Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1601 Natural Soldiers

"Competing for mines?"

When Zhu Ping'an heard the tea stall owner's reply, the first thing that came to his mind was the struggle for the mine in Yiwu, and he couldn't help but blurt it out.

"Oh, have you heard about our fight for the mines in Yiwu?!" The tea stall owner opened his mouth in surprise.

"I've heard a little bit." Zhu Pingan nodded.

"My lord is really right. The shouting and killing below is really a battle for minerals." The tea stall owner said with admiration.

"It's really a mining dispute. I wonder if I could trouble the boss to explain it in detail?" Zhu Pingan asked for advice.

"This is my honor. However, I haven't read a book, so there may be no order in talking about it. I just say whatever comes to my mind."

The tea stall owner scratched his head and said with an embarrassed look.

"Haha, it doesn't matter, boss, just say whatever you think of." Zhu Pingan said with a smile.

"Then let's have the audacity to talk about our mining dispute in Yiwu. Speaking of which, the young family is also an outsider, not a local clan member of Yiwu. Otherwise, the young family would not have time to set up a tea stall next to the official road. We have to participate in the mining dispute down below, otherwise the clan will not be able to tolerate clan members who do not contribute."

The tea stall owner cleared his throat and said to Zhu Pingan and others.

"That's true. Our clan rules also stipulate that if there is a fight involving the clan, all young men of the same clan must participate. If you don't participate, you will be expelled from the clan, kicked out of the family tree, and can no longer perform sacrifices." Liu After hearing this, Da Dao couldn't help but nodded and said.

Zhu Ping'an nodded silently. Feudal society was the heyday of the clan system. There was a saying that "state power did not extend to the county, but only to the clan. The clans were all autonomous. Autonomy relied on ethics, and ethics created the gentry."

"We in Yiwu have many mountains but little land, and the life of farmers is difficult. Fortunately, God has favored us. There are many mines in the mountains, including silver mines, tin mines, copper mines, and iron mines. Yiwu people rely on mining to support their families. This Wherever there is a mine, there are fights. The local Yiwu clans fight, and the Yiwu people and the Yongkang people also fight. He said that he discovered it first, he said that the mine was within the scope of his clan, and he said that the mine was close to them, and everyone said it was fair. The mother-in-law is right, but no one wants to let it go, and no one can be convinced. In the end, who gets what is whose. This fight is like a common occurrence. Fighting with weapons is also common, and death and injury are also common. Poor young man, The old man, his wife and his wife died like that."

The tea stall owner thought of the scene of the fallen person after the fight, couldn't help but sigh, and said slowly.

"The armed fight below has lasted for two months and is the largest in recent years. The source of this armed fight is a silver mine in Beilei, a small town in Yiwu, not far below. Far away, the Yongkang people discovered a silver mine in Beilei Barren Mountain, because Beilei was in Yiwu. In order to seize this silver mine, the Yongkang people gathered more than a thousand people across the border to Beilei to occupy this silver mine. Yiwu If people know about it, they will definitely not do it. This silver mine is in our Yiwu, and it belongs to us Yiwu. What qualifications do you Yongkang people have to take advantage of the mine? Beilei's big boss Chen Dacheng and Chen Daguan called together and led people from the same clan to protect the mine. . However, there are many people in Yongkang. The people of Yongkang said that the one they discovered first was theirs. They took advantage of the strength of the people and occupied the mines by force. Chen Daguan and others suffered a loss and several tribesmen were killed. Yiwu ethnic groups intermarried with each other. , most of them are related to each other. After people from Chi'an, Maodian and other places in Yiwu heard that Chen Daguan and the Beilei people were suffering, they also actively participated in helping Chen Daguan and the Beilei people to protect the mine. Together with the Beilei people, there were a total of two thousand people. , fighting with Yongkang people. This fighting has lasted for two months, and we Yiwu people are getting more and more dominant."

The tea stall owner continued.

"It turns out to be a silver mine, no wonder it's such a huge formation." Hearing this, Liu Dadao and others suddenly realized.

"Thank you boss for clearing up the confusion. Let's go ahead and take a look at the mining dispute in Yiwu." Zhu Ping'an thanked the tea stall owner, and then said to Liu Dadao and others.

"Sir, you must be careful not to get too close, because once a fight breaks out, they will only recognize the clan, and if they are not my clan, they will be deadly enemies." The tea stall owner reminded Zhu Ping'an and others worriedly.

"Thank you, boss, for reminding me. We are above, so we won't get too close if we look at it from a distance." Zhu Ping'an thanked the tea stall owner again.

"That's right, just look up from a distance." The tea stall owner nodded vigorously.

"Boss, please leave the food for us, we will come back to eat." Liu Dadao and others reminded.

"Don't worry, military men." The tea stall owner patted his chest, "I promise it will still be hot when you come back."

Under the protection of Liu Dadao and others, Zhu Ping'an walked to the slope and saw a shocking weapon fight below from a distance.

The distance was still very far, so I couldn't see clearly, but I was still shocked. There were three to four thousand people in the dense crowd. It was like a small battle. The crowds were rushing back and forth, and their shouts of killing were earth-shattering.

"Further forward." Zhu Pingan looked down the slope. There was an undulating highland more than a hundred meters ahead. You can see it more clearly. At the same time, this highland was condescending and was still far away from the fighting below. It was safe enough. .

So, Zhu Ping'an took Liu Dadao and others slowly downhill and came to the high ground to observe the fighting below.

The closer the distance is, the clearer the view, and the more shocking it is.

There were more than 3,000 people, men, women, and children. Many of them had red ropes tied on their arms. They must be from Yiwu. No matter whether they were old or young men or aunts and sisters, they were all fierce and ferocious. They held knives, forks, sticks, kitchen knives, and axes in their hands. , hoes, sickles and other farm tools, as well as many red-tasseled guns and homemade weapons, with fierce eyes, roaring like tigers descending from the mountain, rushing towards the Yongkang people without fear of death, slashing and killing, killing in all directions.

Some people were pierced with spears, spitting blood, and threw themselves at the Yongkang people with their spears, dying with them.

Some had their legs cut off and were pulled out of the field by their own clansmen, and then climbed back into the battlefield as if they were dead.

Some fathers were hacked to death by Yongkang people. The elder brother said nothing, picked up the hoe in his father's hand, rushed in, and beat a Yongkang man to death, but was stabbed to death by more Yongkang people. The younger brother wiped his tears. He took the hoe from his brother and rushed in without hesitation, not knowing what death was.

Looking at the scene, the Yiwu people have an absolute advantage, while the Yongkang people are retreating steadily, and they are already in defeat.

Liu Dadao's mouth was open like a box, and he gasped for air one after another. He was so shocked that he couldn't say a word.

Zhu Ping'an was the same. He stood on the high slope, speechless for a long time, and sighed deeply.

This scene will never be forgotten!

His spirit is hostile, his habit is to be fierce but he is conceited. In his two lifetimes, I have never seen such a brave person who is not afraid of death! To use a modern buzzword: It’s so scary!

No wonder in future history Qi Jiguang made up his mind to recruit troops in Yiwu after seeing the Yiwu people fighting with each other!

This is a natural soldier!

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