Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1585 The kind-hearted naughty boy

At sunset and dusk, the clouds are changing, and the setting sun shines back on the Celestial City, making the whole city seem to be plated with a layer of rose gold.

"I would like to send you all angels to rest in peace. I will serve you with simple meals and home-cooked food. I am not entertaining you well, so please forgive me, all angels."

A group of drunken officials put Chen Hong and other father-in-law on an eight-carriage sedan in front of the restaurant in the afterglow of the setting sun.

"Where is it? Thank you all for your hospitality today. It is a great honor for the Zajia family and others."

A young eunuch opened the sedan curtain, and Chen Hong appeared, clasping his fists and saying to the officials who were seeing him off outside.

"You're welcome, father-in-law. It's our honor to have dinner with you." Wei Guogong and other officials said one after another.

Zhu Ping'an stood in the crowd and couldn't help but sigh in his heart. What a simple home-cooked meal.

In the entire Ming Dynasty, only for the Holy Master in Xiyuanli, this was home-cooked food, right?

Except for the Holy One, there was no one in the entire Ming Dynasty where the common people could afford such simple home-cooked food.

At least one thousand taels of silver was spent on this meal. Thousands of taels of silver were used to pay soldiers, increase armaments, and improve people's livelihood. They did nothing wrong, but they were given to Huo Huo in just one meal. It is really heartbreaking.

However, people speak softly and only sigh.

"What do you want, my dear nephew? Let's go back to my house with me. Let's have a good celebration."

The Marquis of Linhuai patted Zhu Pingan on the shoulder and dragged Zhu Pingan away without any explanation, very enthusiastically.

The Marquis of Linhuai was so fat that he could compete with Sun Yue, a modern cross talker. The tonnage was there and his thighs couldn't twist his arms. Zhu Pingan really couldn't refuse.

I had no choice but to follow Linhuai Marquis to his residence in Yingtian. There was nothing important to do.

Zhu Ping'an first said goodbye to Zhang Zhengtai and others, explaining the reason, and then asked a small official from the Zhejiang Prosecution and Prosecution Department to go back to the Yamen to bring a message to Hua'er and the others, so that they don't have to wait for him for dinner, and he is at Linhuai Marquis Have dinner at the hotel and go back later.

As for the curfew, it didn't exist. Wei Guogong had already given himself a token. With this token, the curfew in Yingtian City was unimpeded.

"Old Li, my dear nephew, I will go back to find you." Wei Guogong called from a distance. As the temporary speaker, he also had to explain and arrange the sleeping arrangements for Chen Hong and others, and he would not be able to leave for a while.

Zhu Ping'an followed Linhuai Marquis to the gate of Linhuai Marquis' Mansion. He saw the housekeeper Li Er and trotted forward to report to Linhuai Marquis with a worried and embarrassed look: "Master, Master, it's not good, the two people in the backyard are master"

Seeing that Zhu Ping'an was there, Li Er hurriedly changed his words, "The two wet nurses in the backyard started fighting."

When Zhu Pingan heard this, the corner of his mouth couldn't help but twitch.

The Marquis of Linhuai is really getting older and stronger. When he came to visit last time, there was only one wet nurse in the house, but now there are two.

She is said to be a wet nurse, but she is a wet nurse in name for the naughty boy Rui Geer. In fact, she is a concubine kept by the Marquis of Linhuai in the local area. Because the imperial court has a law prohibiting foreign officials from marrying local women as wives and concubines in the place where they serve, Linhuai Marquis Huaihou finally changed his mind and announced that he was Rui Geer's nanny.

This also made Brother Rui complain endlessly, saying that he hired a wet nurse for me, but she turned out to be my father's wet nurse.

Li Er said that they were fighting, and it seemed that Marquis Laihuai had a fire in Yingtian's backyard.

This is also the reason why there is no mistress in the backyard. Although the Marquis of Linhuai also has several wives and concubines in the capital, there is the Marquis of Linhuai's wife sitting in the backyard, and none of the Marquis of Linhuai's concubines dares to make trouble.

There are only two concubines in Yingtian's backyard. They are both concubines. No one can block the other. Naturally, no one will obey the other, so it is easy to catch fire.

"Ahem, Li Er, please take my nephew to my study. I'll serve you some tea. Nephew, I'll come as soon as I go."

When the Marquis of Linhuai heard that there was a fire in the backyard, he immediately got excited and arranged for Li Er to take Zhu Pingan to the study. He apologized to Zhu Pingan, picked up his official uniform and ran towards the backyard.

"Uncle, just go. I've been here not once or twice, and I won't see anyone else." Zhu Pingan replied.

"Uncle, please." Li Er invited Zhu Ping'an to come in.

"Thank you, Butler Li." Zhu Ping'an smiled slightly and followed Li Er into the mansion.

"My dear, please be patient." Li Er led Zhu Ping'an into Linhuai Marquis' study and served him hot tea and fruit and vegetable snacks.

"Steward Li, you go about your business, I'll just take care of myself." Zhu Ping'an said with a smile.

"Well, if anything happens, please call me."

Li Er resigned.

After Li Er left, Zhu Ping'an looked through the Marquis of Linhuai's collection of books in the study room. Most of the Marquis of Linhuai's books were for decoration. The books in the row on the bookshelf were all brand new. It was clear at a glance that they had not been read.

The only one that has ever been read is a popular romance novel.

In modern times, Zhu Ping'an was accustomed to reading various fantasy, fairy tale, and historical online novels on Qidian.com, and his appetite had long been developed. The popular romance novels of this era could not arouse the desire to read at all.

Zhu Ping'an found a copy of the Northern Song Dynasty's Art of War "Tiger Seal Classic" from the bookshelf of Marquis Linhuai, took it out and flipped through it.

After flipping through a few pages, he heard the sound of trotting footsteps coming from outside. Hearing the footsteps, Zhu Pingan knew that a naughty kid was coming.

Sure enough, the next second I saw the naughty kid running into the study room.

"Brother-in-law Tu, I heard you were coming and I came over to see you immediately. Hehe, please be touched."

The naughty kid looked like he was a 250-year-old man. He raised his fat face and howled as soon as he entered the door.

"You finally found a reason to skip class." Zhu Pingan could see through the naughty kid's heart at a glance.

"No, I've been studying very well recently. It doesn't matter if I skip a class occasionally." The naughty boy said in a hurry.

Have you studied well? ! Pull it down. I really don’t know where you get your confidence. Every time you feel confident, the end result is that your crotch is stretched out.

Zhu Ping'an didn't believe a word of what he said to the naughty boy.

"Brother-in-law, I heard from my father that you have become a general." The naughty boy asked with his fat face raised.

"That's right." Zhu Pingan nodded.

"Then how many soldiers do you control?" the naughty boy asked.

"There are currently over 800 soldiers, why are you interested in this?" Zhu Pingan asked.

"Hey, don't I care about my brother-in-law? He has more than 800 soldiers, which is a bit small. My father can manage thousands of people like that."

The naughty kid blinked his little eyes and said.

Your father still cares about thousands of dollars. If your father hears this, you will have to eat another bamboo meal.

Zhu Ping'an couldn't help but laugh. This naughty kid was either being beaten or on the way to being beaten.

"Brother-in-law, you have too few soldiers and horses. Let me help you. I'll give you my two wet nurses to serve as soldiers. You're welcome. This is what I should do." Brother Rui, the naughty kid, winked. He blinked his little eyes and said kindly.

"Thank you, no, we don't accept women in the barracks."

Zhu Ping'an smiled and waved his hand. This naughty boy really dared to think and wanted to send his father's concubine into the army.

You are really on the road to being beaten and keep moving forward.

"Why don't you accept women? Stop lying to me. There are a lot of women serving as soldiers in the barracks." The naughty boy said with a smile on his face.

"Oh, who told you?" Zhu Pingan asked with interest, thinking that he had discovered a new continent.

"Ancient poetry told me that there were over a hundred thousand women in military camps throughout history." The naughty boy said with certainty.

"Which ancient poem, what history?" Zhu Pingan twitched the corner of his mouth speechlessly.

"As for the saying, 'One hundred and forty thousand soldiers were all disarmed, and not one of them was a man!' Listen, one hundred and forty thousand soldiers took off their clothes and found that not one of them was a man, so they are all women." The naughty boy said proudly.


Zhu Ping'an just took a sip of tea and spit it out.

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