Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1574 Declaration

Naturally, there could be no problem with the identity of Chen Hong and others. Soon the officials of the Ministry of Rites verified their identities and confirmed that Chen Hong and others were correct. They respectfully returned the orders and official documents of Chen Hong and others to Chen Hong and other eunuchs who announced the decree.

"Haha, thank you very much. This way we are justified." Chen Hong smiled and thanked the officials of the Ministry of Rites.

"You're welcome, father-in-law." The official from the Ministry of Rites who returned the talisman bowed quickly, his tone respectful and flattering.

"We have arranged everything in Chaotian Palace, and I would like to ask all the angels to move to Chaotian Palace." Zhang Jing led a group of officials to extend their hands to greet Chen Hong and others.

"Excuse me, Sir Zhang, please, sirs." Chen Hong led a group of eunuchs and factory guards to follow Shan Ruliu.

Officials opened the way in front and drove away the onlookers. A group of officials led Chen Hong and other angels to Chaotian Palace.

On the way to Chaotian Palace, Zhu Pingan found a familiar figure among the factory guards escorting Chen Hong and other eunuchs. It was Zhang Guyi, the blood-dropping sword. The scarlet scabbard on his waist was extremely eye-catching, and he wanted to avoid being noticed. All difficult.

Zhu Pingan smiled and nodded to the Blood-Drying Sword Zhang Guyi. Zhang Guyi, the Blood-Drying Sword, also saw Zhu Pingan, or he had noticed Zhu Pingan for a long time. When he saw Zhu Pingan leading the gesture, he nodded slightly in return.

Whether intentionally or unintentionally, Zhu Ping'an noticed that Chen Hong looked at him twice without any trace on the way.

If Zhu Pingan hadn't felt that he was different from ordinary people and sounded the alarm for him, he might not have been discovered. I have never met Chen Hong before, this is the first time we meet. If Chen Hong hadn't reported his name, he wouldn't have known that he was Chen Hong. However, even before he reported his name, Chen Hong could actually recognize him. It seemed that he had studied him secretly.

Suddenly, Zhu Pingan became more vigilant.

When we arrived at Chaotian Palace, there was another complete set of etiquette procedures for receiving orders, including setting the table, burning incense, kowtow, kowtow, and kowtow again. After this set of procedures, Zhu Ping'an's knees were aching. If Hua'er hadn't specially done it for him I put on a knee brace because my knees were going to suffer a lot today, and I might even be naked from kneeling on them.

Finally, the process was completed, and it was time for the announcement of the announcement, which made everyone most nervous, anxious, and exciting.

"My lords, forgive the Zajia family for being presumptuous. This decree involves many people. Before announcing the decree, the Zajia family has to identify the people so that they can be identified later when the decree is announced." Chen Hong said to everyone with a smile before announcing the decree.

Chen Hong's request is very legitimate and reasonable. There are too many officials involved in this announcement. Identify the people in advance. When the rewards and punishments are announced later, avoid rewarding and punishing the wrong people, especially some rewards and punishments that need to be honored on the spot.

"The angel's words make sense. We will use the yamen as a unit to give a brief introduction one by one so that the angel can understand them."

Zhang Jing nodded and made arrangements for everyone.

"Dare you disobey me?" everyone responded.

Therefore, the officials took the yamen as a unit and gave a brief introduction starting from the Ministry of War.

Zhu Pingan is no exception.

When everyone was being introduced, Chen Hong and other eunuchs who announced the decree, as well as the guards in the military camp, carefully confirmed one by one.

After everyone was introduced, Chen Hong smiled and thanked everyone, and then said with a serious face, "My lords, you must already know the purpose of the Zajia and others coming here. However, the Zajia still have to say a few more words. Shang Yuzhi The Japanese pirates, less than a hundred in number, actually roamed for thousands of miles in the Ming Dynasty, captured many cities, and killed a censor, a magistrate, a county magistrate, two commanders, and two commanders, totaling more than 3,000 officers and soldiers, as well as innocent people. More than 2,000 people, a total of more than 5,000 Ming soldiers and civilians were killed. As for the injured, there were countless people, and the destroyed and burned houses and fields were incalculable! From the time the Japanese pirates landed in Shangyu until they were annihilated, my lords It took a total of eighty-five days!”

After hearing this, all the officials couldn't help but lower their heads, except of course a few officials such as Zhu Ping'an, Wei Guogong, and Linhuai Marquis.

Chen Hong glanced at everyone and continued: "After the battle report of fifty-seven Japanese pirates surrounding Yingtian was transmitted to the palace, the Holy One was very angry. To be honest with you, the Holy One was having breakfast when he received the battle report. He only saw After just one glance, the Holy One overturned the table, smashed the bowl, and couldn't eat breakfast anymore. You sirs, you have betrayed His Majesty's trust in you and betrayed His Majesty's good intentions."

"I'm so ashamed." All the officials bowed their heads even more.

"Fortunately, the Japanese pirates surrounded Yingtian for less than a day before they were annihilated by Zhu Ping'an, the envoy of the Jiangsu and Zhejiang Procuratorate. Otherwise, I don't know when the Holy Emperor's thunderous wrath will be dissipated." Chen Hong said with emotion.

All the officials felt resentful.

"In general, your performance has disappointed the Holy One. The Holy One ordered the cabinet to take the lead. The Ministry of Civil Affairs, the Ministry of War and other government agencies evaluated the merits and demerits of all the adults in dealing with the Japanese pirates, and determined rewards and punishments. After the Holy One approved, a formation was formed Imperial edict. There are two imperial edicts, one for thunder and one for rain and dew.

Thunder punishes those who have made mistakes, while rain and dew reward those who have merit. "Chen Hong raised his orchid finger and said slowly.

The main event is here!

Everyone became very nervous.

"According to the celestial phenomena, thunder comes first, followed by rain and dew. The Zajia should read out the imperial edict for punishment by thunder first, and then read out the edict for reward by rain and dew."

Chen Hong said slowly.

Naturally, all the officials had no objections. Even if Chen Hong read the edict of rewards first and then the edict of punishment, no one would have any objections. Which one comes first and which one comes last makes no difference to the officials, and they have no right to speak.

The eunuch behind carefully took out a heavy imperial edict from the edict box and handed it to Chen Hong.

"My lords, please accept the edict." Chen Hong opened the edict with a serious face.

"I have received the order, long live my emperor." All the officials knelt down again and said in unison.

"According to Heaven's destiny, the emperor issued an edict: The Japanese pirates from Shangyu suddenly invaded Kuaiji County, robbed Hangzhou, invaded Shexian County in Huizhou, reached Jixi and Jingde, massacred and plundered Jingxian County, headed towards Nanling, went to Wuhu, burned the south bank, and headed towards Taiping Prefecture. I violated Jiangning Town and went straight to Yingtian. There were many cowardly and incompetent officials along the way. I was very angry and could not contain my anger. Anyone along the way and related officials, regardless of civil or military status, regardless of rank, would be severely punished. The cabinet and officials have approved the punishment as follows: "Chen Hong unfolded the imperial edict and read it slowly, and paused slightly after reading this.

Everyone's hearts were in their throats and they were nervous.

After Chen Hong paused for a few seconds, he continued to read out sternly: "Liu Xi, the prefect of Shaoxing, failed to prevent Japanese pirates, which resulted in Japanese pirates landing in the territory and killing all the people in the town. He also failed to encircle and suppress Japanese pirates with Qianhu Xu Ziyi, resulting in heavy casualties on our side. , and he was careless, causing the Japanese pirates to cross the river and flee, causing Qian Jing, the censor who returned home, to be killed. He failed the emperor's favor and reduced his position to serve the people."

"The guilty minister received the decree, and the guilty minister is ashamed of the emperor and the common people." Liu Xi, the prefect of Shaoxing, knelt down with tears streaming down his face.

The factory guard immediately stepped forward, took off Liu Xi's black gauze hat, took off his official uniform, dragged him by the arm, and pulled him out of the hall.

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