Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1723: Divide the pot

From the beginning to the end, it only took a few breaths, but the situation on the scene has been turned upside down.

A few breaths ago, more than one hundred and sixty ferocious Japanese pirates were still controlling thunder and lightning on the battlefield, slashing Zhao Wenhua and his party until they were crying for their fathers and mothers, their lives hanging by a thread, and they could kill Zhao Wenhua and others in a matter of minutes;

However, after a few breaths, they became dead dogs on the ground. Only a few Japanese pirates could still moan before they died.

The battlefield was filled with smoke. Zhao Wenhua, who was lying on the ground, looked up from the ground like a tortoise. He coughed due to the smoke that filled the battlefield. He squinted his eyes and saw the corpse of the Japanese pirate lying on the ground through the firelight.

"Is this the end of the Japanese pirates?"

Even though he saw it, Zhao Wenhua still found it hard to believe that these ferocious Japanese pirates who were as if they were descended from the gods of death, these Japanese pirates who made him disgraced, collapsed and desperate, were all killed in the blink of an eye.

"Yes, sir, the Japanese pirates are over." Hu Zongxian's voice sounded in his ears, and his voice was also a bit unbelievable.

With that said, Hu Zongxian threw aside the shield in his hand, spit out thick phlegm, and got up from the ground.

Then, Hu Zongxian bent down and stretched out his hands to help Zhao Wenhua stand up. However, as soon as Zhao Wenhua relaxed, he felt weak and had no strength to stand up. Hu Zongxian could not help him up for a while.

At this time, a figure also walked over from the pungent smoke, stretched out his hands, and assisted Hu Zongxian to help Zhao Wenhua up.

After helping Zhao Wenhua to stand up, this man held up his hands and apologized, "My subordinate Zhu Ping'an was late in rescuing me. Please forgive me Master Zhao."

It was Zhu Pingan.

"It's not too late, it's not too late, Zihou, you're not too late. Thanks to you for arriving in time with your troops this time, and cleverly pretending to be reinforcements from the Japanese pirates, catching the Japanese pirates off guard, and thus saving our lives, otherwise we would Your life is over. Before the sacrifice to the sea, I transferred you here originally to give you a qualification benefit to assist in the sacrifice to the sea. It was also an achievement after you took up the post of Deputy Envoy of the Jiangsu and Zhejiang Provincial Commission for Punishment. It can help you pick up the throne as soon as possible. I dropped the word 'generation', but I didn't expect that this move saved my life. Things are so unpredictable."

"If Zihou hadn't arrived in time, my life would have been over. I still have tens of thousands of my money in the commander's tent behind me, no, the memorials I wrote several nights ago, and most importantly, the imperial edict issued by the Holy One to sacrifice to the sea. If Falling into the hands of Japanese pirates, the impact would be unimaginable. Calling you here before the sea ceremony begins is truly the wisest decision I have ever made."

Zhao Wenhua took Zhu Pingan's hand, patted it again and again with emotion, and said very intimately to Zhu Pingan.

"Thank you Master Zhu for saving your life." Hu Zongxian also said.

"Master Zhao and Mr. Hu have spoken seriously. This is a matter within the lower official's duties. I would also like to thank Master Zhao for giving me the opportunity to participate in the sea sacrifice."

Zhu Ping'an humbly handed over his hand and took the opportunity to get rid of Zhao Wenhua's hand. Goosebumps rose all over his body when he patted him.

I'm really not used to the ancients' way of showing closeness. I really don't know how Guan, Zhang and Zhuge endured Uncle Liu sleeping on his feet.

"Oh, I regret not listening to Zihou's words yesterday evening, otherwise why would we be here today." Zhao Wenhua looked at the fires in all directions and listened to the shouts and screams coming from all around. I don't know how many camps were burned to the ground, and I don't know how many people lost their lives. At this point, he couldn't help but sigh and shook his head, saying with regret.

"Your Excellency is in charge of the affairs of the Sea Sacrifice, and you have to deal with everything on a day-to-day basis. It is impossible to consider every aspect and every detail. It was the subordinate officials who neglected their duties and failed to pay attention to Master Zhu's warning, which led to today's disaster."

Hu Zongxian took the initiative to take the responsibility on himself, vying to take the blame for Zhao Wenhua.

"No, I am the imperial envoy of Jihai, presiding over Jihai. If there is a problem with Jihai, how can I stay out of it? This is my responsibility."

Zhao Wenhua shook his head and said with a sense of responsibility.

"No, your Excellency presided over the Sea Sacrifice. He mobilized more than 10,000 elite soldiers, including Lord Zhu, to ensure safety at the ceremony site. He also mobilized tens of thousands of heavy troops in the east, south and north directions, which was enough to ensure that the Sea Sacrifice was safe. "There is absolutely no problem with your decision-making and arrangements. It is the generals below who failed to lead the troops well. They betrayed your trust and failed to fulfill their responsibilities. The main force of the Japanese pirates attacked the Chinese army, and the subordinates who commanded the Chinese army cannot escape the blame."

Hu Zongxian argued vigorously.

"Merlin, I have seen your performance. You have been alert enough. After the Japanese pirates broke into the Chinese army, you promptly organized a guard battalion to resist the main force of the Japanese pirates. Under the siege of the main Japanese pirates, you protected me and the imperial edict. When Zihou leads his troops to the rescue, you will have no fault." Zhao Wenhua shook his head, patted Hu Zongxian's shoulder, and said affirmatively.

"When it comes to responsibility, well, I think Yu Dayou, Tang Kekuan, He Qing, and Shen Xiyi are the ones to blame. They led heavy and elite troops to sit outside the ritual site, but the Japanese pirates easily broke into the Chinese army; a small group of Japanese pirates attacked their military camp. , but his camp was in chaos, and even now he has not been able to clean up the mess."

Then, Zhao Wenhua snorted and put the blame on Yu Dayou, Tang Kekuan and others.

When Zhu Ping'an saw this, he was speechless. The camp was also invaded by Japanese pirates. Hu Zongxian had both merit and fault, but Yu Dayou and the others could hardly absolve themselves of the blame.

If I hadn't led my troops to arrive in time, Hu Zongxian, who had no fault for his merits, would have returned to the west with you.

"Master Zhao, when I came with my troops, the deputy commander-in-chief of Jianghuai, Marquis Linhuai, also wiped out the Japanese pirates who attacked his Jianghuai camp. After division of labor, I led my troops to rescue you, and he led his troops to rescue the people. .”

Zhu Ping'an made notes to the Marquis of Linhuai and showed his merits to Zhao Wenhua to prevent the Marquis of Linhuai from being recorded by Zhao Wenhua.

"Shan, you uncles and nephews are all meritorious people." Zhao Wenhua nodded after hearing this and verbally praised Linhuai Marquis.

"Report, Sir, after checking, there are still eight Japanese pirates alive. Sir, what should I do with these eight Japanese pirates?"

At this time, Liu Dadao stepped forward to report.

"Kill them. If not, why don't we keep them for the New Year?" Zhao Wenhua said through gritted teeth after hearing this.

The Japanese pirates almost took his name. He hated the Japanese pirates extremely much at this time. When he heard that the Japanese pirates were still alive, he couldn't help gritting his teeth and giving the order.

"Master Zhao, although the dead Japanese pirates are the good ones, we are not in a hurry to kill them. After the interrogation, we will find out who sent this group of Japanese pirates and other circumstances before killing them." Zhu Pingan hurriedly killed them. He warned aloud.

"Yes, yes, Zihou is right. While they are still alive, separate them for interrogation as soon as possible. There is no need to tolerate the Japanese pirates. What kind of torture? There are no taboos on meat and vegetables. Just interrogate them harshly. The interrogation is clear, yes Who sent them, what is their purpose, and whether they have any accomplices."

Zhao Wenhua suddenly realized what he said after hearing Zhu Pingan's words. He took back his words and ordered the surviving Japanese pirates to be tortured and interrogated.

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