Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1592 Oh my god

Holy shit! what's the situation! what happened! Who can tell me! This, this, this, what is going on! ! !

All the officials opened their mouths and couldn't help but rub their eyes again and again. They couldn't believe the scene in front of them.

They tried their best to lick Governor Zhang Jing, but Zhang Jing actually ran quickly to catch up with Zhu Pingan, who had left at an unknown time. He actively invited Zhu Pingan to have a drink at his house, and even served him with tribute wine given by the emperor. "Pearl Red" welcome!

Oh my God, this jar of "Pearl Red" was a tribute wine given by the Holy Emperor when Governor Zhang made a plan with Mao Bowen, the then Minister of War, to return to the DPRK in peace. It has been treasured for more than ten years now.

Even a few years ago, when Zhang Jing's son got married, his father-in-law wanted to taste it, but Zhang Jing was not willing to open the jar of imperial wine.

But! Can you believe it? ! today! Zhang Jing, who has been appointed as the Governor-General of Jiangnan! He even rushed to invite Zhu Ping'an to come over for a drink, and even entertained him with this imperial tribute wine "Pearl Red"! ! !

Everyone couldn't believe their eyes, couldn't believe their ears, and couldn't accept this reality!

Zhu Pingan, why should he? ! Even though he was the number one scholar, even though he made the first contribution to the Japanese invasion, even though he was promoted to deputy envoy of the Zhejiang Prosecution and Prosecution Commission, when it came to relatives, there were old acquaintances of Zhang Jing present; There were officials from the Ministry of War present; in terms of position, there were chief envoys, envoys to the inspection, Yingtian garrison, censors, etc., and there were many more powerful and powerful than Zhu Ping'an; in terms of merit, Wei Guogong, Lin The Marquis of Huai is not bad either. Besides, there are only a few dozen people present this time. There are many people present who have made greater contributions before. Why does Zhu Ping'an have to do this? !

How could he, Zhu Pingan, be so favored by Governor Zhang? !

When did Zhu Pingan gain such favor from Governor Zhang? !

However, whether you accept it or not, the fact is that Governor Zhang invited Zhu Pingan to come over for a drink.

The two of them had already gone to Zhang Mansion hand in hand.

Everyone looked at the back of Zhu Ping'an who was walking with Zhang Jing, feeling jealous, jealous, and jealous.

"Hey, Lao Li, when did your wise nephew hook up with Governor Zhang?"

Duke Guo of Wei looked at Zhang Jing and Zhu Ping'an leaving hand in hand, bumped Linhuai Marquis' shoulder, and asked with confusion on his face.

"What do you mean hooking up?! Can you talk?" Linhuai Marquis glared at him.

"Hehe, isn't this just a casual comment? Okay, let's get down to business. When did the wise nephew have such a deep friendship with Governor Zhang?" Wei Guogong smiled and then asked seriously.

"Do you want to hear the truth?" Linhuai Marquis asked.

"Of course, what you said is not nonsense. If you listen to lies, I can just make it up myself. Why do I ask you?"

Duke Wei rolled his eyes.

"The truth is, I don't know either." Marquis Linhuai paused for a moment, then spread his hands with a wry smile.

"You really listen to what you say. It's like listening to farts. In addition to wasting your ears, it's also hurting your body."

Wei Guogong rolled his eyes speechlessly.

The Marquis of Linhuai thought for a moment and then continued, "I have never heard that my nephew had any friendship with Governor Zhang before. However, at Eunuch Chen's reception banquet three days ago, I saw my nephew talking to Governor Zhang at the table. It seems that Governor Zhang was unhappy at first, but later on he seemed to be able to make do with the conversation."

"That's it?! What kind of ecstasy soup did the wise nephew pour into Governor Zhang at the reception banquet?!" Wei Guogong couldn't help being stunned when he heard this. The nephew and Governor Zhang were on friendly terms at the reception banquet three days ago, but why do they look like this today? It’s like a year-end friendship. Apart from giving Governor Zhang some ecstasy soup, I really can’t think of any other explanation.

"You don't care how my nephew established a friendship with Governor Zhang. You don't care when my nephew established a friendship with Governor Zhang. Are these important?! You only need to know that my nephew has a good relationship with Governor Zhang. That's enough."

The Marquis of Linhuai patted Wei Guogong on the shoulder, smiled slightly, and could not hide the joy on his face. It's great that the good nephew Ping'an has a good relationship with Zhang Jing. With the good nephew's relationship, he doesn't have to worry about not being able to get along with Governor Zhang.

"Well, yes, that's it. Hehe, three days ago, after I heard the truth about the relationship between Xian Nephew and Chen Hong, I was disappointed for a long time. I didn't expect that hehe, there is no way out, and there is a bright future in another village. Xian. My nephew actually has such a good relationship with Governor Zhang. Governor Zhang is much higher and more powerful than his greedy perverted eunuch. In the land of Jiangnan, Governor Zhang is the well-deserved number one person. With the relationship between my nephew and my nephew, we can Don’t worry about your friendship with Governor Zhang.”

After hearing what Marquis Linhuai said, Duke Guo of Wei suddenly came to his senses and nodded in surprise with a smile.

"Just understand. Don't forget what you said last time to thank your nephew Ping An. Be prepared for surprises."

Marquis Linhuai reminded.

"Don't worry, I've spent a lot of money this time." Wei Guogong patted his chest.

No matter what everyone thinks, Zhu Ping'an has followed Zhang Jing to the Zhang Mansion. The Zhang Mansion is very simple, with only a two-entry courtyard, which is at least half smaller than the Linhuai Marquis' mansion in Yingtian. The concierge only has a man in his fifties or sixties with gray hair. door.

The front yard is narrow and there is not much open space. There are four rooms in a row facing south. One room near the gate serves as the concierge, and the other three rooms serve as guest rooms.

Zhu Ping'an followed Zhang Jing through the narrow front yard, stepped into the hanging flower door, and entered the inner yard. The inner yard was slightly wider than the front yard, with a square to the north, east and west wing rooms on both sides, and two wing rooms on the east and west sides. There is no decoration in the yard. Except for the house, it is all open-air. There is no corridor connecting the main house and the east and west wings.

The backyard is a little popular, but as far as I can see, there are only five or six maids and ladies, all of whom stand and call "Master".

"Master, you are back. I heard from the monkey that you were promoted to governor. Thank God. Is that true?"

A woman in her fifties walked out of the house. Her face was weathered but not old, her eyes were bright, her hair was silvery but neatly styled, her clothes were simple but neat, and she looked happy. asked.

"There are still guests, but I am rude." After the woman went out, she noticed Zhu Ping'an following Zhang Jing. She couldn't help but paused, bowed slightly apologetically, then looked at Zhang Jing and complained, " Master, if you want to invite someone home, why don’t you send me a letter in advance so that you can prepare more dishes for your wife.”

"Zhu Ping'an, who was admitted to the school at the end of his studies, met Madam. He came here abruptly and disturbed Madam." Zhu Ping'an stepped forward and bowed his hands.

"It's so rude. I'm so happy that the master is willing to take people home. He is usually aloof and has few guests at home. It's so deserted. I wish he would bring people home more often." The woman smiled. road.

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