Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1593 How about this wine?

"Master, you haven't told me yet, have you been promoted to governor?" Mrs. Zhang asked again with concern.

"I have been promoted to Governor-General because of His Majesty's trust." Zhang Jingyun said calmly, as if he was saying that he was back from shopping for groceries.

"Really, thank God for that, Amitabha." Upon hearing this, Mrs. Zhang couldn't help but smile. The crow's feet at the corners of her eyes faded several times, and she clasped her hands together and bowed several times.

"You worship heaven and earth and recite Amitabha. Aren't the Buddhist and Taoist families going to fight in heaven?"

Zhang Jing shook his head helplessly, dumbfounded.

"It's not strange for many people to be polite, so how can the gods and Buddhas be surprised." The smile on Mrs. Zhang's face did not diminish, and she opened her mouth to defend.

"I always tell you that you must be careful about your independence, you must have a righteous body and a pure mind. No matter whether you are dismissed or promoted, it doesn't matter. Power is just an external thing. If the body is not righteous and the mind is not pure, all power and wealth will be in vain."

Zhang Jing shook his head slightly and said softly.

"Master, you have no conscience for what you say. We have been an old couple for decades, and you still don't understand me. I followed you when you were still called Cai Jing. After you became an official, how many times have you For ten years, I have never relied on your power!" Upon hearing this, Mrs. Zhang couldn't help showing anger and said angrily.

Before Zhang Jing could speak, Mrs. Zhang continued, "The reason why I care about your promotion is not because you were dismissed a few days ago. You tossed and turned for several days, unable to sleep, sighing endlessly."

"Yes, I wrongly blamed my wife for my husband." Zhang Jing smiled bitterly and begged for mercy, and then said, "The reason why I couldn't sleep the past few days was not that I, Zhang Jing, was greedy for power, but that I needed this power to fulfill my ideals—— Wipe out the Japanese pirates, restore trust to the saints, bring peace to the people, and restore peace to the world."

"You don't need to explain, I understand everything." Mrs. Zhang said softly.

Zhang Jing looked at him and couldn't help but be moved.

Zhu Ping'an couldn't help but twitching his lips, "What did I do wrong? I was stuffed with dog food before I even drank the wine."

"Ahem, I'll tell the kitchen to cook some more dishes to go with the wine." Mrs. Zhang came to her senses first, her face turned red, she coughed, and leaned forward.

"No, madam, just the usual dishes will be fine." Zhu Pingan said politely.

"How can that be done? The master has finally brought someone back, so why not cook a few more dishes? Besides, today the master is promoted, so he should cook a few more dishes to celebrate." Mrs. Zhang said with a smile.

"Madam, I also brought the imperial tribute wine 'Pearl Red' that I treasured. Today is the time for it to be unsealed."

Zhang Jing gave an emphatically reminder when Mrs. Zhang left.

When Mrs. Zhang heard this, she couldn't help being startled, with a look of surprise on her face, and she doubted her own ears. The jar of wine was the lifeblood of the master. How many times had his son made up his mind, and all thirty-six strategies were used, but every time They all hit a wall in front of the master. They thought he was going to take it underground, but they didn’t expect that they would open it for drinking today? !

Mrs. Zhang couldn't help but take a second look at Zhu Pingan. This young man named Zhu Pingan looked quite ordinary, but he actually made the master look at him with such special eyes.

Zhu Pingan. This name seems a bit familiar. It feels like I have heard it several times.

Mrs. Zhang went to the kitchen while recalling.

"Zihou, please." Zhang Jing reached out and invited Zhu Pingan into the living room.

The furnishings in the living room are relatively simple but elegant, which shows that Zhang Jing and his wife have good taste.

Soon the dishes were served, a total of eight dishes and one soup, including cold lotus root, vinegared peanuts, scrambled eggs with fungus, braised tofu, vinegared mung bean sprouts, vinegared white rice, braised pork, steamed fish, and a pot of fish head tofu. Soup.

This is a home-cooked meal, unlike the last Jie Feng Banquet, which was called a home-cooked meal but not a home-cooked meal.

Of course, the "pearl red" is indispensable.

"Oh, you are Zhu Ping'an, the famous number one scholar in Yingtian! Well, that's right. Although you don't have a very outstanding appearance, you are very talented. You are also a talented person. You are not very old. Have you ever been married?"

When Mrs. Zhang came to deliver the wine, she suddenly remembered who Zhu Pingan was and asked curiously.

Then, without waiting for Zhu Ping'an's answer, he introduced her enthusiastically, "My distant cousin has a little girl. She is pretty, well-educated, and polite. She is well-known in the community, but she has never been married to anyone else."

There are not many people who can catch the eye of the master, and there are even fewer people who can make the master look at him differently. They must have excellent character and talents. Moreover, this Zhu Ping'an was the number one scholar, and he also wiped out the Japanese pirates who invaded Yingtian. He was a rare man with both civil and military skills. Wouldn't it be a great thing for such a talented young man to have a family with my niece?

"Madam." Zhang Jing frowned.

"I'm also concerned," Mrs. Zhang explained.

"Thank you madam for your concern. It's just that Ping An is already married, so I can only express my gratitude to Bu Min." Zhu Ping'an said with a cupped hand.

"That's such a pity. I want to introduce you to each other." Mrs. Zhang couldn't help but said regretfully, and then said with interest, "I don't know what kind of girl she is. She is so lucky. I will bring your wife with me next time." superior."

"Thank you madam, I'll definitely give it a chance." Zhu Pingan said with a cupped hand.

"Okay, I won't disturb you anymore. You can eat while it's hot. Although I'm happy today, you should drink in moderation. Drinking too much wine is harmful to your health." Mrs. Zhang stood up and left with a warning before leaving.

Because in ancient times, men and women were required to sit at separate tables, so Mrs. Zhang went to eat in other rooms instead of at the same table. Zhang Jing's son accompanied his wife to visit his father-in-law's family in Henan. He left last month and has not returned yet.

Therefore, there are only two people at this table, Zhu Pingan and Zhang Jing.

"Come, Zihou, try this imperial wine 'Pearl Red'." Zhang Jing opened the wine jar to seal it with mud, poured it into the wine pot, and carried the wine pot to pour wine for Zhu Ping'an.

Zhu Pingan stood up, holding the wine glass in both hands, and took the wine. The wine poured into the glass, and the carmine red liquid rippled in the glass.

Didi’s real pearls are so red that it’s no wonder it’s called “Pearl Red”.

"I have the nerve to borrow flowers to offer to the Buddha. I would like to offer this glass of wine to you. Congratulations on your promotion to Governor-General." Zhu Ping'an held the wine glass in honor of Zhang Jing.

"Haha, speaking of it, it's really a good thing. I owe you this glass of wine." Zhang Jing smiled slightly and picked up the wine glass.

The two raised their glasses and drank it down.

After drinking a glass of wine, Zhu Pingan felt a mellow and sweet liquid flowing from his throat into his stomach, and the aftertaste was very mellow.

"How is this wine?" Zhang Jing asked with a smile.

"It's mellow and sweet, with a long aftertaste. It's worthy of being an imperial wine. Thanks to you, I'm lucky enough to drink imperial wine. I'll have another enviable talking point in the future." Zhu Ping'an smiled slightly and replied.

"Yes, this wine is yellow wine fermented with red yeast. It has a long aftertaste. Just like the great grace of the Holy Emperor, we, as ministers, should not forget our responsibilities and work conscientiously, for the sake of the saint, for the people of the Ming Dynasty, and for the people of the Ming Dynasty. Lang Lang Qiankun will contribute all its strength and will remain loyal until death." Zhang Jing said with emotion.

"Ping'an has learned a lesson." Zhu Ping'an nodded vigorously.

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