the imperial edict!

Seeing Eunuch He's expression change drastically, Chen Hong put a smile on his face, "Actually, I still have to congratulate Eunuch He."

Congratulations to me? !

After listening to Chen Hong's words, Eunuch He couldn't help but his eyes lit up. Chen Hong said congratulations to me. Doesn't that mean there is a reward for me in the imperial edict? ! This is really a surprise and a surprise, it scares me, damn Chen Hong, you sinister villain, why don’t you finish it all at once!

"Ahem, what are you congratulating me for?" Eunuch He said pretending to be calm.

"Haha, congratulations to Eunuch He. It's the twelfth lunar month now. After the twelfth lunar month, it's the New Year. Eunuch He won't have much bad luck."

Chen Hong smiled and said seriously.

Lying on grass!

Eunuch He's chest suddenly heaved violently.

After seeing this scene, Zhu Pingan's vigilance towards Chen Hong increased to another level.

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