Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1710 Heaving a sigh of relief

Hu Zongxian brought out the imperial edict and helped Zhao Wenhua obtain the right to take charge of the sea sacrifice case, and Zhang Jing had to retreat.

After Zhao Wenhua took control of the Sea Sacrifice, he aimed to push the Sea Sacrifice to its peak, issued orders one after another, and organized the sacrificial ceremony in a big way.

Not only did Zhao Wenhua not restrict people from entering the ritual site to watch the sea sacrifice, he even promulgated various measures to encourage and induce people to watch the sea sacrifice.

For example: on the day of worshiping the sea, the ritual venue will provide free vegetarian meals that have been consecrated, and all people who watch the sacrifice to the sea can receive them; people over eighty years old who watch the sacrifice to the sea can get the honor of being given a seat and a consecration talisman; after the sacrifice to the sea is completed After that, the Jiao site will stay for three days. During this period, people who watch the Sea Sacrifice can obtain the qualifications to offer sacrifices and pray at the Sea Jiao site. The Jiao site will be dismantled after three days...

These measures greatly inspired the people's interest in watching the Sea Sacrifice. People from dozens of miles around came to the Sea Sacrifice Jiao site with their families and the elderly in tow. The people who were on their way could not even see the side of the sea. It is said that even People from more than a hundred miles away had to travel all night to watch the sacrifice to the sea.

After Zhang Jing heard about these measures taken by Zhao Wenhua, he, who had been upright and upright for decades, was stunned and cursed: "Shu Zi, you are not a fool! I actually argued with this person for two days, which really embarrassed me. !”

Basically, Zhao Wenhua is an idiot and has no brains. I actually argued with this idiot for two days. What a fucking disgrace!

Then, Zhang Jing issued a military order to all officials of the Ministry of War, generals and officials involved in the military: "As the governor, I govern the army with military laws, and I also govern the princes with military laws. 'Military affairs are secret.' In the future, No one is allowed to leak all the deployment arrangements and military information for the suppression of Japanese invaders in Jiangnan to the outside world, including to Mr. Zhao Wenhua and Zhao. Anyone who leaks military information without authorization, no matter who the target is, will be punished for the crime of collaborating with Japanese invaders and will be severely punished! Everyone, you must also disclose the military information to the outside world. This military order is issued to the officials and generals under their command. Do not think that any words are unforeseen."

Zhang Jing's military order basically eliminated the possibility of Zhao Wenhua intervening in the military.

It is foreseeable that for a period of time in the future, as long as Zhang Jing is still the governor, Zhao Wenhua will be excluded from core military affairs.

Those officials and generals who want to curry favor with Zhao Wenhua must carefully consider how many heads they have.

In addition, with this military order, it is not easy for Zhao Wenhua to win over officials. Anyone who gets close to Zhao Wenhua must be careful of being labeled by Zhang Jing as leaking military information without authorization.

At dusk, Zhu Pingan led Liu Dadao and other middle-level generals of the Zhejiang Army to get acquainted with the sea offering ceremony site.

Although Zhao Wenhua only ordered the Zhejiang Army to take charge of an area southeast of the Jiao Ground, accounting for about one-tenth of the Jiao Ground, Zhu Ping'an not only led Liu Dadao and the others to familiarize themselves with the area in charge, but also led them to familiarize themselves with the entire Sea Jiao Ground.

As a general, even if you are responsible for a small area, you must look at the overall situation, so that you can act in accordance with the overall situation.

Under the leadership of Zhao Wenhua, the scale of this sea sacrifice and the number of people participating in it are unparalleled.

Zhu Ping'an is very worried about the sacrifice to the sea tomorrow and the safety of the people who will come to watch the sacrifice to the sea tomorrow.

Wang Zhi wanted to cause trouble to force the imperial court to open the sea market. Xu Hai and other Japanese pirates were also worried about the chaos in the world and wanted to make trouble to increase their prestige among the Japanese pirates and attract Japanese pirates of all sizes to join his command...

They must have caused trouble during the sea festival.

After Zhu Ping'an led Liu Dadao and others to get familiar with the sea offering ceremony site, his worries became more serious.

There are too many safety hazards at the ritual site.

Zhu Ping'an couldn't bear it anymore, so he arranged for Liu Dadao and others to return to the camp, and went to see Zhao Wenhua himself.

In the tent, Zhao Wenhua was playing chess with Hu Zongxian. Holding the chess pieces, he looked confident that the world was under his control. He smiled and asked Zhu Pingan: "Zihou, you are anxious to see me. What do you mean?"

There will be a sacrifice to the sea tomorrow. There are so many potential safety hazards at the ceremony site, but you still have the leisure to play chess here...

How did you manage to smile like this, with the mysterious smile on your face that has the world under your control?!!

Zhu Ping'an couldn't help but feel a little pain in his balls.

"Master Zhao, the student has just led his generals to get familiar with the ceremony. During this period, he was thoughtful and had a few immature ideas. He came to ask Master Zhao for advice." Zhu Pingan held back the pain in his balls and said to Zhao Wenhua.

Zhu Pingan said it very tactfully and modestly, but Zhao Wenhua was an old fox in the officialdom, and he immediately understood Zhu Pingan's intention.

"Haha, Zi Hou came to persuade me to reduce the scale of the sea sacrifice and reduce or limit the number of people watching for safety?" Zhao Wenhua held up the chess piece and asked with a smile, his tone full of disapproval.

"No." Zhu Ping'an shook his head, "Master Zhao is the chief priest, and the sacrifice to the sea is a matter of responsibility. The students only follow the teacher's orders. The students have a few immature ideas, which are also out of better assistance to the teacher to complete this event. A sea sacrifice destined to go down in history.”

Zhao Wenhua couldn't help but smile with satisfaction after hearing this. Zhu Ping'an only followed the teacher's orders and sacrificed to the sea, which was destined to be recorded in history. Zhao Wenhua's body felt so comfortable, as if he had taken Shiquan Dabu Pills, and his face was glowing red.

"Haha, if you have any ideas, please feel free to tell me. Teacher, I am all ears." Zhao Wenhua nodded with a smile.

"Students are familiar with the ritual site and found that many sacrifices have been prepared for this sacrifice to the sea, such as incense candles, paper money, firecrackers, etc., which are all flammable and explosive. If the sacrifice to the sea is held tomorrow, the water will accidentally enter the sea, or thieves will mix in. Arson can easily cause fires with unpredictable consequences. Students wonder if they can take precautions in advance. First, all flammable and explosive objects should be stored separately and under strict supervision; second, multiple water tanks should be placed at the scene to extinguish the fire. It can be used to extinguish fires in case of accidents." Zhu Pingan said with his hands.

Zhao Wenhua was a little disapproving at first, but when he heard this, his expression changed and he put down the chess piece in his hand.

Hu Zongxian was also obviously surprised.

This is a hidden danger.

There is also a sea ritual site outside the sea offering ceremony, which is guarded by a large army. The established Japanese pirates will never dare to throw themselves into the trap. However, there is no guarantee that there will not be some brave Japanese pirates who sneak into the sea ceremony and cause destruction. It seems that the Japanese pirates have a kind of terrorist called ninja, who are specially trained to assassinate and cause destruction. If they are sneaked into the ceremony, they will kill people and set fires. , there is really nothing they dare not do.

"Zi Hou's words make sense. It's better to take precautions as soon as possible." Zhao Wenhua and Hu Zongxian looked at each other and nodded, then asked Zhu Pingan to continue.

"The number of people participating in the sea ceremony tomorrow will be large, the highest in the past century. If there is a change in the ritual venue and the people are panicked, it will be a big problem for so many people to leave the venue. It is easy for trampling and collision accidents to occur... The student thought, Is it possible to set up more safe passages at the ritual site, set up obvious signs, and send troops to guard and maintain them. Once there are changes, people can be evacuated quickly and efficiently through the safe passages."

"If people are not restricted from entering, can they be restricted from their free movement and placed according to their place of residence?"

Zhu Pingan put forward a total of five practical and feasible suggestions, and Zhao Wenhua basically accepted them all and implemented them.

Zhu Pingan breathed a sigh of relief.

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