Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1591 Shocked

There was a loud thunder on the ground and huge waves in the ocean, none of which were as shocking as today's news!

Zhang Jing, who was dismissed from his post three days ago, was actually appointed by the Holy Emperor as the Governor-General of Jiangnan today!

The governor-general of Shandong, Southern Zhili, Zhejiang, Annex, Huguang, Guangdong, and Guangxi armies mobilizes troops, raises wages, makes decisions when the opportunity arises, and acts expediently. This power is simply boundless! He is well-deserved as the number one boss in Jiangnan!

It is no exaggeration to say that he is the uncrowned king of Jiangnan.

All the princes in the Ming Dynasty combined were not as powerful as Zhang Jing. Nowadays, the vassals of the Ming Dynasty are all captive Taiping princes. In addition to having some land and food and clothing, not to mention a little bit of military power, they don't even have the freedom to leave the city to visit the graves of their ancestors. When going out of the city to pay homage to their ancestors, they have to ask the court for permission, and they can only leave the city after getting permission. .

God knows how much they envy Zhang Jing.

Therefore, the news that Zhang Jing was appointed as the Governor-General of Jiangnan shocked people so much that even when Chen Hong and other eunuchs were sent aboard, their heads were still blurry and they still could not recover from the shock. Come.

"I send you off to the angels as they set off back to the capital. It's been a smooth sailing journey for a thousand miles. We will live up to your Majesty's trust and wipe out all the Japanese pirates who have violated our Ming Dynasty in order to repay your Majesty's favor!" Zhang Jing handed Chen Hong and others off. people.

Zhang Jinggong's voice sending Chen Hong off made everyone wake up from their shock, and they hurriedly followed suit and sent Chen Hong and others off.

After Chen Hong and others set sail, a group of officials couldn't wait and rushed to congratulate Zhang Jing, with their hands arched like a lucky cat.

"Congratulations to Mr. Zhang, no, no, no, it should be congratulations to Governor Zhang. Congratulations to Governor Zhang for being the Holy Family and governor of the military affairs of the seven provinces."

"That's right, it's the Governor. Congratulations to Governor Zhang. Governor Zhang's incident is really in line with the old saying, 'Therefore, when heaven is going to give a great responsibility to this person, he must first suffer from his will, his muscles and bones, his body and skin, and his emptiness." His body is disturbed by his behavior, so he is tempted to endure and gain what he cannot.' After Mr. Zhang was dismissed, he could still care about his family and country, and then he was appointed as the governor-general. He is really a model for us to learn from."

"No, Mr. Zhang was dismissed from his official position three days ago. To be honest, we still feel sorry for Mr. Zhang in our hearts and complain about him. Mr. Zhang works hard day and night to serve the country and the people because of a small group of people. The Japanese pirates fled to Yingtian City and were dismissed from their posts. Now it seems that we are still superficial, our stance is not high enough, and our structure is not enough. The Holy One is worthy of being a Holy One, wise, powerful, and far-sighted. Governor Zhang's hard work and far-sightedness have long been forgotten. You have seen your ability. No, I ordered you to be the governor of the military affairs of seven provinces. This is our first job in the Ming Dynasty, and we are very happy for you."

"Previously Master Zhang was in charge of Yingtian, and the Japanese pirates from Shangyu were killed outside Yingtian City; now Master Zhang is in charge of Jiangnan, and the Japanese pirates in Jiangnan will be wiped out in one fell swoop!"

"Governor Zhang will definitely make further progress in eradicating the Japanese pirates in the south of the Yangtze River. We would like to congratulate Governor Zhang in advance."

“Congratulations to Governor Zhang”

As expected, a group of officials came over from the single-plank bridge of the imperial examination. They stepped forward and said words to each other. The words of congratulations poured on Zhang Jing like a torrential rain. Moreover, although there were many words, none of them were repeated, and there was always a way to congratulate him. .

Although Wei Guogong was squeezed at the front of the crowd, he was from a noble family and did not have much ink in his stomach. He only had time to say congratulations to Governor Zhang, but then he found that he had no words. All the words of congratulations he finally thought of were said by others. It's over. You can't be like Zhang Fei and say "Me too". I can only feel resentful and secretly angry: "Damn, I have to learn a few more words of congratulations in the future. I can't come to the Four Books and Five Classics. Congratulations can't be better." You guys, that’s unreasonable!”

"Old Xu, Governor Zhang has been promoted. Why don't we gather in Qingfeng Tower to celebrate Governor Zhang's promotion?" Linhuai Marquis walked up to Wei Guogong with a shy belly and reminded him in a low voice.

"Yes, yes, Lao Li, you are right." When Wei Guogong heard this, his face couldn't help but be happy and he nodded repeatedly.

Just now everyone was only congratulating Zhang Jing, and no one was celebrating yet.

But he couldn't let others take the lead, so Duke Wei and Marquis Linhuai squeezed to the front. Duke Wei cleared his throat and said to Zhang Jing, "Governor Zhang, the angel has left, but the Qingfeng Building venue is still there, and there are still a lot of ingredients." Fu Yu, let us use the light of angels to set up a few tables for you in Qingfeng Tower to celebrate."

As soon as Wei Guogong finished speaking, a group of officials followed closely and echoed.

"That's right, Wei Guoguo's words are right. Let's go to Qingfeng Tower to celebrate Governor Zhang."


Amidst the cheers of celebrations from the crowd, Zhang Jing shook his head vigorously and waved his hands, "Thank you all for your kindness. I appreciate your kindness. There is no need to hold a banquet to celebrate. It has already cost too much to welcome the angels this time." too much."

"Governor Zhang, it doesn't cost anything, it doesn't cost anything at all. Let's borrow the light of the angels. The venue of Qingfeng Building is ready-made, and even the ingredients are leftover. We only need the chef to cook the dishes."

"That's right, we are borrowing the angel's light, and it doesn't cost anything."

When the officials saw Zhang Jing's refusal, they hurriedly persuaded him and insisted on holding a banquet in Qingfeng Tower to celebrate.

"Now is the time to spend money. Let's return all the remaining ingredients. We can still get a lot of money back. We can keep the money to fight against Japanese invaders." Zhang Jing waved his hand firmly again and said slowly. .


Everyone was stunned for a moment, and soon someone said, "Governor Zhang, as you said, we will return the food ingredients, and the money will be used to fight the Japanese military expenses. We will use the money ourselves to celebrate your inauguration as the governor. Please also ask Governor Zhang must not refuse.”

"That's right, we're offering money, please don't refuse Governor Zhang." Everyone agreed.

"Thank you all very much. I appreciate your kindness. There is no need for a celebration banquet. I am now officially inaugurated as the governor of Jiangnan. I hope that you will cooperate with me in the future and work together to eliminate the Japanese invaders who invaded our Ming Dynasty and restore peace to the people."

Zhang Jing cupped his hands and said firmly.

"Don't worry, Lord Governor, we will definitely cooperate. However, I would like to ask the Lord Governor to reconsider this celebration banquet."

"Your Majesty the Governor, please show me your face."

Although Zhang Jing firmly rejected everyone, everyone still surrounded Zhang Jing with perseverance and perseverance.

Zhang Jing was surrounded by people, and even a needle couldn't stick in. Seeing everyone squabbling, Zhu Pingan smiled slightly, turned and left.


Leave a shadow behind.

"Thank you for your kindness. I won't mention the celebration banquet anymore. If you have a lot of money, you can donate it to the military expenses for the war against Japanese invaders. I have something else to do, so I'll take my leave and won't send you off."

Zhang Jinghao waved his hand impatiently, said something, and then squeezed out from the crowd.

Governor Zhang, is there anything else? What's up? This is an excuse to reject us.

Everyone thought, but after noticing Zhang Jing's impatient expression, they didn't dare to step forward to lick it again.

Anyway, everyone was rejected in the same way, and there will be opportunities in the future. If Zhang Jing is displeased now, he will not even have the chance to lick her in the future.

But the next second

Everyone was stunned.

They watched until Zhang Jing squeezed out of the crowd and shouted at Zhu Ping'an's leaving back: "Master Zhu, please stay."

Zhu Ping'an heard Zhang Jing's voice, turned around, bowed to Zhang Jing, smiled and said, "Congratulations to Governor Zhang.".

"Haha, congratulations indeed. I still owe you a glass of wine. Do you have time? I don't have the habit of owing people."

Zhang Jing said to Zhu Pingan with a smile.

"As I wish, I don't dare to invite you." Zhu Pingan replied with a smile, and then joked, "Last time I heard from the old man that there was a jar of imperial tribute wine 'Pearl Red' in the house, and Pingan was already greedy. .”

"Haha, I have prepared the wine a long time ago, but I didn't expect Master Zhu to be so lucky." Zhang Jing said with a smile.

When all the officials present saw this scene, their eyes dropped.

Sweat, when I clicked OK, I found that the chapter number was wrong. I would like to edit it tomorrow. Please forgive me.

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