Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1590 The Uncrowned King of Jiangnan

Sure enough, Zhu Ping'an heard the voice of Chen Hong's duck voice again on the river bank the next second.

"Master Zhang Jing, please come forward to receive the order." Chen Hong shouted loudly and solemnly.

What? ! Zhang Jing accepted the order?!

After listening to Chen Hong's words, all the officials couldn't believe their ears. They opened their mouths in surprise and were stunned.

Why did Zhang Jing need to receive the order before leaving? Why not announce the order four days ago? Also, wasn't Master Zhang Jing dismissed from his post by order? Why should he receive the order again?! Is it not enough to say that dismissal is not enough? Do we need to punish him again? Or is Mr. Zhang's luck in his fortune?! But, that's not right. If that's the case, why not do it in one step?! Why wait three days to announce the decree again? !

The minds of all the officials were filled with questions.

When Zhang Jing heard Chen Hong's words, his heart skipped a beat and his eyes burned with fire. He couldn't help but think of the scene when Zhu Pingan held a wine glass to congratulate him on the day of the reception banquet, and what he said, "Congratulations to the lower official." Your Excellency, I would like to express my congratulations to you. It is inevitable to add the governor of Jiangnan. The first choice for the governor of Jiangnan must be your Excellency. It is precisely because your Excellency has been dismissed that the subordinates are more certain that the Governor-General is your Excellency."

Was he really right? !

Zhang Jing couldn't help but feel excited. Adrenaline hormones were secreted rapidly as if a water pump had been installed.

He subconsciously looked at the crowd, trying to find where Zhu Ping'an was, but there were too many people and he couldn't find it at a glance.

However, Zhang Jing is also a giant in the officialdom. He knows that receiving the order is the first priority now, and it will not be too late to wait until he receives the order. If you neglect to accept the order at this time, it will be a big deal if the outline comes online.

Immediately, Zhang Jing tidied up his student uniform (because he was dismissed and it was inappropriate to wear official uniform, so he wore the student uniform), walked forward in three steps, and said in his mouth, "Chen Zhang I have received the decree, long live my emperor."

When the last word "Sui" fell, Zhang Jing walked to the front, lifted up his clothes, knelt on the ground and waited for the order.

"Lord Zhang, the reason why the Zajia family is announcing this imperial edict today is that the Zajia family is also acting under orders. Before leaving the capital, the Holy Father has given instructions for the Zajia family and others to observe you carefully for three days after reading the first imperial edict of dismissal to you. Whether you are resentful, self-destructive, and still able to eat? If Mr. Zhang is not resentful, self-destructive, and still able to eat, then I will read this second imperial edict to you; if you are resentful, self-destructive, and unable to obey, then this is The imperial edict will be brought back to the capital by the Za family and returned to the Holy One." Chen Hong smiled slightly, raised his orchid finger, and slowly said to Zhang Jing, explaining briefly.

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but be surprised. What was the content of this imperial edict? There was still such a test.

The inspection lasted three whole days, and the inspection was so careful! So tricky!

I think the content of this imperial edict must be very important, and it will probably be shocking if it is read out.

As for Zhang Jing, after hearing what Chen Hong said, Zhang Jing couldn't help but shed a cold sweat in his heart. It was really dangerous.

Fortunately, Zhu Pingan said congratulations to himself during the last reception. Although I didn't believe it at the time, it at least gave me a glimmer of hope. This glimmer of hope is like a star in the dark night sky, keeping me from sinking.

Originally, on the day of my dismissal, I planned to go home and spend more time with my old wife. However, after listening to Zhu Pingan's words, I felt a ten thousandth of hope and deep unwillingness in my heart. Unable to let go of the common people in Jiangnan, he spent that night in the study, continuing to study the Japanese invasion and the deployment to suppress them, and compiled them into a volume. If there is a miracle and I have fulfilled my one ten thousandth hope, these information will be of great use in the future; if there is no miracle, these information will be given to the incoming Governor-General for his reference, and my many years of hard work will not be in vain. . In the next three days, I was doing all this work, but I didn't have the time to give up on myself or feel resentful.

As for eating, maybe I worked too hard, but my appetite is better than before.

Today, Chen Hongneng declared to himself, which shows that he has passed the test. Thinking of this, Zhang Jing couldn't help but thank Zhu Ping'an in his heart.

Thinking about it now, if it weren't for Zhu Ping'an's congratulations, today's consequences would really not be optimistic.

At this time, Chen Hong raised his orchid finger and continued: "In the past three days, the Zajia family and others seemed to be traveling around, but in fact they have been secretly observing Master Zhang's every move. This is the emperor's order, so please forgive me. "

When everyone heard this, their mouths opened even wider.

Unexpectedly, Chen Hong and the others' three-day trip to the mountains and rivers to receive gifts was actually a pretense, and their real purpose was to secretly observe Zhang Jing's words and deeds.

Also, they have so many factory guards accompanying them, and these people are good and masters of monitoring. You have no secrets as long as they let you.

I wonder how they observed during the past three days. Did Mr. Zhang Jing have any complaints? Have you given up on yourself? ! Can you still eat? !

In fact, this test is a bit tricky, and can even be said to be difficult. According to common sense, when an official is dismissed, there will be some complaints, some self-abasement, and some affect on appetite.

I don’t know if Lord Zhang Jingzhang has passed the test.

Dizzy, I almost forgot. Eunuch Chen just said that if he passes the test, he will proclaim the edict. If he fails to pass the test, he will bring the edict back to the capital and hand it over to the Holy Master. Now that Chen Hong is going to proclaim the edict, it proves that Mr. Zhang has passed the test.

Mr. Zhang, indeed Mr. Zhang, everyone could not help but look at Zhang Jing with admiration.

"After the imperial edict was read out that day, Mr. Zhang returned home. At night, he was still studying the matter of suppressing Japanese invaders in his study. He stayed up until late at night and studied the matter of suppressing Japanese invaders for several days. He compiled it into three thick volumes! Even after he was dismissed, Zhang Your Excellency has not given up on yourself, nor is he resentful. He still cares about the country, the country, and the people of the south of the Yangtze River. He eats and drinks as usual. It is really admirable. Therefore, Zajia reads this imperial edict to you."

Chen Hong said slowly. He took out a volume of imperial edict in his hand and slowly unfolded it in front of everyone.

Everyone stared intently, not daring to take a breath, for fear of missing any word of the imperial edict.

"The Emperor of Heaven has sent an edict saying: Japanese pirates are rampant in the southeast, and the people are suffering unspeakably. In order to suppress the Japanese pirates and save the people from fire and water, Zhang Jing, the governor-general of Shandong, South Zhili, Zhejiang, Fujian, Huguang, and Guangdong and Guangxi, is specially ordered to handle the war against Japanese invaders. Grant me the power to mobilize troops, raise pay, make decisions when the opportunity arises, and act expediently. Don’t fail me! I appreciate this!!!”

Chen Hong unfolded the imperial edict and read it loudly in a fluctuating tone.

As soon as Chen Hong finished speaking, there were gasps and swallowing sounds all around.



The officials seemed to have been struck by five thunders, standing there blankly, with their mouths as big as boxes.

The governor-general of Shandong, Southern Zhili, Zhejiang, Fujian, Huguang, and the armies of Guangdong and Guangxi is actually the governor-general of seven provinces! The Holy One actually appointed Zhang Jing as the governor of seven provinces! !

This is not an ordinary frontier official, there has never been a frontier official in ancient times!

He holds half of the richest country in the Ming Dynasty and nearly half of the Ming Dynasty’s military strength! This is simply the uncrowned king of Jiangnan!

"I thank the Lord for your kindness. I will do my best and die. I will repay the trust of Your Majesty to the death. Long live my emperor!"

Zhang Jing couldn't hide his excitement and kowtowed his head to express gratitude. His voice trembled and tears welled up in the corners of his eyes!

At the same time, I was shocked inside.

He actually predicted it!

Zhu Ping'an is truly worthy of being the number one scholar, a very talented person! !

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