Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1606 Visiting Chen Dacheng

"I wonder if Zhao Zhixian has any flaws? How about accompanying me to visit Chen Dacheng, the leader of the Chen family, and persuade him to help me recruit troops?" Zhu Ping'an sent an invitation to Zhao Zhixian.

Zhao Zhixian is the parent official of Yiwu. It should be easier to do Chen Dacheng's ideological work with Zhao Zhixian accompanying him.

Zhu Pingan considered this.

"Your Excellency has invited me, and it is my duty to serve as a lower official, but" Zhao Zhixian said hesitantly.

"Oh, yes. Just now, Magistrate Zhao said that there will be a simple case in the afternoon. Then it depends on the time of Magistrate Zhao. After Magistrate Zhao finishes the case, it will not be too late for us to visit Chen Dacheng. It just so happens that we go to buy some meeting gifts first. , It’s always not good-looking to go to visit people with empty hands." Zhu Pingan smiled slightly and said softly.

"Sir, it's not a case. This case is simple and can be handled by Mr. Wang Xiancheng." Zhixian Zhao shook his head.

"Oh, why is that?" Zhu Pingan asked doubtfully.

It's just a matter of visiting Chen Dacheng with me. It's not something difficult. Why is Magistrate Zhao so evasive?

Zhu Pingan was puzzled by this.

"Well, to be honest with you, Chen Dacheng has some prejudices against Xianguan. Xianguan is afraid that if he goes to visit him with you, he will not only be unable to help you, but will ruin your affairs." Zhao Zhixian sighed with a wry smile on his face. said.

Oh, I see. No wonder Zhao Zhixian is so evasive. It turns out that Zhao Zhixian and Chen Dacheng have a bad relationship. Chen Dacheng has a prejudice against Zhao Zhixian, but I don't know if there is any misunderstanding. Zhu Ping'an's two days in Yiwu can be regarded as overt and covert inspections. In fact, Zhixian Zhao's official reputation among the people is not bad. Even compared with his corrupt predecessor, the people are quite satisfied with Zhixian Zhao.

After what Zhixian Zhao said, Zhu Ping'an stopped forcing it. Just as Zhixian Zhao said, if Chen Dacheng had a prejudice against Zhixian Zhao, Zhixian Zhao would really succeed more than fail if he followed him.

"In this case, Magistrate Zhao will not go. I will go visit Chen Dacheng." Zhu Ping'an nodded.

"I am ashamed of myself for not being able to share my worries with you." Zhao Zhixian handed over his hands and confessed.

"Zhixian Zhao is serious about his words. Zhixian Zhao can help me analyze the cause and find a solution, which has already done me a great favor."

Zhu Pingan said with a smile.

After learning more about the Chen family and Chen Dacheng from Zhao County, Zhu Pingan took Liu Dadao and others to visit Chen Dacheng.

On the way, Zhu Ping'an took Liu Dadao and others to buy some meeting gifts. They were not expensive things, but they were still generous gifts. There were tea, wine, cakes and silk cloth. As the saying goes, courtesy should be reciprocated and it should be given to many people.

"Sir, you are a fourth-grade official. You have already given him a huge favor by visiting a small clan leader, so why should you give him a gift?"

On the way, Liu Dadao said angrily, Chen Dacheng had already made a big mistake if he dared to stop the young master from recruiting troops. It would be fine if he didn't come to plead guilty. What is the status of the young master? He is a fourth-rank official. I have deigned to pay him a visit. He is just a small clan leader, so much respect is given to him, why do you still need to give him gifts?

"Haha, Dadao, it is our custom to reciprocate with courtesy. If you go to visit someone, you will be empty-handed. And now we have something to ask for." Zhu Pingan smiled slightly and patted Liu Dadao on the shoulder.

Chen Dacheng lives in Beilei Village, Yiwu. Beilei Village is not far from Yiwu County. Zhu Pingan and his party arrived at Beilei Village in less than half an hour on horseback.

Beilei Village is a large village with a radius of three miles and a population of nearly a thousand people. Chen Dacheng is the patriarch of the clan with the surname Chen and the village leader of Beilei Village. As soon as he inquired about Beilei Village, he found out where Chen Dacheng's family was.

When the villagers of Beilei Village saw that Zhu Ping'an was well-dressed and that Liu Dadao and others brought gifts, they saw that they had good intentions. The patriarch had a wide circle of friends. This person might be a friend of the patriarch in other places, so they did not hide it and took the initiative to replace him. Zhu Pingan and his party led the way.

The Chen Dacheng family's house is not small, it is larger than the Zhu family's old house. It has a brick and wood structure and is considered a better house in Beilei Village.

"Patriarch, patriarch, someone is looking for you." The villagers shouted loudly as they entered Chen Dacheng's house.

"Oh, I wonder which friend is here?"

A rich voice came from the house, and then a sturdy man in his thirties walked out of the house. He had steady steps, a pair of eyes as bright as morning stars, and a body full of explosive tendons. It was obvious at a glance that he was very skilled.

"I've met Patriarch Chen. Please forgive me for coming here uninvited." Zhu Ping'an smiled and bowed his hand to Chen Dacheng.

"Where, oh, this friend and the three brothers behind me, you are looking at each other very closely. It seems that Chen Mou has never met these people. I don't know how many of them came to see Chen today. What is the matter? Huh?" When Chen Dacheng saw Zhu Ping'an, Liu Dadao, etc., he found that he didn't recognize any of them. He narrowed his eyes and asked while cupping his fists in return.

Then, without waiting for Zhu Ping'an's answer, Chen Dacheng continued, "Thanks to several friends for looking up to me, Mr. Chen. If you encounter any difficulties, please speak up. As long as you can do what you can, whether it is money or manpower, I, Mr. Chen, will definitely help me." Help as much as you can.”

This Chen Dacheng is really as rumored, eager for justice, generous with money, and willing to help others. He feels a bit like "timely rain" Song Jiang.

"Thank you, Patriarch Chen. I am really in trouble, and I would like to ask Patriarch Chen for help." Zhu Pingan thanked Chen Dacheng first, and then said with a smile.

"Oh, I wonder what kind of difficulties my friend has encountered. What can I, Chen, do?" Chen Dacheng asked curiously.

"Let me introduce myself first. I am Zhu Ping'an, deputy envoy of the Zhejiang Provincial Envoy and Procuratorate. I am leading the Zhejiang militia under the command of the Holy One. Yesterday, the governor-general Zhang Jing gave me the recruitment quota of 1,200 people. I have heard about Yiwu heroes for a long time. Dai Ming came to Guixian specifically to recruit troops to help exterminate the Japanese pirates and restore peace to the people in Jiangnan." Zhu Pingan slightly arched his hands and said slowly. After saying this, he took off his waist badge and handed it to Chen Dacheng with both hands. Check identity.

"What? Zhejiang's deputy envoy of the Prosecution and Prosecution Commission? He is actually an official. What is he doing here?!"

"It's him, the man who came to our county to recruit soldiers. The clan leader didn't allow us to enlist in the army. He came to the clan leader's house. Did he come to our clan leader to raise an army to question us?"

"He dares. The patriarch is right. Their government is corrupt and incompetent and cannot be trusted. What has happened to the guards? They bully the weak and fear the strong. They bully us common people and still make ends meet. When we see Japanese pirates, they can run faster than rabbits. If we join the army, He's dead for a hundred years, but if he hadn't died, he would have been looked down upon by others and become a bastard."

The busy people in the courtyard couldn't help but buzzed and whispered among each other after hearing Zhu Pingan's self-introduction.

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