Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1724 Throw the blame on Zhang Jing’s head

The Japanese pirates' shrill whistles and shouts of death outside the commander's tent became smaller and smaller, and the chaos they caused gradually subsided.

In the handsome tent, there is a small red clay stove and a charcoal-fired purple clay pot. The tea leaves in the pot are rolling up and down, and the strong fragrance of tea is floating in the air.

Zhao Wenhua sat in the main seat, Hu Zongxian and Zhu Pingan sat on both sides of the lower head, and the atmosphere in the tent was a bit solemn.

The source is Zhao Wenhua.

He had no time to celebrate his escape, and now he had to face an imminent dilemma - how to end it.

"Merlin, Zihou, you are all on your own, and you are all smart people. I will not beat around the bush with you. This sacrifice to the sea originally went smoothly and was completed beautifully, and everyone can share the benefits. Thanks to the merits, they were promoted and made rich, and everyone was happy. Who knew that something went wrong in the end, and the damn Japanese pirates attacked the ceremony site at night, killing people and setting fires in each camp. Although the final results have not yet been calculated, it is clear to the naked eye that the losses must be considerable. "

"Although Yu Dayou, Tang Kekuan and others betrayed their trust, neglected their duties, and neglected their duties, allowing the Japanese pirates to easily sneak into the ritual site to attack at night. They cannot escape the blame. However, as the imperial envoy of the Sea Sacrifice and in charge of all matters related to the Sea Sacrifice, I am also responsible. Shirking leadership responsibilities. Now that things have happened, do you have any good ideas on how to report to the Holy One and how to help me get out of trouble?"

Zhao Wenhua took a sip of tea that tasted like wax, put the tea cup aside, leaned forward, and said to Hu Zongxian and Zhu Pingan.

"Sir, the ceremony of sacrificing the sea has been successfully and beautifully completed during the day. The night attack of the Japanese pirates happened after the sea sacrifice, and it does not affect your report. These are two things, and you can completely report the night attack of the Japanese pirates separately. I think that what happens after the sacrifice to the sea has nothing to do with you, the chief priest."

As soon as Zhao Wenhua finished speaking, Hu Zongxian spoke first, suggesting that Zhao Wenhua should treat the sea sacrifice and the Japanese pirate night attack as two separate events.

He used a little cleverness to artificially separate the events that happened on the same day. In this way, he could report on the successful completion of the sea sacrifice, and Zhao Wenhua deserved no less credit. As for the Japanese pirates' night attack, it was another matter. And if it happened after the sacrifice to the sea, it was not Zhao Wenhua's responsibility. The subtext was that Yu Dayou and others should take the blame.

After hearing this, Zhao Wenhua squinted his eyes and thought for a moment, then shook his head, "That's not right. Although the night attack by Japanese pirates occurred after the completion of the sea sacrifice ceremony, it was the same day after all. In fact, it was also the end of the sea sacrifice. After the party was over, we couldn’t hide it from those who were interested. In the court, Li Mo and his gang, as well as some self-proclaimed nobles, were secretly staring at my adoptive father and me. If this matter was revealed to the Holy Emperor by them, things would not be good. If you clean it up, I will be punished even more severely."

Zhao Wenhua knew very well that although the Strict Party had great power in the court, and most of the officials in the world were members of the Strict Party. Every time his stepfather stamped his feet, the court would be shaken, but he could not cover the sky with one hand. For example, Li Mo's party and others There are some non-Party party members who do not deal with the Yan Party openly or covertly. Although their power is far inferior to that of the Yan Party, their existence cannot be ignored. The impeachment memorials of the adoptive father and other members that occasionally appear in the court are clear evidence.

When he originally proposed the sacrifice to the sea, Li Mo and some Qingliu were opposed to it, but now they must be staring at the sacrifice to the sea with wide eyes.

This little trick can't hide it from them.

If they were to expose him, things would become even more difficult to deal with. It would be almost impossible to escape.

"In this case..." Hu Zongxian pondered for a while, and then said meaningfully to Zhao Wenhua, "In fact, as long as someone takes the responsibility for this Japanese pirate night attack, you will naturally be free of responsibility."

"Although Yu Dayou and Tang Kekuan enjoy trust and are responsible for their negligence and negligence, their shoulders are too small and cannot bear such a big responsibility." Zhao Wenhua knocked on the armrest of the chair, looked at Hu Zongxian, and then looked at Zhu Pingan said slowly.

Zhao Wenhua didn't feel any burden about putting the responsibility on Yu Dayou and Tang Kekuan. However, these two people were just generals leading troops. They were like lackeys and they couldn't bear such a big responsibility.

"If their shoulders are too small to bear it, who can afford it..." Hu Zongxian said, looking at each other with Zhao Wenhua, and then looked in the same direction, which was where Zhang Jing's tent was.

A sense of conspiracy spread in Shuai Zhanghei.

Let me go, they want to put the blame on Governor Zhang Jingzhang, Zhu Pingan immediately realized it.

After all, of all the people present, except for Zhao Wenhua, the only one who could bear such a big burden was Zhang Jing.

Zhu Ping'an couldn't help but feel a rush of blood, you guys are so shameless! It was you who came up with the imperial edict and in the name of the Holy Emperor, you overpowered Zhang Jing and seized the power of worshiping the sea. Zhao Wenhua was in charge of all matters of sea worship. As a result, when the incident came out, the blame was placed on Zhang Jing’s head?!

While Zhu Pingan's blood was rising, Zhao Wenhua and Hu Zongxian had already begun to ask questions about Zhang Jing.

"When I first came here with the mission of offering sacrifices to the sea, he complained a lot about the sacrifice to the sea. He wanted to make a hasty sacrifice to the sea and get rid of the problem. He also wanted to use the money for the sacrifice to the sea for other purposes. After I came up with the imperial edict and clearly opposed it, he I walked away, I have reported this to the Holy One. Yesterday before the sea ceremony started, he repeatedly tried to restrict me on the shape, scale, process and other issues of the sea ceremony. It was only after Mei Lin brought out the imperial edict that he gave up in anger and walked away again. , everyone present saw it. After that, he passively cooperated with the sea sacrifice matter. He spent most of the day in the account saying that he was too busy. As the governor of the Jiangnan princes, he neglected and passively performed his duties. , the Japanese pirates attacked the ritual site at night, and they bear the unshirkable responsibility."

Zhao Wenhua slapped the armrest of the chair with his hand and sternly placed the responsibility for the Japanese pirates' night attack on Zhang Jing.

"My lord, I thought that Governor Zhang, as the governor of Jiangnan, was responsible for suppressing the Japanese and protecting the territory. However, after he became the governor, he has been stationary for several months and failed to send out a single soldier to exterminate the Japanese. , causing the Japanese pirates in the south of the Yangtze River to become more and more rampant. How can Governor Zhang stay out of the disaster tonight when the Japanese pirates attack the ritual site at night?" Hu Zongxian started from Zhang Jing's responsibilities and added.

After hearing what Hu Zongxian said, Zhao Wenhua's thinking started to change. He glanced at Hu Zongxian appreciatively and nodded vigorously, "Yes, yes, that's right. The Japanese pirates can be so arrogant because he stood still and condoned the Japanese pirates! I came to Jiangnan. After that, he repeatedly urged him to send troops to suppress the Japanese, but he refused to send troops to suppress the Japanese with various reasons, such as the wolf soldiers waiting for the guest soldiers, the veteran generals being unruly, the local soldiers and horses being unable to fight, etc. That is, he refused to send troops to suppress the Japanese. Because he failed to fulfill his duties as governor and allowed the Japanese pirates to wreak havoc in the south of the Yangtze River, there were more and more Japanese pirates in the south of the Yangtze River, and they became more and more bold and lawless, until the disaster of a night attack on the bear farm occurred! Tonight's disaster, he was not only unable to By staying out of the matter, he betrayed the trust of the Holy One, betrayed the trust of thousands of people, betrayed the trust of his own officials, and he bears an unshirkable responsibility!"

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