Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1733 Excited Emperor Jiajing

The smell of incense candles in Xiyuan is strong, the smoke is lingering, and the Taoist vocal music is up and down. This is because Xiyuan is holding a sacrificial offering.

At this time, the fasting ceremony is over.

On the high sacrificial altar, Emperor Jiajing was wearing a wide-sleeved Taoist gown with a wide open neckline, swinging his sleeves and walking back and forth on the altar, holding a memorial in his hand, laughing loudly while walking like a tiger.

It was already the twelfth lunar month of winter, and there was a light snowfall in the morning. Huang Jin, who was serving Emperor Jiajing close by, was not only wearing a cotton padded coat, but also a fox fur cape, which he would gather from time to time.

However, Emperor Jiajing only wore such a thin Taoist robe with the neckline open, but he didn't feel cold at all.

The long sleeves are elegant, as if walking against the wind in the dog days.

This is not because Emperor Jiajing was successful in cultivating Taoism, he was not immersed in water and fire, and he was not afraid of the cold, but that he had just taken a elixir rich in heavy metals, which caused his endocrine serious imbalance, just like taking the wrong medicine and causing stomach burning.

However, Emperor Jiajing didn't think so. Every time at this time, he felt that there was fire in his dantian, his performance was like a god, and his Taoism was vigorous.

A gust of cold wind blew by, and the snow on the branches fell profusely. Huang Jin couldn't help but clenched the fox fur around her body again.

"Hahaha, Huang Ban, look at you like that, I will reward you with a elixir, so you won't be cold." Seeing Huang Jin's trembling appearance, Emperor Jiajing couldn't help laughing, and took it out of his arms with a smile. A jade box engraved with auspicious dragon and phoenix, opened it and took out a yellow-orange elixir, and threw it to Huang Jin casually.

"Thank you for your reward."

Huang Jin, who was good at martial arts, caught the elixir in a hurry, knelt down excitedly to thank Emperor Jiajing, and then put the elixir into his mouth without hesitation.


Adam's apple surged, and the elixir fell into the abdomen.

Although Huang Jin didn't believe in cultivating Taoism to become immortals, he didn't even believe in elixirs. In history, many emperors swallowed elixirs and not only failed to become immortals, but instead drove west early. There is a saying in their hometown that ten medicines and nine poisons. Don't you see that Yan Ge is old, Yan Ge sees that he is favored by the Holy One, the Holy One often rewards Yan Ge old pills, in fact, apart from showing closeness and rewards, it may not mean to let Yan Ge old try the medicines, every time the new pills are prepared, The sage rewarded Mr. Yan Ge. After Yan Ge took a course of treatment, he would report his experience of taking the medicine to Emperor Jiajing. Once, after a course of treatment with the newly formulated Longhu Tiandan, Mr. Yan Ge ate all the hemorrhoids and had two big bowls of blood in his stool.

Even so, Huang Jin still didn't dare to refuse the elixir bestowed by Emperor Jiajing, and even pretended to be excited.

He also swallowed the elixirs bestowed by Emperor Jiajing in earnest, and dared not do any deception.

Emperor Jiajing is an extremely smart person. If you pretend to swallow in front of him, nine out of ten you will be caught. , or... No matter what kind of consequences, he can't bear it.

It was precisely because he couldn't bear the consequences of being found out, so even though he knew there was something wrong with the elixir, he still swallowed it obediently and happily every time.

Sure enough, after swallowing it, he felt his intestines and stomach were on fire, and the effect of the elixir was more intense than last time, so he must suffer tonight

"Thanks to the real person for giving me the medicine. The slave feels hot all over, not cold at all."

Huang Jin knelt down to thank him excitedly, and casually tore off the fox fur cloak on his body, threw it aside, and untied the cotton padded jacket, imitating Emperor Jiajing, and opened half of his arms, looking very Looks hot.

"Hahahaha... Huang Ban, Huang Ban, your acting skills are too clumsy. Although the pill will be effective as soon as it enters the abdomen, but to achieve the effect of igniting the pill fire and gushing out the heat, it takes at least three weeks of practice." to achieve."

Emperor Jiajing kicked Huang Jin's ass with a smile, and cursed with a smile, without any intention of blaming, but also showing closeness.

Feng Bao in the corner of the altar looked at Huang Jin enviously. When will the miscellaneous family be able to win the holy family like Eunuch Huang.

It's a pity that there are big eunuchs such as Huang Jin and Qin Fu on my head. They occupy important positions such as Lijian, Dongchang, and Xichang, and they all stand firm. His promotion space is tightly blocked, and it is as difficult as climbing to the sky if he wants to take another step.

In addition, Chen Hong, Meng Chong and other insidious and cunning people are watching his every move, waiting for him to make mistakes. It is not easy for him to hold his current position, let alone promoted.

Thanks to Mrs. Xiao Zhu who gave me the advice to turn over the cards, I was able to mix among the masters in the harem like a fish in water. Not only did I not have to offend the masters, but I also became the celebrity of the masters.

Now that I have a firm foothold, I can still have a chance to show up in front of the Holy One, and I have expectations for the future.

Just wait, there may be a chance for me, Feng Bao, to come out on top in the future.

It would be great if the miscellaneous family is as smart and kind as Master Xiao Zhu. If Master Xiao Zhu has three points of ability, it will be enough for me to reach the pinnacle of eunuch.

Oh, by the way, Mr. Zhu is so smart and kind, it must be because of reading a lot.

Miscellaneous people need to study more seriously.

The next time I meet Mrs. Zhu, I should ask Mrs. Zhu for advice and ask Mrs. Zhu to recommend a book list.

"Get up." Emperor Jiajing was in a good mood, and after scolding Huang Jin with a smile, he ordered Huang Jin to get up, handed him the memorial in his hand, and said casually, "Huang Ban, read it to me."

"Old slave obeys." Huang Jin took the memorial with both hands respectfully, unfolded it, and read it in a rhythmic tone.

Feng Bao, who was in the corner of the altar, lowered his head and listened carefully to Huang Jin's reading with his ears up.

Sacrifice to the sea.

This is a memorandum for offering sacrifices to the sea. A few days ago, Mr. Zhao Wenhua was ordered to offer sacrifices to the sea, and this is the result that was sent back.

Listen, listen, I heard the word "Zhu Ping'an", so Feng Bao's ears perked up even higher.

Then I couldn't help but widen my eyes, I made a meritorious service, Master Xiao Zhu made another meritorious service, there are a total of two hundred and ninety Japanese pirate heads, Master Xiao Zhu is really powerful, capable of writing and martial arts, he is really a great talent born in the world.

It's really my honor to have such a friend. Miscellaneous family must maintain a good relationship with Master Xiao Zhu.

"Listen, listen, the sacrifice to the sea was completed during the day, and such a great achievement was made at night. Five hundred and sixty-six Japanese pirates were captured, and more than five hundred Japanese pirates were forced to jump into the sea to die. More than a hundred Japanese pirates were all sucked into the bottom of the sea to feed the fish, and there were no bones left. Hahaha, this is not a fulfillment of offering sacrifices to the sea, what is the response from the sea god and the dragon king?!"

"If it wasn't for offering sacrifices to the sea, the Sea God and the Dragon King killed the sea monsters that caused trouble, and these Japanese pirates who jumped into the sea might have escaped with the help of the sea monsters!"

"Hmph, now let's see what those ministers who openly and secretly criticize our offerings to the sea, laboring the people, wasting money, and squandering money have to say!"

"Sacrificing to the sea, offering sacrifices to the sea, am I doing it for myself?! I am doing it for the people of my country!"

"Zhao Wenhua did a good job, and he didn't hesitate to use his body as bait. Well, boy Zhu is also good. Besides Zhao Wenhua, he is the second most credited. Not to mention the more than 500 Japanese pirates who were buried in the sea. He alone accounted for more than half of the heads of the Japanese pirates." , Ha ha, I never thought that such a simple and honest fat boy would be very fierce when he started a war, not bad, not bad..."

Emperor Jiajing walked back and forth with his big sleeves fluttering, while excitedly venting his long-pressed emotions, just like talking.

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