Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1719 Despair and Regret Zhao Wenhua

When Zhu Ping'an and his party, wearing Japanese pirate night clothes, swaggered towards the Chinese army camp, the Chinese army camp was already in a sea of ​​fire. Most of the tents were burned with raging fires. Only the most central handsome tent and five other tents were burned. The personal guard tents guarding the commander's tent are still alive, like an isolated island in a sea of ​​fire, but they are also in danger, and there is a danger of being burned by flames and destroyed at any time.

Nakamura Koji led more than a hundred Japanese pirates to surround this isolated island, and like evil wolves, launched wave after wave of attacks.

Surrounded by the Japanese pirates, there were more than a hundred panicked Ming troops. They were the personal guard battalion and the only organized unit in the Chinese army camp.

Zhao Wenhua huddled behind the guards in disgrace. His hair was disheveled and he was wearing white pajamas. He didn't have time to fasten his belt. He was also barefoot. He didn't know if his shoes were lost or he didn't have time to put them on.

Hu Zongxian was also with Zhao Wenhua, also wearing pajamas. Apparently he was awakened by the Japanese pirates in his sleep.

However, compared to Zhao Wenhua's embarrassment and panic, Hu Zongxian was much calmer. While protecting Zhao Wenhua with a shield, he commanded a small number of personal guards to withstand the waves of Japanese pirate attacks.

The situation is very dangerous.

The Japanese pirates were fierce and good at fighting, and they came well prepared. Not only did they hold sharp Japanese knives, they were also equipped with hidden weapons such as sleeve arrows and poison darts. While attacking from the front, they also used hidden arrows and poison darts from time to time, taking away the lives of Ming soldiers one after another.

There were originally more than 200 guards in the camp, but in less than a cup of tea, there were only more than 100 left.

"Damn it, are these Japanese pirates crazy? Or did they make a mistake about the time? If I don't come when I'm presiding over the sea ceremony, the sea ceremony is over. Is there any point in coming to the ceremony to kill people and set fire to them now?"

Zhao Wenhua, who was in the protection center of the Ming army, stared at the fiercely attacking Japanese pirates outside with his head shrinking and cursed angrily.

"Hold on, hold on, not trying to kill the enemy, just holding on. We have ten thousand troops here, and there are tens of thousands of troops rushing to support ten miles away. As long as we hold on for an hour and a half, tens of thousands of reinforcements will come to support us. Victory It must belong to us. When the time comes, everyone will be rewarded with fifty taels of silver, no, one hundred taels."

Hu Zongxian loudly commanded his personal guards to withstand the Japanese pirates' fierce attack. He saw that the personal guard battalion was overwhelmed by the Japanese pirates' fierce attack and was on the verge of collapse. Many of his personal guards were frightened to be killed by the Japanese pirates. If they had not been surrounded by Japanese pirates and had no way to escape, they would have long ago After fleeing for his life, he had to resort to the trick that only a brave man would be rewarded with, and make the guards battalion work for their lives.

Sure enough, with the heavy reward of one hundred taels of silver, the guard camp regained its courage and withstood the Japanese pirates' offensive again.

Only then did Hu Zongxian have the time to answer Zhao Wenhua's words, "Sir, I understand what Zihou said now. Whether or not the formal ceremony of offering sacrifices to the sea has been held has an impact on us. We have to complete the mission of the Holy One, but it has no impact on the Japanese pirates. They don't care. Whether or not the ceremony of worshiping the sea is completed, as long as they kill people and set fire to the place of worshiping the sea, they will achieve their goal, and they can also bring shame on the imperial court and enhance their reputation."

"Oh, I regret not listening to Zi Hou's words." Zhao Wenhua couldn't help but let out a long sigh, full of regret.

If we had listened to Zhu Pingan's advice and been more vigilant to guard against night raids by Japanese pirates, why would we be here today?

Hu Zongxian couldn't help feeling regretful. When Zhu Pingan came to warn Zhao Wenhua last night, he drank too much and did not think carefully about Zhu Pingan's words. Moreover, when Zhao Wenhua dismissed Zhu Pingan with disapproval, he did not say anything more.


Now that I think about it, I really regret it. If only there was a medicine for regret in this world, I would be willing to eat it.

When the two regretted, the Japanese pirates' offensive became more fierce. In addition to open swords and hidden arrows, they also insidiously threw torches at Zhao Wenhua and the others, not only throwing people, but also throwing tents.

Zhao Wenhua and others were in a state of embarrassment after the torch was thrown. The people could still hide alive, but the tents were dead and could not be moved. Soon, the guard camp on the outside was set alight by the Japanese pirates.

The scorching fire once again compressed the space for Zhao Wenhua and others to move, making the situation even more dangerous.

"Insidious! Shameless!"

Zhao Wenhua couldn't help but cursed. His pajamas were caught in the fire and a hole was exposed in his thigh.

Hu Zongxian was also forced to frown by the Japanese pirates. The Japanese pirates were too insidious.

Seeing that the Japanese pirates were going to repeat their old tricks and attack the candle tent, Zhao Wenhua couldn't stand anymore. There were banknotes in the candle tent that he had recently accepted, amounting to tens of thousands of taels of silver.

The money is second, but the most important thing is that he still has the imperial edict for this sea sacrifice in his commander's tent, which cannot be missed.

If the imperial edict was ruined by Japanese pirates, he would be in big trouble.

"Quick, quick, separate a few people to protect the commander's tent. There is an imperial edict from the Holy One and there is no room for error."

Zhao Wenhua shouted hurriedly.

"Tear it down, tear down the tent, so it won't catch fire easily." Hu Zongxian quickly added.

"That's right, tear down the handsome tent." Zhao Wenhua suddenly realized.

It was already weak on both sides and full of dangers. Now that several people were sent out to dismantle the commander's tent, the troops were even less powerful.

Before the candle tents were dismantled, the Japanese pirates almost broke through the guards' defense line, but Hu Zongxian's sharp eyesight commanded in time to block the gap.

But even so, the human defense line of the Guards Battalion is still in danger, and it is normal for it to overturn in the next second.

"No, we can't sit back and wait for death. It's better to concentrate our troops and break out in one direction."

Zhao Wenhua grabbed Hu Zongxian and muttered, now he doesn't care about the imperial edict or the money. His life is still important. He can keep the green hills without worrying about having no firewood. If the money is gone, he can ask for it again. Anyway, he is asking for an official position, wealth, and friendship. There are so many people asking for mercy; if the imperial edict is gone, the adoptive father can also help cover it up. Even if it cannot be covered up, he can still help to plead for mercy, so that it will not be hopeless: but there is only one life, if it is left here, then it will be It's all over.

It was only a matter of time before the Japanese pirates broke through the human shield defense line of their own soldiers. It might not last more than two or three seconds in the next second.

Therefore, he wanted to break out and survive.

"Sir, no." Hu Zongxian shook his head decisively and rejected Zhao Wenhua's proposal to break out.

"Why not?! This is a dead end. These losers are no match for the Japanese pirates."

Zhao Wenhua glared.

"Sir, let alone being surrounded by Japanese pirates, it is difficult to break out of the siege; even if we are lucky enough to break out, it is a way to die. Under the heavy siege of Japanese pirates, we can still gather soldiers to fight for our lives, but if we break out , these soldiers will scatter and flee for their lives, how can you and I escape the pursuit of the Japanese pirates?!" Hu Zongxian explained in a low voice.

"Then just wait here to die?" Zhao Wenhua asked anxiously.

"Sir, let alone the garrison ten miles away who saw the fire at the altar, they will rush here to rescue us. We have more than 10,000 soldiers and horses at the altar. He, Shen and others may not be able to count on it, but Yu Dayou is a veteran on the battlefield. , The devil has a team of veterans who have seen blood for a long time on the battlefield. They will not be easily attacked by the Japanese pirates and completely defeated. In just a little time, they can clean up the mess and send troops to support the Chinese army; Tang Kekuan has also been on the battlefield for a long time and has made great achievements in fighting the Japanese. , and will not be completely defeated by the Japanese pirates' raid. He will also clean up the mess in time and support the Chinese army; and Zihou, he warned the adults last night that the Zhejiang army camp must have been prepared and will not be easily attacked by the Japanese pirates. If he succeeds, maybe he is leading his army to support the Chinese army now. I believe that if we hold on for at least a cup of tea, the reinforcements will arrive and this dilemma will be solved."

Hu Zongxian said quickly, naming Yu Dayou, Tang Kekuan and Zhu Pingan to help Zhao Wenhua increase his confidence.

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