Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1718 Support the Chinese Army Camp

"I was relieved to see that my uncle was fine. I left fifty Zhejiang troops to help my uncle hold down the battle. I asked my uncle to quickly prepare his troops and go to the private camp to rescue the people. The number of Japanese pirates who were burned and killed in the private camp was only fifty at most. It must not have been My uncle's opponent, my uncle rescued and protected all the people present, which is a great achievement."

When the Marquis of Linhuai shouted, "My great nephew," and trotted over as excitedly as a bullet, Zhu Ping'an's voice came over.

"Good nephew, my good nephew, won't you go with me to the private camp to rescue the people?" Marquis Linhuai asked hurriedly without even standing firm.

"I heard the shouts of killing rising from the Chinese camp. It should be the main force of the Japanese pirates attacking the Chinese camp. I want to lead the army to support. Without further ado, I will go there." Zhu Pingan said concisely and concisely.

Originally, the Marquis of Huaihe wanted to act with Zhu Pingan, because he felt that he would feel safe with Zhu Pingan.

But as soon as I heard that Zhu Pingan was going to the Chinese army camp to deal with the main force of Japanese pirates, I immediately swallowed the idea of ​​going with Zhu Pingan.

When the Japanese pirates separated out to harass the small teams, our Jianghuai battalion was very good at dealing with them. He did not have the confidence to deal with the main force of the Japanese pirates. It’s better to listen to my nephew honestly and go to the private camp to rescue the people. My nephew said that there are only fifty Japanese pirates in the private camp at most. He said that the Japanese pirates are no match for our Jianghuai camp, so there must be no more than fifty Japanese pirates in the private camp. And Definitely not our opponent.

What's more, my nephew also left 50 Zhejiang troops armed with muskets to hold me back.

I listened to my nephew and went to a private camp.

The Marquis of Linhuai thought so.

"Uncle, these Japanese pirate corpses were captured by my uncle's Jianghuai camp. However, I have great use for their clothes, so I borrowed them first."

Zhu Pingan pointed to the corpses of Japanese pirates lying on the ground without caring at all, and gave them to the Marquis of Linhuai.

After saying this, Zhu Ping'an ordered his soldiers to take off the clothes of the Japanese pirates.

"Ah?! My dear nephew, you gave all these Japanese pirate corpses to us?!"

The Marquis of Linhuai was immediately stunned, opened his mouth wide, and asked with disbelief, "These are eighty Japanese pirate corpses, a great contribution that no one can refuse, so my nephew gave it to him like this, Linhuai" Hou wondered if he had heard wrongly, so he asked again, his voice trembling with excitement.

"Yes, uncle, these Japanese pirate corpses belong to you. Originally, even if we didn't attack from behind, uncle, you Jianghuai camp could capture them with a lot of effort and cost. We just passed by and fired a round of firecrackers. . Now it’s just that the property is returned to its original owner." Zhu Pingan nodded and said without caring at all.

My wise nephew really gave me all the corpses of Japanese pirates! ! ! ! Hearing the confirmed answer again, Marquis Linhuai suddenly fell into ecstasy, with a fat face full of ecstasy, and his eyes were so narrow that he could hardly find anything.

"My good nephew, you are really my good nephew. My uncle really did not misjudge you. From now on, my uncle's two hundred pounds will be at your disposal. My nephew says one thing, and I will never say two. You ask me to fish it out. I will never touch a fish or a shrimp." Marquis Linhuai was moved to tears, rubbed his fat hands, and expressed his stance to Zhu Pingan.

After tossing and turning last night, the words about regaining the dignity of the elders were still in my ears, but they had long been thrown to Java Island by the Marquis of Linhuai.

My good nephew, he did not hesitate to destroy his image yesterday evening to remind me to guard against Japanese pirates attacking the camp at night. Therefore, when the Japanese pirates attacked the camp at night in the early morning, our Jianghuai camp was not captured by the Japanese pirates. Otherwise, it would have been like the He Qingjun Camp and Shen Xiyi over there. Like the military camp, the Japanese pirates broke through the camp and burned it into a sea of ​​fire.

When we were struggling to deal with the Japanese pirates who attacked the camp, it was the wise nephew who fell from the sky and helped us eliminate the Japanese pirates.

Now, my nephew has given us all the eighty Japanese pirate corpses as our military exploits.

Such a good nephew can't be found even with a lantern.

I really wish I didn’t have more daughters. Niuniu is too young. Otherwise, I would have to be betrothed to my good nephew even if I was such a shameless person.

The Marquis of Linhuai fell into regret for not having more daughters.

Seeing that his soldiers had taken off all the night clothes of the Japanese pirates, Zhu Pingan said goodbye to the Marquis of Linhuai and said, "Uncle, without further ado, I will go to the Chinese army camp to support you. Please My uncle quickly organized his troops and went to the civilian camp to rescue the people."

"Okay, my dear nephew, don't worry. I will organize my troops and go to the civilian camp to rescue the people." Linhuai Hou said like a subordinate, clasping his fists and taking orders.

"Let's go, follow me to the Chinese army camp."

Zhu Ping'an waved his hand and led his troops to the Chinese army camp.

During the march, Zhu Ping'an ordered the soldiers to extinguish their torches and hold their heads in silence to prevent their whereabouts from being leaked and alert the enemy.

Halfway through, Zhu Pingan reached out and clenched his fist to stop everyone, and ordered one hundred and eight people to take off their cotton armor and put on Japanese pirate night clothes. Zhu Pingan himself also put on Japanese pirate night clothes.

Of course, under the night clothes, Zhu Ping'an was still wearing the set of soft gold silk armor given by Li Shu.

One hundred and twenty Japanese pirates were killed, and there were originally one hundred and twenty sets of Japanese pirate night clothes.

However, it is a pity that eleven Japanese pirates were set on fire by firecrackers.

The people were beaten into a sieve, and the clothes were so rotten that only these one hundred and nine sets of night clothes could still be worn.

Although each piece of night clothing has several holes and blood stains, it is nighttime and you cannot find it unless you look closely. Besides, it is understandable that there are some injuries after the fight.

After Zhu Ping'an looked at it again, he felt that there was no problem.

"You follow me and walk in front, forming four long and scattered lines, with a torch at the front and in the middle."

Zhu Ping'an ordered the Zhejiang army who put on night clothes.

"Sir, wouldn't we be discovered by the Japanese pirates if we lit the torch?" Liu Dadao asked in confusion.

"Just to let the Japanese pirates find us." Zhu Pingan smiled slightly and explained simply, "There are only two torches. From a distance, the Japanese pirates can't see clearly. They can only vaguely see our clothes."

"Oh, I understand. After the Japanese pirates vaguely see the clothes on our bodies, they will regard us as one of their own." Liu Dadao suddenly realized and understood Zhu Pingan's good intentions.

"That's right." Zhu Pingan nodded, and then said to the remaining Zhejiang troops, "The remaining people kept silent and followed us at a distance of fifty meters. When we started in front, they quickly followed us. support."

"Yes." A group of Zhejiang troops silently accepted the order.

In this way, Zhu Ping'an led one hundred and eight Zhejiang troops who had changed into Japanese pirate night clothes, lit two torches, and trotted away to the Chinese army camp in a swaggering manner. The rest of the Zhejiang troops followed quietly, maintaining a five-digit About ten meters away.

On the way, he heard sharp whistles and Japanese shouts of death coming from all directions, and Zhu Pingan was thoughtful.

"Whoever took the Japanese pirate's whistle also blew it."

Zhu Pingan touched his body, took out a whistle, rubbed it with his hands twice, and started blowing.

Although only seven or eight of the one hundred and eight people had Japanese pirate whistles, when they were blown together, the noise was loud and harsh, blending harmoniously with the Japanese pirate whistles from all directions.

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