Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1600 Shocked to hear the killing cry

The mountains are undulating with towering trees, and the white frost is better than the snow and the cold pines are beautiful.

Zhu Ping'an led a group of 50 people including Liu Dadao, one person and two people, riding non-stop all the way, eating and sleeping in the open air, changing horses every half a day to maintain power. It took two days and one night to finally reach the border of Yiwu.

As soon as he entered Yiwu, Zhu Ping'an felt the actual situation of Yiwu, which has many mountains and few fields. It is a typical hilly county with barren land and poor people.


After passing through a large mountain and ascending the official road, the number of villages gradually increased. When he saw a tea stall in front of him, Zhu Pingan lightly reined in his horse and stopped the horse slowly in front of the tea stall. He said to the soldiers behind him, "It's freezing cold. Brothers, you have worked hard all the way, please dismount and have a cup of hot tea to fill your stomach, and then we will continue our journey."

"Thank you for your consideration, sir." All the soldiers dismounted and thanked Zhu Pingan with a smile.

The tea stall is run by a family, a couple in their forties, and two and a half sons.

"Greetings to the great master."

When the couple at the tea stall saw Zhu Pingan dressed in official uniforms and the fifty riders behind him all wearing full light armor, they couldn't help but fearfully brought their two sons forward to pay tribute to Zhu Pingan.

"Boss, the landlady and two young brothers, please come quickly. No need to be polite. I'm waiting for a group of people to pass by your place. I want to have something to eat and rest in your store. What food and drink do you have in your store?" Zhu Pingan took a step forward, helped them up before they could kneel down, and spoke to them gently.

Seeing that Zhu Ping'an was easy to talk to, the tea stall couple breathed a sigh of relief. The tea stall owner replied, "Sir, in addition to the special large pot of tea, this small tea stall also has fried cakes, side dishes and a pot of mutton soup."

"Sheep soup is good. It's freezing out here. It's a great pleasure to have a bowl of sheep soup." Zhu Ping'an couldn't help but smile, and then asked, "There are many people in our group. The sheep soup and pancake side dishes in your store are Is there enough for us to eat?”

"Don't worry, sir. There is a big pot full of mutton soup. I dare not say more. One bowl per person is more than enough. As for the pancakes, there is still a basket of pancakes. Your Excellency and all the military masters will eat first. We will make it as soon as possible." .”

The tea stall owner pointed to the set up stove and said.

"Then thank you boss." Zhu Ping'an nodded with satisfaction and asked Liu Dadao to greet the soldiers to take their seats.

Although there aren't many tables and chairs, it's not so particular, and it's still warm even if you sit crowded together.

"Dadao, we'll cover that big pot of soup and that big pot of side dishes. As for the pancakes, there are three for each person, and a pot of tea for each table. Just ask the boss how much it costs, and you'll get as much as you need. It's not easy these days. , no need to discount, just pay the boss in advance at the original price." Zhu Pingan stopped Liu Dadao, took off the wallet from his waist, handed it to Liu Dadao, and asked him to go to the boss to settle the bill first, so as to reassure the boss and his family.

The Japanese pirates are causing trouble these days, which makes life difficult for the common people, and the quality of some officers and soldiers is so poor that they are even worse than the Japanese pirates when they disturb the people. As the saying goes, "bandits are like combs, soldiers are like grates" is not a joke.

This was evident from the moment the boss and his family saw him and his party in panic.

So Zhu Ping'an asked Liu Dadao to pay the bill in advance instead of after the meal, just to reassure the boss and his family.

After Liu Dadao went over and explained his intention, the boss and his family refused. Later, at Liu Dadao's insistence and after some prodding, the boss and his family accepted the money with a happy face and a lot of gratitude, and they were all happy when they spread out the pancakes.

"Master, the total is eight coins. The boss wanted to give him a discount of one coin. I listened to the master and did not let him get an advantage. I insisted on giving him eight coins." After Liu Dadao came back, he returned the purse to Zhu Ping'an and reported road.

"Very good, sit down quickly and drink the mutton soup while it's hot." Zhu Pingan nodded and asked Liu Dadao to sit down.

Eight coins, about 16 wen per person, is a bowl of mutton soup, three pancakes, side dishes and tea. This is a very affordable price.

Perhaps it was because of the cold weather and the dust, but the mutton soup at the tea stall was exceptionally delicious.

purr purr

Zhu Pingan and his party ate and drank very deliciously.

"Kill him! Do what he brewed!"

“Today we must teach Yongkang people how to behave!”

"Don't be a coward, rush forward and fight them!"

Just when Zhu Pingan and his party were about to finish eating and drinking, they heard a faint cry of killing coming from the distance.

"What's going on?! Where did the cry of killing come from?! Are the Japanese pirates coming?!" Liu Dadao and others were startled. They reflexively jumped up with their swords pressed. They were on guard, wondering if there were any Japanese pirates to kill them. coming.

Zhu Ping'an did the same. Holding the sword at his waist, he stood up and looked in the direction of the distant shouts of killing.

About twenty meters further along the official road is a steep slope, and the shouts of death came from below the steep slope.

"Let's go and see what's going on." Zhu Pingan held the sword on his waist and took the lead in walking towards the steep slope.

Liu Dadao quickly caught up and protected Zhu Ping'an, and the other soldiers also chased after him with their weapons pressed.

"Are the Japanese pirates coming?"

"The shouting of killing sounds like the formation is quite large. If they are Japanese pirates, they are estimated to number at least a thousand people."

"Sir, let's avoid it."

The soldiers listened to the shouts of killing and fighting coming from far away, and their faces turned pale when they estimated the number of enemies and ourselves.

"Sir, military lords, don't worry, there are no Japanese pirates down below. Sir, military lords, just eat in peace, I promise nothing will happen."

When Zhu Ping'an and others got up and were about to walk out of the tea stall, the tea stall owner trotted after them and said very firmly.

"It's not a Japanese pirate riot? Then why is there such a huge formation of shouting and killing? And boss, you didn't even look at it, how do you know it's not a Japanese pirate riot? Could it be that you, boss, have clairvoyance and ears?"

"I can still eat in peace. With such a huge formation down there, if the Japanese pirates really come to kill me, I won't be able to escape."

All the soldiers questioned one after another.

Zhu Ping'an couldn't help but stop after hearing the boss's firm words. He turned around and asked the boss humbly, "Boss, you said there are no Japanese pirates down here, so what's the matter with the shouting and killing? Boss, your family is like this Calm down, but the shouting and killing below is not just a day or two, have you become accustomed to it?"

The boss is so calm and collected, and it seems that he has become accustomed to it. Otherwise, anyone would be panicked if they suddenly heard such a large amount of shouting and killing.

Looking at the boss's wife and two and a half-year-old children, they are both as calm and collected as the boss. The boss's wife continues to bake pancakes, and the two and a half-year-old children do not stop, one making noodles and the other cooking a pot.

"Sir, you are wise. The shouting and killing below is indeed not just a day or two. In the past two months, there has been such a fight every three to five. We have become accustomed to it." The boss replied with a look of admiration. Said, this young man has really sharp eyes, he can tell at a glance that we are used to it.

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