Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1596 I feel the happiness in the east building

Zhao Wenhua arrived in Tai'an City, Jinan Prefecture the day before yesterday. He rested for a day yesterday and still has no intention of leaving today.

After the officials of Jinan Prefecture learned that Zhao Wenhua was temporarily staying in Tai'an City, they went to the apartment where Zhao Wenhua was staying to see him.

Of course, no one who came to visit was empty-handed.

At first, there were people who wanted to take the noble route for the purpose of earning fame and came to see Zhao Wenhua empty-handed. However, let alone meeting Zhao Wenhua, he didn't even go through the doorstep of the concierge. The concierge saw that his hands were empty and the gift list was empty. He said that the master didn't have time to meet the beggars, and then sent them away like a beggar. He was left with a disgraced face, so embarrassed that he wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl into.

This is a weather vane. After this incident, no one dares to take the high-minded route. All Jinan government officials who come to see Zhao Wenhua bring generous, heavy and noble gifts.

If he were a truly noble person, he would not come to see Zhao Wenhua. After all, this is not mandatory.

During the day, Zhao Wenhua met with the officials of Jinan Prefecture at his temporary residence. At night, he closed the door and counted the silver. The gold, silver and jewelry he received that day were really countless, and he did not finish counting until late at night. Zhao Wenhua counted the silver with his hands. They all had cramps, and in the end they could only sit on the couch, smiling from ear to ear.

In this day, he collected tens of thousands of taels of silver, and the valuable calligraphy, painting, antiques and treasures were several times that amount.

It’s not that no one in the capital fawns over me, and it’s not that no one gives gifts, but it’s really unprecedented for people to give gifts in such an endless stream, like a flood. In the capital, there is only an endless stream of people giving gifts to the godfather’s house.

Haha, I finally feel the happiness in the east building.

Beizhili and Shanxi are too close to the capital. Zhao Wenhua is relatively honest in these two places and does not accept gifts lavishly. After arriving at the border of Shandong, Zhao Wenhua gradually let go of his hands and feet. Especially since Jinan Prefecture is where the Chief Secretary of Shandong is located and is the fattest and richest place in Shandong Province, Zhao Wenhua completely let go of his hands and feet.

Zhao Wenhua stayed in Tai'an for two days, and after meeting with officials from Jinan Prefecture, he had no intention of leaving. Instead, on the third day, he summoned all the officials, big and small, who came to visit him.

"I was ordered to sacrifice to the sea. I know that my responsibility is heavier than Mount Tai. I dare not slack off even for a day. In order to successfully handle the imperial mission of offering sacrifices to the sea, I work hard and sleep day and night, racking my brains and exhausting my energy, just to make the emperor's mission better. .”

Zhao Wenhua sat high on the main seat, stroking the tea cup in his hand with his right hand, and said with a serious look on his face.

"Mr. Zhao's loyalty to the country and his conscientiousness in running errands are admirable. He is truly a role model for us."

All the officials in Jinan Mansion said with admiration, but of course they were extremely disdainful in their hearts.

Why do you work so hard all day and night, thinking so hard, just to do the job of the emperor better?! What a bunch of nonsense, you are collecting gifts during the day and counting money at night, how can you spend even the slightest time on the job of the emperor! You are really lying without fear of blushing!

Zhao Wenhua waved his hands with a smile, and continued: "Haha, you all have thanked me for being so loyal. Loyalty to the emperor and patriotism are my duties, and I don't deserve your praise. I called you here today just to do a better job. The emperor's servant is good at offering sacrifices to the sea."

All the officials in Jinan Prefecture couldn't help but look confused and cursed in their hearts. What you said is too false. You went to Jiangnan to worship the sea. We are in Shandong. We are two unrelated people. Isn't the place good? Isn't it ridiculous for you to summon our Shandong officials in the name of offering sacrifices to the sea?

"I wonder if your Excellency has any advice?" A group of officials from Jinan Prefecture asked confusedly at first, and then expressed their stance, "But we are willing to help you wherever we are useful."

"Thank you all, sir. Actually, you don't need to do anything. Just send a message to me."

Zhao Wenhua smiled slightly and said softly that he was very satisfied with the sensible expressions of the officials in Jinan Prefecture.

"Pass a message?" All the officials in Jinan Prefecture were a little confused. What message to send, and what does it have to do with you offering sacrifices to the sea.

"Yes, it is to spread the word. As the saying goes, if a worker wants to do his job well, he must first sharpen his tools. The first thing to sacrifice to the sea is the sacrifice. I heard about the gold-rimmed sandalwood from Tai'an, paper money from Binzhou, silk and silk from Laiwu, etc. The products are very famous and have many efficacious effects. I would also like to invite the wealthy businessmen under your rule to come. They are well-informed. I will ask them about the local offerings such as candles, incense, paper money, silk and silk, and what they offer. Make a comparison with other places in order to offer the best sacrifice to the sea." Zhao Wenhua smiled and nodded, clarifying the purpose.

Invite the wealthy merchants under the rule to come.

All the officials in Jinan Prefecture looked at each other and immediately understood Zhao Wenhua's purpose. He had accepted gifts from officials and confiscated them to his satisfaction, and he continued to accept gifts from wealthy businessmen. This was really a long-awaited and exhausting effort. Brainy received the gift!

"Your Excellency has a strong sense of responsibility. We will convey your wishes to the wealthy businessmen under your rule, and work together to help you successfully handle the emperor's mission."

All the officials in Jinan Prefecture expressed their opinions one after another, and they all criticized Zhao Wenhua for being greedy.

"Shan, thank you all for your help." Zhao Wenhua cupped his hands and thanked him.

All the officials of Jinan Prefecture naturally bowed and returned the courtesy. After leaving, they immediately summoned the wealthy businessmen under their rule to convey Zhao Wenhua's meaning to them. These wealthy businessmen and businessmen all responded enthusiastically.

Soon, first the local wealthy businessmen from Tai'an City came to pay their respects to Zhao Wenhua, and then the wealthy businessmen from all over Jinan Prefecture also came to pay their respects.

These wealthy businessmen are very rich and very vulgar. They come to see Zhao Wenhua in a bus-by-car procession.

Zhao Wenhua also accepts all comers. As long as you dare to come, I dare to accept. I will accept as much as you offer.

What? You said taking bribes? !

Don't talk nonsense. What these wealthy businessmen brought here are samples of sacrifices used in sea sacrifices. They are for Mr. Zhao Wenhua and Mr. Zhao to compare the quality of the sacrifices. If you continue to spread rumors about accepting bribes, it is slander and slander, and you may end up in jail. .

These wealthy businessmen were really rich, much richer than the officials. They filled several rooms in the temporary residence with gold, silver, jewelry and other gifts, which made Zhao Wenhua so happy that he never closed his mouth until he went to sleep.

Of course, these wealthy businessmen also came here to take advantage of the excitement and returned home satisfied.

Mr. Zhao asked them about the sacrifices and praised them for their righteous deeds in assisting the sacrifice to the sea. He also asked if they had any outstanding children in their family. You have to go out and try your skills, stand out as soon as possible, and serve the court. Mr. Zhao emphasized that he would not bend the law for personal gain, and everything must be tested on their own ability. However, before leaving, he casually said to them that the examiner of the Jinan Prefectural Examination, Zhao Ai, was a good friend of his in the same subject. He had an extraordinary relationship and was a fair examiner. He believed that he would be able to select talents impartially through the imperial examination.

Everything is said in silence, how can a group of wealthy businessmen not understand it.

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