Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1711 Luck appears and Japanese pirates arrive

The next day, before dawn, Zhu Ping'an and the Zhejiang Army were already busy in the Jiaochang area in charge of receiving and arranging the people who watched the sea sacrifice.

In fact, in the middle of the night, many people had already arrived at the sea offering ceremony.

Zhao Wenhua is determined to make this sea ceremony unprecedented and famous in history. In order to let more people watch the sea ceremony, Zhao Wenhua still cares about the people. As soon as he heard that people came to watch the ceremony overnight, he ordered the soldiers of each battalion to boil hot water and pancakes early, so that every common person who came to participate in the sea ceremony would have hot water to drink and pancakes to eat.

Not only that, Zhao Wenhua also uncharacteristically lowered himself to express condolences to the people who came to watch the sea sacrifice, and asked them about their welfare.

The common people were very simple. When they saw Zhao Wenhua ordering hot water pancakes and asking for help, they all called Zhao Wenhua Zhao Qingtian, making Zhao Wenhua enjoy it as if he had drunk fine wine.

By the time it gets daybreak, the sea ritual ceremony site is already crowded with people, crowded and bustling.

There were too many people and it was too chaotic. People were coming and going, looking around curiously at the sea ceremony. There were even many vendors selling food and toys doing business at the ceremony...

Zhu Pingan looked at the scene and couldn't help scratching his head. Although Zhao Wenhua also adopted his own suggestion yesterday and ordered each battalion to restrict the movement of people in the area in charge of them, except for the area in charge of his own area, the implementation of other battalions was a mess, and Zhao Wenhua also turned a blind eye to this and did not emphasize or hold each battalion accountable. Responsibility, so each battalion became more and more perfunctory, and the order restricting the movement of people became a dead letter.

If the movement of people is restricted and people are arranged according to areas, even if Japanese pirates sneak into a ritual ceremony in a village or area, they will be easily caught. Even if outstanding people are caught, it will be difficult to cause trouble because they cannot move around at will.

But now...

If Japanese pirates sneak into the ceremony site and cause damage, it will be like entering an uninhabited land, and the consequences will be disastrous...

No matter how good the policy is, if it cannot be implemented, it will be a blank slate!

"Ma Dan!"


Zhu Ping'an looked around the chaotic and lively ceremony place, glanced at the handsome tent, and couldn't help but cursed twice.

"Haha, who offended your good nephew? Tell your uncle and I will help you teach him a lesson."

A familiar voice came from his ears, and Zhu Pingan turned around and looked at Linhuai Marquis who was like an iron ball.

"Oh, uncle, I was scolding the Japanese pirates. If there were no stupid Japanese pirates to harm us, why would we need to go to such trouble?"

Zhu Ping'an made nonsense and looked very natural. If he told the truth, he shouldn't offend from above to below.

"It's true. These Japanese pirates who are damned by God are so full of evil that it's not an exaggeration to cut them into pieces with a thousand swords." Linhuai Marquis nodded, and then said, "However, it is precisely because of these Japanese pirates who are damned by God that we have That’s where we come in.”

"What uncle said is true." Zhu Pingan said casually.

"Hehe, thanks to my nephew's reminder yesterday, our Jianghuai camp has re-established its main camp. Last night, Governor Zhang inspected the ritual site and saw that our Jianghuai camp's antlers trenches were heavily guarded. He even praised our camp for how well it was set up. He also praised the entire ritual site. Your Zhejiang Army Camp and our Jianghuai Camp are the best." Linhuai Marquis patted Zhu Pingan's shoulder gratefully and said with a smile.

Zhu Ping'an was polite, chatted with the Marquis of Linhuai for a few words, and took the opportunity to tell the Marquis of Linhuai to be more vigilant. According to the order issued by Mr. Zhao last night, the movement of people in the area under his jurisdiction was restricted. If there are any strange behavior among the people, Disciples, you need to be more vigilant, screen in secret, etc.

"Haha, my nephew is still worried that Japanese pirates will sneak into the ceremony and cause damage, right?" Linhuai Marquis said with a smile, "We have so many officers and soldiers watching, and all the people are not allowed to bring weapons into the venue, even if there are individual Japanese pirates. When we come in, we are just hiding some short soldiers. How much damage the Japanese pirates armed with short soldiers can cause, in front of us, is the military merit delivered to our door..."

In front of the officers and soldiers of the guard station, the Japanese pirates armed with short blades are not regarded as military merits, but as difficult wolves.

In the hands of unarmed people, it is even more deadly...

However, there are no eggs.

You can never wake up a person who is pretending to sleep, especially when there is not just one person pretending to be asleep, but a group of people.

"Sir, is this sacrifice to the sea useful? If we sacrifice to the sea, can the Poseidon help us destroy the Japanese pirates on the sea?" While maintaining order, Liu Dadao approached Zhu Pingan and asked with a confused look on his face.

"Confucius said that we should respect ghosts and gods and keep them away." Zhu Ping'an shook his head slightly and said slowly, "We, the Chinese people, have always been self-reliant and self-reliant. We do not rely on praying to gods or Buddhas, even if it is myths and legends. The sky is broken, female Wa refines stones to mend the disease; when floods come, Dayu digs rivers to control them; when ten days are exposed to the sun, Yi shoots one in nine; when diseases come, Shennong tastes hundreds of herbs and cures them. It is ourselves, not ghosts and gods, who determine our destiny. "

"I understand." Liu Dadao nodded, and then asked, "Sir, will there be any Japanese pirates coming to cause trouble today?"

"The Japanese pirates will definitely come to cause trouble." Zhu Pingan said with determination.

The reason why Zhu Pingan is so sure is not only based on his understanding and analysis of Japanese pirates such as Wang Zhi and Xu Hai, but also based on himself.

"Guangzong Yaozu." Zhu Ping'an stood on the slope and muttered to himself.

The mysterious and mysterious luck appeared out of thin air in Zhu Ping'an's field of vision at the ceremony site, with blood red and black occupying the main colors of the site.

This represents a bloody disaster and death. If the Japanese pirates had not come to cause trouble, how could there have been such a serious bloody disaster and death?

Looking in all directions, Zhu Ping'an found that there was nothing unusual in the four directions of east, west, south and north, but that the luck at the ceremony was mixed.

It can be seen that the Japanese pirates have sneaked in, and there are still a lot of them.

It's a pity that luck can't help me distinguish which ones are Japanese pirates and which ones are common people. Everyone's heads are covered with white, black, and blood-red luck. Also, no matter what level the Japanese pirates are in, whether they are cannon fodder, small bosses, or even self-proclaimed generals or kings, their luck is always the same.

At seven quarters after sunrise, the bell rings, indicating that the auspicious time has arrived and the ceremony of offering sacrifices to the sea has begun.

On the sea sacrificial platform, nine strong men dressed as Taoist warriors walked onto the sea sacrificial platform shirtless, stood in front of nine huge cowhide drums, picked up the drumsticks with both hands, and used all their strength to beat the drums. .

Boom, boom, boom.

After the nine-tone drum, the music of the sacrifice sounded. Zhao Wenhua, who was bathing and changing clothes, took the lead. Zhang Jing was half a step behind. Except for Zhu Ping'an, Marquis of Linhuai and other officials in charge of order in the area, the other officials followed closely behind and went up to the sea platform for sacrifice. .

"The priests are in place! Offer food!"

Ox heads, sheep heads, pig heads, beans, wine bottles, silk and other sacrifices dressed in red silk were presented on each altar.

All the people stretched their necks and looked up with excitement.

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