Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1717 Good nephew, my great nephew

Mr. Nakamura favors us. We cannot embarrass Mr. Nakamura. This time we must kill the Zhejiang Army camp with the smallest number of people until it bleeds like a river and burns it until no trace of armor is left. We are the elite aces of Mr. Nakamura! There are only 800 regiment training camps, and they are not even regular troops. We still don’t have them at our fingertips!

A group of forty Japanese pirates confidently rushed towards the Zhejiang Army camp under the cover of night.

"Baga! What can a little shabby camp do like a hedgehog?"

Seeing the antlers, fences, and three-meter-deep trench in front of the Zhejiang Army's camp, a group of Japanese pirates couldn't help but cursed.

"Go straight to the camp gate!"

The leader of the Japanese pirates gave the order without hesitation, and led the Japanese pirates under his command straight to the gate of the Zhejiang Army's camp.

When they arrived at the camp gate, they found that there was not a single soldier on duty in front of the gate of the Zhejiang Army. There was only a deer's antler blocking the gate, as if to cover one's ears and steal the bell.

The entire camp was extremely quiet, with only the faint sound of snoring coming. It seemed that all the soldiers were asleep.

As expected, they are not regular troops and have no vigilance at all. It seems that we can complete the task easily.

The Japanese pirates looked at each other and showed relaxed and confident smiles. They carefully removed the antlers blocking the door and cleared a passage. Under the leadership of the leading Japanese pirate, they rushed into the Zhejiang Army camp.

In groups of three, they split up and pounced on several nearby camps.


The Japanese shouted to kill, and the piercing whistle sounded. The Japanese pirates opened the curtain of the military tent and started to kill.

As soon as they opened the door curtain, they couldn't help but be stunned. Why were there so many bright spots in the dark tent? Are these idiot soldiers lighting incense and worshiping gods in the tent? You're a bunch of idiots, even gods can't save your lives.

Just when this idea flashed through the minds of the Japanese pirates, they saw a flash of fire in the camp, accompanied by a roar of "bang bang bang", and then their bodies were hit by a strong force, and they fell back involuntarily, bleeding. Light splashed everywhere.

As he fell back, he saw Akito's sinister smile following the explosion of fire.

Damn it, that's not the incense used to worship gods, that's a small iron cannon. The despicable Ming Gou actually tricked us.

The Japanese pirates reacted at the moment of death, but it was too late. Their bodies fell to the ground uncontrollably, splashing a layer of dust, and ended their sinful life in anger and unwillingness.

The Japanese pirates who rushed to other camps suffered the same fate. The moment they opened the military tent, they were hit by a dozen fire blunderbuss.

The military tent that six Japanese pirates were attacking was a little further away. Before they could reach the target tent, the other Japanese pirates had already opened their tents and were hit by firecrackers. Having experienced many battles, they reacted instantly and lay down. Oh no, we were caught in the middle, our forward speed slowed down instantly, and our upper body was already making steering movements.

Unfortunately, before they could turn around, they saw the two camps in front of them opening their tents wide open when the firecrackers sounded. A group of Ming soldiers came out holding firecrackers and opened fire on them before they could stand still. .

Forty Zhejiang soldiers walked out of the two camps, and forty shots were fired.

The six Japanese pirates were still turning, and before they had time to evade, they were enveloped in a dense barrage of bullets.

Although the shooting accuracy was insufficient at night, the distance was short, and forty bullets were enough to cover six Japanese pirates.

The six Japanese pirates were beaten into sieves in fear

In just a few seconds, all the Japanese pirates who confidently rushed into the Zhejiang Army camp were dead.

"Come forward and check, kill them all if they are dead or not. Leave fifty people to guard the camp, and the rest will follow me!"

Zhu Pingan's figure came out of the darkness and gave an order loudly.

"As commanded."

All the Zhejiang soldiers admired Zhu Pingan and looked at Zhu Pingan's figure as if they were looking at a god.

Next door, the Jianghuai camp was still struggling to resist the Japanese pirates who broke into the camp, and the situation fell into a stalemate.

The Jianghuai camp had already reacted after two groups of patrol soldiers fought for precious time with their lives.

The Marquis of Linhuai issued orders repeatedly from behind, urging the soldiers who reacted to encircle and suppress the Japanese pirates who had rushed into the camp.

The large number of Jianghuai soldiers slowly gathered in the forward camp. After witnessing the Japanese pirates killing people without blinking an eye, cutting down their comrades in the lead as if they were chopping melons and vegetables, the Jianghuai soldiers were obviously frightened.

As for the Japanese pirates, although they were very tough, they cut down all the Jianghuai soldiers who dared to lead the battle. However, they were so brave that they did not lose any of the Japanese pirates. Only about ten Japanese pirates were defeated, and the Jianghuai soldiers on the opposite side cowered in fear. They didn't dare to step forward and took the initiative in the scene, but after all, there were few people and they couldn't expand the results.

For a while, there was a stalemate.

"Damn it, there are still more than two thousand of us, and there are only eighty on the opposite side. We are afraid of what they will do! Give them all to me. What are you doing standing there stupidly? If you don't go, I will turn around and hold you accountable!"

At this time, Linhuai Marquis, who had assembled his guard camp, also had the courage to face the battle. Seeing that his soldiers were as frightened as frightened rabbits by the eighty Japanese pirates, he couldn't help but become angry, brandishing his saber and threatening loudly.

Under the threat of Linhuai Marquis, a group of Jianghuai soldiers gritted their teeth and lined up in a dense queue to press against the Japanese pirates step by step.

"Kill me!"

The Japanese pirate leader waved his Japanese sword and bravely led the Japanese pirates under his command to rush towards the Jianghuai soldiers, rushing faster than them.

Damn it!

The Japanese pirates were so fierce that the Jianghuai soldiers suddenly panicked. The battle line was in chaos for a while. The originally straight battle formation suddenly became crooked and scattered.

The Japanese pirates would not miss this opportunity. Under the leadership of the leading Japanese pirates, they pounced on the scattered Jianghuai soldiers and chopped down a dozen of the soldiers at the front like they were chopping vegetables and melons.

Suddenly, the Jianghuai soldiers became even more timid, and all retreated seven to eight miles. If Linhuai Marquis hadn't commanded the guard battalion to kill a few fleeing soldiers and gain control of the situation, half of them would have been able to escape at once.

The Marquis of Linhuai cursed angrily from behind.

"Hahaha, it's just a group of two-legged sheep with weapons." The Japanese pirates burst into laughter upon seeing this.

At this moment, they heard a burst of footsteps coming from the camp gate, and the Japanese pirates, Linhuai Marquis and others all turned their heads and looked back.

In their sight, groups of Zhejiang Army soldiers holding firecrackers rushed into the camp gate. In the blink of an eye, they formed three rows. One row was squatting, one row was bent, and one row was standing. They rushed towards each other without saying a word. The Japanese pirates opened fire.

Before the Japanese pirates could react, they were enveloped in a barrage of bullets. Before they could use their full force, they rushed into the street.

"Uncle, are you okay?" Zhu Ping'an walked out of the smoke and asked Linhuai Marquis in the distance.

"My dear nephew, if my nephew hadn't advised me last night, I would have been in great trouble today."

The Marquis of Linhuai excitedly moved away from the crowd with his plump body, and ran all the way to greet them, his voice choked with sobs.

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