Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1605 Recruitment Frustrated

From the time the sun rose in the east to three poles above the sun, and now in the center, no one came to the scene to enlist in the army.

Yes, not a single person signed up.

The recruitment site was large enough to accommodate 3,000 soldiers, but not a single person signed up all morning. The huge venue became a joke.

Oh, it can’t be said that there was no one there. There was a passerby who asked if the soldier’s salary was real, but he was an old man with weak legs and feet, and obviously did not meet the requirements for signing up to join the army.

"Ahem, sir, there are many roads in Yiwu Mountain and it is difficult to travel. The countryside is far away from the county seat. Some of the country people who signed up may still be on the way." A clerk coughed and said to Zhu Pingan with lack of confidence, trying to comfort Zhu Pingan. .

"Not all villages are far away from the county seat. It seems that there is something wrong. I have to ask Magistrate Zhao for advice."

Zhu Pingan shook his head slightly. Although he was a little bit shocked, his energy was not lost at all.

Zhu Ping'an took the sword and three other people to the county government office, and arranged for the others to be divided into three waves. One wave would keep an eye on the recruitment site, and the other two waves would take a rest to prevent everyone from wasting their time here and wasting their efforts.

"Sir Zhu, the recruitment is going smoothly. Are you short of manpower? The difficult cases in the morning have been solved, and the cases in the afternoon are simple. I can also send some people to help you at the recruitment site."

When Zhao Zhixian saw Zhu Ping'an, he thought there were too many people at the scene and there was a shortage of manpower, so he took the initiative to say so.

Short on staff? !

Hearing this, Zhu Ping'an couldn't help but smile bitterly and shook his head, "To be honest with County Magistrate Zhao, as of now, no one has come to apply for the army. If we are free, we can set up a few mahjong tables on site and play a few rounds of mahjong."

"Ah?! No one came to apply for the army?!" Zhao Zhixian opened his mouth in surprise, then frowned and muttered to himself, "Why did this really happen?"

Then he was stunned again and looked at Zhu Ping'an in confusion, "Mahjong?! Master Zhu, what is mahjong? Is it made by rubbing?"

"Mr. Zhao, forget about mahjong for now. You just said, 'Why did this happen?' Did Mr. Zhao have expected it before?!" Zhu Ping'an waved his hand and keenly grasped Zhao Zhixian's words, asked.

"Well, how should I put this? I think there should be no problem recruiting soldiers. Once the mine management notice comes out, the mines will be banned, which clears the way for recruiting soldiers. There should be no problem recruiting soldiers, but everything is possible. If no one applies, it's the official The worst guess, I didn't expect it to actually happen." Zhao Zhixian thought for a moment and explained with a wry smile.

"Since Mr. Zhao can make this prediction, he must have some guesses as to the reason." Zhu Pingan asked.

"Well, as the following officials know about Yiwu, there are probably two reasons. First, the people don't trust the government enough. The mining dispute in Yiwu is fierce, with frequent armed fights and many casualties. I guess the people are worried that the recruitment of soldiers is fake, so It is true that they were lured into seizing them under the guise of recruiting soldiers; secondly, the local squires and clans did not want their subordinates to be recruited into the army. Firstly, the world is not peaceful nowadays, let alone fighting for mines and weapons. The Japanese invasion outside is getting more and more serious. I think about my hometown. Having one more person to protect you will bring you more security. Moreover, some people are very prejudiced against the government, and even hate it, and may prevent people from the same clan from recruiting into the army. I think the first reason is secondary, and the main reason is the second. Two reasons.”

Zhao Zhixian thought seriously for a moment and said to Zhu Ping'an in a more confident tone.

"Well, local squires and clans prevent people from recruiting soldiers." Zhu Pingan repeated, frowning slightly, "It would be too time-consuming if clans and squires had to persuade and do ideological work one by one."

"My lord, you don't have to persuade the clans and squires one by one. You only need to convince the chief ministers. Even if your lord persuades Chen Dacheng, as long as Chen Dacheng agrees to the clan's recruitment into the army, the matter will be solved." Magistrate Zhao shook slightly. Shaking his head, he asked Zhu Pingan the key to breaking the situation.

Chen Dacheng? !

Hearing this, Zhu Ping'an narrowed his eyes slightly. The name seemed familiar. He seemed to have heard it somewhere. Oh, yes, the owner of the tea stall mentioned Chen Dacheng when he came here. The armed fight he witnessed today was that of Yiwu. Chen Dacheng, Lei's boss, summoned and led his clan members to protect the mine and had a armed fight with the Yongkang people who were occupying the mine.

"Master Zhao, why does Chen Dacheng need someone to have such an influence?" Zhu Ping'an asked curiously.

"Sir, this Chen Dacheng is the patriarch of the Chen clan in Yiwu. The Chen surname is the leading surname in Yiwu. Chen Dacheng studied when he was young, but failed to pass the scholar examination three times in a row. He gave up literature and took up martial arts in a fit of anger. Unexpectedly, he He has become famous in martial arts and is famous in Yiwu for his bravery. Few people can compete with him. He is also generous and fair in dealing with things. He has always been prestigious in Yiwu and responds to hundreds of calls. He is a representative figure of Yiwu squire and clan. If Chen Dacheng can be convinced, then The rest of the squires and clans won’t be a problem.”

When it came to Chen Dacheng, Zhixian Zhao came right out of his mouth and told Chen Dacheng's situation without thinking.

"No wonder Chen Dacheng has such great prestige and influence in Yiwu." Hearing this, Zhu Pingan couldn't help but nodded. No wonder Chen Dacheng was able to organize thousands of people to participate in the Yongkang people's armed fighting.

"Since Chen Dacheng has such great influence, it seems that he must be the one who prevents the clan from recruiting soldiers."

Zhu Pingan further came to a conclusion.

"Ahem, that's what I thought." Zhao Zhixian coughed and nodded.

"Master Zhao, based on your understanding of Chen Dacheng, Chen Dacheng prevents fellow clan members from recruiting into the army, but for the sake of the safety of his hometown, if one more person protects his hometown, it will be safer?" Zhu Ping'an asked Magistrate Zhao.

"There are reasons for this. However, Chen Dacheng has a prejudice against the government and often expresses his hatred for government corruption." Zhao Zhixian said with a slightly embarrassed expression. After speaking, he immediately emphasized, "My lord, I pledge my life and property to you. There is absolutely no corruption among lower-level officials."

"Well, I believe in Magistrate Zhao." Zhu Pingan nodded and said calmly, "Although Magistrate Zhao only took office as Magistrate of Yiwu last year, his reputation among the people is more than a hundred times better than that of the previous Magistrate of Yiwu."

"Thank you for your trust, sir." Zhao Zhixian was moved and felt relieved.

"It seems that the reason appears here. Chen Dacheng hates government corruption, does not trust the government, and does not trust the government's recruitment of soldiers. The ruin of Yiwu Guards also vividly proves his thoughts from the side. In addition, his hometown also needs rural people. In order to protect the people, we prevent villagers from the clan from recruiting soldiers." Zhu Ping'an found the problem.

"That's right." Zhao Zhixian nodded.

"Okay, it seems I'm going to visit Chen Dacheng." Zhu Pingan made up his mind and stood up.

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