Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1595 Huge Gains

"Zihou, I asked you last time. It has been more than a month. Now I ask you again, how is the training of your Zhejiang Army?"

Zhang Jing asked, he knew that Zhu Pingan led the Zhejiang army to annihilate the Shangyu Japanese pirates was a coincidence. Zhu Pingan understood the arrogant, arrogant, and defiant habits of the Shangyu Japanese pirates, and made plans in advance, so that the Japanese pirates got what is called the peacock tail. He was drugged and successfully eliminated.

In other words, this war to suppress the Japanese did not test the true level of the Zhejiang Army, hence this question.

"Sir, after this period of training, the Zhejiang Army also saw blood when it wiped out the Shangyu Japanese pirates. Although it has not yet become a refined soldier, it is already capable of fighting." Zhu Pingan replied with a serious and responsible look.

"It's worthy of a battle. Not bad. I didn't expect Zihou to be good at training troops." Zhang Jing couldn't help but nodded. Although the last battle to annihilate Shangyu Japanese pirates did not test the true strength of the Zhejiang army, "it can be "Good enough to fight" is not bad, it is a very fair evaluation.

In fact, just these four words "worthy of a battle" are already much stronger than most of the guards' troops.

In recent years, many guardsmen and horses have fought with Japanese pirates and defeated them in one battle. It can even be said that they were defeated at the first touch.

"Your Excellency, you are so complimentary." Zhu Pingan replied modestly, "This is also the first time for Pingan to train troops. He stood on the shoulders of the sages and relied on his passion to cross the river by feeling the stones. In fact, for so long, Pingan has There are still many questions and confusions about military training, so I still need to ask adults and senior generals for advice."

"Everything is difficult at the beginning. Zihou, you have done well. As for asking for advice, I may be good at using troops, but not at training. I have no good experience to share with Zihou." Zhang Jing smiled slightly and continued The voice changed and he said, "However, after some time, Zihou, you won't have to worry about finding someone to hire someone to coach the soldiers."

Zhu Ping'an understood the meaning of Zhang Jing's words. Zhang Jing had already put the dispatch of troops and generals on the agenda. In a few days, many veterans would arrive with orders, and he would not have to worry about finding anyone to ask for advice.

"Zihou, what are your plans next?" Zhang Jing asked again.

Zhu Ping'an replied with a serious look on his face: "Train and prepare for war, strengthen your troops, and always be ready to fight and kill the Japanese!"

"Okay!" Zhang Jing nodded with satisfaction, "If everyone is like Zihou, why worry about the Japanese pirates being unfair."

"Preparing for war is the fundamental function of soldiers. It is natural to serve as a soldier and to lead troops to fight." Zhu Pingan said modestly.

"It is natural to be a soldier and to lead troops to fight. Zihou said it well." After hearing Zhu Pingan's answer, Zhang Jing couldn't help but think about it, and then sighed again, "But this is a natural thing, but it is not It's so easy to do. After a long period of peace, the troops in the guard have been severely depleted, many military households have fled, the soldiers and horses are poorly trained, their fighting power is weak, and they are timid in battle. When they go to the battlefield, they will be defeated at the first touch and in the first battle."

Zhu Ping'an couldn't help but sigh, alas, this is the current situation of the current guard system!

At that time, Taizu said with pride, "I can raise millions of soldiers without costing the people a grain of rice." If Taizu knew the current situation of the soldiers in the guards, he would probably not be able to hold the coffin board in place.

"What your lord is saying is that I have to admit that the current military system of the guards is really worrying. The soldiers and horses of the guards in various places are not very good. I suggest that your Excellency recruit troops and form a new army while dispatching troops and generals."

Zhu Pingan suggested.

Zhu Ping'an is familiar with history, and dispatching troops is a last resort. In fact, the Japanese invasion situation improved rapidly after Qi Jiguang and others recruited troops to form a new army to form a combat effectiveness.

Therefore, Zhu Ping'an put forward the suggestion of recruiting troops, precisely to speed up the process, recruit troops earlier, and destroy the Japanese more quickly.

"Recruiting soldiers to form a new army is not an easy task. Today, our Ming military system adheres to the unspoken rule of 'separation of soldiers and commanders'. If we recruit soldiers to form a new army, the cabinet must delegate military power to the generals. The new army recruited and formed will inevitably be marked with Over time, the imprint of a general will lead to the hidden danger that the court will not be able to fully control the military power, or that it will become a force influenced by individual generals. This risk and hidden danger cannot be underestimated."

Zhang Jing shook his head slightly, why didn't he know the current situation of the guardsmen? He also wanted to recruit soldiers to form a new army, but now the Ming Dynasty implements the guardhouse military system, and recruiting soldiers and building an army is not that easy.

"Uh" Zhu Ping'an couldn't help being startled.

"This is not alarmist. The Yellow Turban Rebellion at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty is an example. During the Yellow Turban Rebellion, the Eastern Han Dynasty officials and soldiers were short of resources and military expenditures, and their combat power was poor. The imperial court was unable to suppress the Yellow Turban rebellion, so it delegated power and allowed powerful forces from all over the country to recruit soldiers and form armed forces. , to suppress the Yellow Turban Rebellion, these armed forces became powerful private soldiers. It is undeniable that they played a key role in suppressing the Yellow Turban Rebellion. However, after the Yellow Turban Rebellion ended, these powerful private soldiers became a serious problem for the imperial court. As a result, you We also know that the warlords separated themselves and fought in chaos, and Wei, Shu and Wu eventually divided the world into three parts, and the Eastern Han Dynasty finally fell at the hands of Cao Pi. Therefore, it was not easy for the court to recruit troops and build an army with great caution." Zhang Jing sighed and raised the flag of the Eastern Han Dynasty. The example of warlords fighting in the last years further illustrates the hidden dangers of recruiting troops to build an army. It shows that the court is very cautious about recruiting troops and building a new army. It is not an easy task to recruit troops to form a new army.

Hearing this, Zhu Ping'an nodded. He had not thought so far ahead. Indeed, the recruitment system had such hidden dangers. Recruiting soldiers is a double-edged sword. It is easy to overturn and become a separatist warlord, threatening the rule.

Indeed, Ming Dynasty was very cautious about recruiting soldiers. Historically, the Jiajing Dynasty quelled the Japanese invasion and only allowed a handful of people to recruit troops to build an army. Among them, the famous Qi Jiguang recruited troops to form the Qi Family Army, and Yu Dayou recruited troops to form the Yu Family Army. Moreover, the establishment of both was also limited, both numbering in the thousands. about.

"However, Zihou can recruit more soldiers and horses. The Holy Father has granted you the right to specialize in group training. It is just right for you to recruit soldiers and form a group for training. Well, let's see. Zihou is also good at troop training. No matter what I do, With your quota of 1,200, you are allowed to recruit troops on your own to supplement your Zhejiang Army's establishment of 2,000 troops. Starting from this month, I will allocate the food and salary for your 2,000 troops on time every month. As long as I am in office, I will never default on it. In half a day, are you confident that you can train two thousand Zhejiang troops?" Zhang Jing changed the topic and looked at Zhu Ping'an with burning eyes.

Zhu Ping'an couldn't help breathing and became excited. He stood up from the table and bowed long, "Ping'an will live up to your expectations."

"Okay, the official will draft the document tomorrow. You can choose a day to recruit soldiers with the document." Zhang Jing patted Zhu Pingan's shoulder with satisfaction, "As the saying goes, those who are capable work hard, so you can recruit and train troops well. I will still have important responsibilities in the future. Leave it to you."

"Please rest assured, sir, Ping'an and the Zhejiang Army will live up to your expectations!" Zhu Pingan said firmly.

The previous efforts were not in vain, and this meal was not in vain, and the harvest was huge.

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