Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1721 There is something wrong with this group of Japanese pirates

"What's going on? Our reinforcements are here, but why are the Japanese pirates on the opposite side laughing? Are they scared?!"

The guards who were struggling to resist the Japanese pirates couldn't help but become confused when they saw the Japanese pirates suddenly laughing.

"Could it be possible?" One of the guards suddenly turned pale.

"Is it possible?" the guard next to him asked hurriedly. He had a very bad feeling in his heart.

"Could it be that the reinforcements coming from the other side are not our reinforcements, but the Japanese pirates' reinforcements?!"

The guard's face turned pale, and he swallowed a mouthful of saliva before speaking out his guess, his voice trembling.

"Japanese pirate reinforcements?!"

When the guards around him heard this, their faces turned pale and their voices trembled.

Will not! Will not! This must not be the case! How could the reinforcements coming over be the reinforcements of the Japanese pirates? !

"Sir, are the reinforcements coming over here from the Japanese pirates..." A guard turned around and asked.

Then, before he could finish his question, he stopped abruptly.

Because he saw that the faces of the two adults, Zhao Wenhua and Hu Zongxian, turned pale, as white as if they were wearing powder when singing a big opera, he instantly understood what was going on, and there was no need to ask the adults for confirmation. The reinforcements coming from the opposite side must be Japanese pirates. Reinforcements, otherwise the two adults would not be like this.

Then, everyone also noticed the team coming from the opposite side, making harsh whistles and yelling "Kill to give" in Japanese. It was self-evident whose reinforcements the team coming from the opposite side was.

"Damn it, are all the more than 10,000 elites at our funeral site stupid pigs? Why did we let the reinforcements of the Japanese pirates get ahead of us? We can't handle these Japanese pirates. There are so many Japanese pirates here. God is going to kill me, Zhao Wenhua, here. ?!" Zhao Wenhua stared at the approaching team with an ashen face, and cursed in despair, his prostate was almost unbearable.

At this moment, the calmness and calmness on Hu Zongxian's face no longer existed, and he was also panicking.

At this moment, Hu Zongxian also wanted to scold his mother. What is going on? There are more than 10,000 elite soldiers, all young and middle-aged soldiers. The number of Japanese pirates who can survive is only 800 or 900. It can be calculated at a glance. The ones who attacked the Chinese army commander's camp must be The main force of the Japanese pirates is less than 200 people. The various Japanese pirates who are sent out to harass and contain the various military camps have only a hundred people at most. In total, there are 800 or 900 people. We have more than 10,000 soldiers and horses. Well, with such a huge military advantage, how come the Japanese pirates sent reinforcements first?!

Yu Dayou and Tang Kekuan, what did you do?! Aren't you veterans on the battlefield? Haven't you made great achievements in fighting against Japanese invaders many times? !

And Zhu Ping'an! Did you ask Mr. Zhao to warn you last night that Japanese pirates might attack at night? ! Do you just move your mouth to show your presence? ! Didn't your own military camp be more vigilant to guard against night raids by Japanese pirates? !

Mr. Zhao is right, you are just a bunch of stupid pigs. No, you are not as good as stupid pigs. Even if there are more than 10,000 pigs, you will not be blocked by hundreds of Japanese pirates and unable to get out.

Seeing that the morale of Zhao Wenhua and others on the opposite side was greatly reduced, and their formations were in chaos in panic, Nakamura Koji immediately seized the opportunity and shouted, "Come on, our reinforcements are coming. Minggou is afraid, so take advantage of his fear and attack him with all his strength." , capture them, they are all dead!"


"Dead, dead!"

Koji Nakamura and his Japanese pirates pounced on them again, and in an instant, five or six Ming soldiers fell under their swords.

"Hold on! Hold on! Our reinforcements will be here in an instant!" Zhao Wenhua shouted and ordered his guards to hold on.

However, this sentence is not convincing anymore. The reinforcements of the Japanese pirates have already arrived, so you will be given more time to wait for the reinforcements.

The morale of the guards continued to collapse, and the formation was on the verge of collapse under the impact of the Japanese pirates.

"If you don't resist, you will die now. If you resist, there is still hope! One more second of resistance means one more second of hope!"

Hu Zongxian shouted at the top of his lungs.

"It's too late, the Japanese reinforcements have already arrived." The guards looked at the Japanese reinforcements who were less than twenty meters away and said in despair.

In the sight of Zhao Wenhua, Hu Zongxian and a group of personal guards, about a hundred Japanese pirates wearing night clothes appeared, running in a loose formation, blowing sharp whistles and shouting to kill them.

Forty meters, thirty meters, twenty meters... getting closer and closer.

Seeing the Japanese reinforcements pressing up, Zhao Wenhua, Hu Zongxian and the other guards all despaired.

Then a strange scene happened. When they were still more than ten meters away from the two warring parties, the leading Japanese pirate stretched out his hand and raised his hand, and the reinforcements of the Japanese pirates stopped unexpectedly.

Then, the leading Japanese pirate waved his hand again, and the group of Japanese pirates began to quietly form a team, quickly forming three rows from a scattered formation.

"Sir, there seems to be something wrong with the Japanese pirates later..." Hu Zongxian noticed this scene, approached Zhao Wenhua and whispered.

Hu Zongxian felt something was wrong, but he couldn't tell exactly what was wrong yet. It's just a feeling.

"There is no time to care whether they are right or not. Think about what we should do. I think we should break out. Break out now, otherwise we will not have a chance when they pounce."

Zhao Wenhua said anxiously.

"No, no need to break out, hahahaha..." Hu Zongxian suddenly laughed.

"Why don't you break out? Are you crazy? We are going to die soon. You can still laugh at this time!"

When Zhao Wenhua heard Hu Zongxian's laughter, he couldn't bear it anymore, turned around and cursed at Hu Zongxian.

"Sir, don't you think the formation of the Japanese reinforcements is familiar to you?" Hu Zongxian smiled and pointed at the Japanese reinforcements more than ten meters away. The despair and fear on his face were wiped away. The calm and calm Hu Zongxian was back again.

"Is there anything familiar? Uh, wait, don't tell me, it looks a bit familiar. I seem to have seen it somewhere..."

Zhao Wenhua cursed impatiently, "What time is it?" He was still in the mood to see the formation of the Japanese reinforcements. Really, uh, wait a minute. Zhao Wenhua looked at the rows of squatting and bending Japanese reinforcements more than ten meters away. , a row of standing formations were suddenly stunned.

This unique and strange formation is so familiar, as if I have seen it somewhere, somewhere, somewhere...

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed through his mind, and Zhao Wenhua suddenly turned his head to look at Hu Zongxian.


Zhao Wenhua seemed to be electrified. He was excited, his desperate eyes suddenly flashed with light, and he asked Hu Zongxian for confirmation excitedly, nervously and apprehensively.

Before Hu Zongxian could answer, everyone present heard a loud shout that resounded through the night sky. It was not Japanese, but Chinese. He warned loudly, "Everyone, after hearing this, get down, we are going to open fire..."

"Hold up your shield and get down!" Hu Zongxian immediately held up his shield and pushed Zhao Wenhua to the ground, shouting, "Anyone who doesn't want to be beaten to death by random gunfire should get down! The Japanese pirate reinforcements are disguised by our people!" "

"What the hell?" Nakamura Koji heard the reinforcements behind him yelling in Chinese. He immediately turned his head warily and saw three rows of figures holding firecrackers behind him. Firecrackers, no, we didn't bring one at all for fear of being exposed. A firecracker reacted instantly and shouted at the top of his lungs, "Baga! They are the Ming army!"

But he didn't wait for his next reaction.

"Bang bang bang bang"

Dense and neat gunfire rang out, balls of flames exploded in the night, and the pungent smell of gunpowder filled the air.

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