Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1720 Whose reinforcements

"Merlin's words make sense. Persistence is victory! Listen to everyone, as long as you hold on until the reinforcements arrive, I will be rewarded heavily! I just said the reward was one hundred taels of silver, right? Now it has been changed to two hundred taels! As long as you hold on until the reinforcements arrive, Come here, everyone will get a reward of two hundred taels of silver! And everyone will be promoted to one rank, a soldier will be promoted to a corps commander, a corps commander will be promoted to a captain, a captain will be promoted to a sentry commander, and so on, everyone will be promoted to a rank. , if I go back on any of my promises afterwards, I will be punished by heaven and earth, gods and men will be abandoned, and my whole family will die badly..."

After listening to Hu Zongxian's persuasion, Zhao Wenhua thought for two seconds, nodded vigorously, and firmed up his idea of ​​waiting for help. He raised his right hand high and loudly promised Shangyin an official title to the endangered guards in front of him.

In order to increase the credibility of his promise, Zhao Wenhua swore a poisonous oath and brought his whole family with him.

This is a feudal and superstitious society, where the theory of cause and effect of ghosts and gods is rampant. People still believe in poisonous oaths, especially those involving the whole family.

After hearing Zhao Wenhua's promise to reward him with silver and become an official, and the poisonous oath to bring his whole family, the guards became as brave as ever, and they withstood the increasingly fierce attacks of the Japanese pirates one after another, even stabbing them. Two intruding Japanese pirates.

Of course, the Japanese pirates soon retaliated, charging in and taking away the lives of five personal guards.

However, with the promise of being rewarded with official posts, the guards withstood their inner fears and withstood the Japanese pirates' attack.

"Damn it, why haven't the reinforcements come yet? They are looking back and won't last long."

Zhao Wenhua stamped his feet anxiously. He could see that the guard camp could no longer hold on, and whispered to Hu Zongxian anxiously.

"It will come, it will come." Although Hu Zongxian looked calm, there was a layer of sweat on his back and he was panicking in his heart.

At this moment, someone from the guard in front suddenly shouted in high spirits, "Look, look in front. There are torches coming here. I can see a lot of people in the blur. Reinforcements are coming. They are our reinforcements." coming."

"Reinforcements are coming, reinforcements are coming." All the guards looked up and saw torches coming from a distance. A large group of shadowy people were rushing here, and they all shouted in high spirits.

Zhao Wenhua and Hu Zongxian also saw the team coming from a distance, looked at each other, and both breathed a sigh of relief.

"Huh...here it comes! Reinforcements are finally here!!"

Zhao Wenhua's eyebrows were filled with joy and he breathed a long sigh of relief. He couldn't suppress the excitement in his heart.

Hu Zongxian couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. Great, the reinforcements finally arrived. He made the right decision to wait for reinforcements.

After seeing the reinforcements, hope became a reality, victory was in sight, and the guards radiated greater combat effectiveness.

Because the Japanese pirates had their backs turned, they only noticed the people coming from behind when they heard the Ming army shouting excitedly that reinforcements were coming.

"Baga! Which team made a mistake that allowed the Ming army to come to support the Chinese army so quickly?!"

Nakamura Yuji was about to break through Akito's last line of defense. Akito's highest official and the imperial edict were all in his pocket. However, when he heard the news that the Ming army had arrived with reinforcements, he couldn't help but cursed angrily.

After scolding, Nakamura Koji pointed at a young Japanese pirate and ordered to him, "Oda-kun, take your team of twenty people over and block the Akito reinforcements. Don't let them get close. If they break through, you will commit suicide by caesarean section." Bar!"

"Hey! We will kill the reinforcements of the bright people! Send their heads to the Ming dog officer opposite"

Oda Nagaken was so excited that he led the Japanese pirates under his command and rushed towards the torch-bearing team on the opposite side.

"Everyone, follow me and end the battle before Akito's reinforcements arrive!" Nakamura Koji shouted loudly, holding a Japanese sword, and rushed towards Zhao Wenhua's personal guards with unstoppable courage.

When the other Japanese pirates saw that their leader was in the lead, they all rushed forward, each one more fierce and fearless than the other.

In an instant, a dozen Ming soldiers were cut down by them, and the number of Ming soldiers who resisted was less than a hundred.

If the news of reinforcements hadn't stimulated them, they would have collapsed at this moment.

Oda Nagaken and twenty Japanese pirates had only rushed for about twenty meters when they heard a harsh whistle and a chirping sound.

Oda Nagaken stopped hesitantly, and heard the Japanese pirates beside him shout excitedly, "Look at their clothes, they are our people, not Akito reinforcements."

Then, Oda Nagaken vaguely saw black figures under the torch, which were night clothes.

It is indeed one of our own.

"Hahaha, we were worried in vain." Oda Nagaken instantly became overjoyed and laughed.

"Kill the light dog, kill it for me!"

"Kill me!"

The black figure rushing over from the opposite side was blowing a harsh whistle and shouting to kill him.

Listening to a burst of Japanese language, Oda Yongjian was even more happy. These are our people, there is no mistake.

"Kill all the big Ming dogs and charge. Brothers on the opposite side, don't pick us up. Go and support the leader. Don't give Ming dogs a chance to breathe. We will follow! On the way here, we saw a camp. Ming The army has calmed down the turmoil and is arranging its troops and horses. We don't have much time, we can't waste a breath. You guys, hurry up and support the leader, we will kill him right away."

A figure jumped out of the team in the darkness and ran towards Oda Nagaken from a distance. At the same time, he shouted at Oda Nagaken and the others, informing them of an urgent military situation and urging Oda Nagaken to turn around and besiege the Ming army. wasting time.

"Hey! What you said makes sense! There are too many bright dogs! We can't delay! Let's kill them first, and you can follow quickly!!"

Oda Nagaken suddenly became nervous when he heard that the Ming army was reorganizing its troops and was about to come to reinforce the Chinese army. When he heard the suggestion from the Japanese pirates on the opposite side, he was convinced. He immediately nodded without hesitation and led the twenty Japanese pirates under his command. He left immediately and went to support Nakamura Koji.

"Baga, why are you back? You're dead!" Nakamura Koji couldn't help but became furious when he saw Oda Nagaken's return.

"Lord Nakamura, please calm down. The reinforcements on the other side are not Akito's reinforcements, but our reinforcements." Oda Nagaken quickly explained.

"Our reinforcements?"

Nakamura Koji was stunned for a moment, and the next second he heard a harsh whistle and the sound of a group of people dying. He squinted and vaguely saw the black figure under the torch, and he was immediately overjoyed.

"円西, 円西, our reinforcements are coming, the Ming army is dead! Hahahaha." Nakamura Koji laughed proudly.

"Hahaha, Minggou are so happy for nothing, our reinforcements are here." All the Japanese pirates also burst out laughing.

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