Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1586 Really, I can’t beat you

"Brother-in-law, there are 140,000 women in the barracks. What's wrong with the two extra women in your barracks? Let me tell you, my two wet nurses are extraordinary. They fight all day long and fight like crazy. You are a flying dog, and you are a good soldier at first glance. Who made you my brother-in-law? If I don’t help you, who will I help? I’ll give it all to you.”

The naughty boy Rui Geer raised his fat face and tried his best to sell his two wet nurses to Zhu Pingan with a generous and kind expression.

Do you have to give your father a piece of grassland? !

Zhu Ping'an shook his head with a wry smile. This naughty kid was really getting further and further away from being beaten. Just as he was about to correct the naughty kid's wrong thoughts, he heard a shocking roar coming from outside the door. .

"Gui Zi, what did you say?!" The roar of the Marquis of Lai Huai came from outside the door.

Then, I saw the Marquis of Linhuai rushing into the study with a vigorous pace that was not consistent with his fat body. He rushed into the study with three steps and two steps at a time. He was quick and accurate, not giving the naughty kid a chance to escape at all. Got caught.

The Marquis of Linhuai was already upset by the two aunts in the backyard. He was very angry. If they didn't need the support of their mother clan, how could they be so unruly in the backyard? He promised two sets of gold jewelry. After finally calming down the two aunts, before entering the door, I heard that the naughty child was about to give the two aunts to Zhu Ping'an. How could I suppress my anger? In an instant, it went straight to the top of my head.

"I want to give my two wet nurses to my brother-in-law to serve as soldiers." The naughty boy said with a smile on his face.

"Guizi, say it again!" Marquis Linhuai was so angry that he stared at the naughty kid with blazing eyes.

"I'll say it again, that's my wet nurse. I can't make the decision about my wet nurse?! I just want to give them to my brother-in-law to serve as soldiers." The naughty child became even bolder when things happened, and he held his neck. yelled.

"I let you make the decision! I let you make the decision!" The Marquis of Linhuai suddenly became so angry that his Tianling Gai flew away, with smoke coming out from all his orifices. He pulled the naughty child onto his lap, slapped him like a bear's paw and opened it. beat.


The naughty child suddenly screamed.

"Uncle, Tongyanwuji, Brother Rui is also a young man. Uncle, let's bypass him this time."

Zhu Ping'an stepped forward to persuade Marquis Linhuai.

"Brother Rui, hurry up and admit your mistake to your father." Then, Zhu Pingan winked at the naughty kid, asking him to admit his mistake and surrender.

"My dear nephew, you don't know that this treacherous son did it on purpose." The Marquis of Linhuai was still angry.

"I'm not wrong. Dad, are they my nanny, or are they your aunt?! If they are my nanny, why can't I make the decision?! They fight when they meet, and let them go to the brother-in-law's barracks to fight. It's good enough. !" The naughty boy covered his spanked buttocks and yelled loudly, without admitting his mistake or showing any cowardice.

"Of course they hired wet nurses for you!" Linhuai Marquis gritted his teeth, "However, they just hired wet nurses for you, not slaves who signed a contract to sell themselves. You are the boss! Also, there are no women in the military camp who can Well, I’m giving it to your brother-in-law to serve as a soldier. Aren’t you doing harm to your brother-in-law? I think you deserve a beating!”

"Huh, why did the nurse I hired come to your house to put you to sleep?" the naughty child asked unconvinced.

"Did you finish your homework?! You sneaked out again, didn't you? See if I don't teach you a lesson!"

The Marquis of Linhuai interrupted the naughty boy's words with a roar, and then punched the naughty boy twice hard on the buttocks.

Then, he yelled at the door, "Steward, steward, please send this traitor to the master quickly. Keep an eye on me and don't let him skip classes again. Also, if he can't finish his homework today, don't give him food." .”

Marquis Linhuai's idea is that since he can't answer the question, he should solve the problem with the person who raised the question.

"Yes, sir." Li Er answered the door, took the naughty child from the hands of Marquis Linhuai, and walked out with him.

"Dad, this is public revenge, I don't accept it, I don't accept it."

The naughty child struggled hard in Li Er's arms, but to no avail, and was carried away by Li Er.

I could hear the squealing sounds of naughty children in the distance.

"Ahem, you don't have a good way to teach your son, and you make your wise nephew laugh." Linhuai Hou coughed and said with a somewhat embarrassed look on his face.

"Uncle, you are serious. As a child, it is normal to be naughty and mischievous." Zhu Pingan said with a slight smile.

"That's right, Tongyanwuji, Tongyanwuji." Linhuai Marquis nodded vigorously and found the steps.

"Congratulations to my nephew this time. He has been promoted to a fourth-rank officer all of a sudden. This is the first job for such a young fourth-rank officer in my Ming Dynasty."

The Marquis of Linhuai congratulated Zhu Ping'an and changed the topic.

"Haha, uncle shares the same congratulations. Congratulations on taking the post of deputy commander-in-chief of Jianghuai." Zhu Pingan returned the congratulations with a smile and cupped his hands.

"Hahahaha, it's all thanks to my nephew. If it hadn't been for my nephew's insistence, Lao Xu and I wouldn't be where we are today."

The Marquis of Linhuai laughed so hard that he thanked Zhu Pingan.

"Hahaha, I don't want to thank my nephew." Wei Guogong's laughter came from outside the study, and people walked in.

Duke Wei was a frequent visitor to the Marquis of Linhuai's residence, so he walked into the study easily and without anyone stopping him.

"Haha, Lao Xu, you are here. Eunuch Chen has arranged everything." Linhuai Marquis stood up and said with a smile.

"Uncle." Zhu Pingan also stood up to greet him.

"Well, everything is set up. Let me tell you, I am worthy of being from the palace. I am very particular about it. I have a rosewood bed, a Suzhou embroidery curtain, a colorful brocade quilt, and a velvet jacquard carpet. Fortunately, we Yingtian Nothing was missing, it was quickly replaced, and nothing was left in the basket, so I’m quite satisfied.”

Eunuch Wei clicked his tongue and said.

"It's important to be particular about it. In the past few days, it's all paid by the public. What are you afraid of?" Linhuai Marquis said disapprovingly.

"That's true." Wei Guogong nodded.

"My dear nephew, congratulations on your promotion to the fourth rank. Thanks to you this time, I have also won a lot of merit rewards."

Duke Wei turned his head and said to Zhu Pingan with a smile.

"Haha, uncle said something serious, congratulations to uncle." Zhu Ping'an also smiled and congratulated him.

"Old Xu, you have added Zuofu and Jialu Qianshi. Don't just say thank you. Show something practical."

The Marquis of Linhuai stepped forward and patted Wei Guogong on the shoulder, asking for benefits for Zhu Ping'an.

"No, no need." Zhu Pingan waved his hand modestly, "I just came up with the idea, and the two uncles are the ones who implemented it."

"Don't worry, Lao Li, I, Mr. Xu, am not a stingy person. I will definitely give my nephew a big gift after some time."

Duke Guo of Wei patted his chest and said, after saying that, he led Lin Huaihou's army, "Old Li, you have been promoted to deputy commander, so you have to show off well."

"Don't worry, it won't be smaller than your gift when the time comes." Marquis Linhuai stroked his chin and said with a smile.

Really, I can't defeat you. Zhu Ping'an thought to himself that he couldn't defeat them, so he silently accepted it.

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