Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1737 Brother Zhu is wise

"Brother Zhu, do you plan to make an appointment?"

Hu Wei and Xia Qiang couldn't help being overjoyed when they heard Uncle Zhu Shouren's words, and hurriedly asked around.

"Don't they just look down on people and see us in tatters and think we are beggars, so why don't we change our clothes and tidy up?!"

Uncle Zhu Shouren stroked his beard, showed a wise smile, and said to the two of them.

I'll go to your uncle! I thought you had some eye-catching scheme, but it turned out to be this!

Listening to what you have to say, like listening to what you say, is useless.

Hu Wei and Xia Qiang turned their heads in disappointment, and complained helplessly, "Brother Zhu, we are penniless now, and we don't have a single coin. How can we change our outfits and clean up?!"

"Ahem, if you don't have money, there is a way..." Uncle Zhu Shouren rolled his eyes and said cryptically.

"You mean stealing?!" Xia Hui opened her mouth wide in surprise, then shook her head vigorously, and denied, "No, no, this is too risky, we are too conspicuous now, stealing will probably be caught I found out, once we find out, with this stigma, our imperial examination and official career will be ruined, no, no, absolutely not!”

"Well, what brother Xia said is very true. Stealing is absolutely forbidden." Hu Wei also shook his head and said, "The risk is too great. If we are caught, we will be finished. It's too worthless."

"Ahem, I'm not talking about stealing." Uncle Zhu Shouren rolled his eyes again, and made a suggestion, "How about we go to work to make money, well, Suzhou Tongheng is an important place, where goods from all over the world gather, we can go It’s not difficult to change your clothes for a few days to resist the goods at the pier. As for cleaning up, we will wait for the water temperature to rise slightly at noon and it will not be so cold. Let’s find a remote riverside and endure some cold washing That's it."

"What? You want us to go to the wharf to fight against the goods?! That's something only mud legs can do. It's too polite! Moreover, we scholars can't lift our shoulders, lift our hands, and have no strength to restrain a chicken. How can we resist? Moving something so heavy?! No, no, absolutely no."

Xia Cha listened to his uncle Zhu Shouren's suggestion, his head almost turned into a propeller, and he expressed his opposition with all his strength.

"It's really wrong. If someone finds that we went to the pier to fight against the goods, not only being gentle and sweeping the floor, we will be completely reduced to a joke. People have a face, and a tree has a skin, no! Moreover, it is the twelfth lunar month, it is noon How much can the river heat up when exposed to the sun? How can we take a bath in the river in this kind of weather? We must not do it!" Hu Wei also clearly expressed his opposition.

The two looked at their uncle Zhu Shouren again.

"Then..." Uncle Zhu Shouren scratched his head, this doesn't work, that doesn't work, what can I do.

His IQ can only reach the level of coming up with bad ideas, and it will be really difficult for him to go any further.

However, thinking of the basket he poked in Yingtian, Zhu Shouren could only scratch his head and think hard.

It is said that human potential is infinite.

After scratching his ears and cheeks like this, a flash of light really flashed in his mind, and he caught it.

"I've figured out a way!" Uncle Zhu Shouren clapped his hands excitedly, his expression brightened.

"Brother Zhu thought of something else?"

Hu Wei and Xia Qiang didn't have much trouble on their faces. After two bad ideas just now, they had no hope for Zhu Shouren. They only held the idea of ​​treating a dead horse as a living horse doctor, which is better than nothing.

"Hehe, don't worry, there will definitely be no problem this time." Uncle Zhu Shouren smiled confidently before he could say anything.

Who gave you the confidence? !

When Hu Wei and Xia Qiang saw the confident smile on Uncle Zhu Shouren's face, they couldn't help but curse in their hearts.

Every time someone surnamed Zhu encounters a problem, he will be overconfident and confident. He will be beaten in the face every time, and his posture will not be the same when he is beaten. What kind of poetry club recites doggerel and is ridiculed by the crowd, what kind of flower house tells prostitutes about the three obediences and four virtues, and he is scolded as sick, etc. Wait, wait, never know how to learn a lesson, thinking that you are underappreciated.

This time it must be the same as before, another bad idea, the more confident he is, the worse the idea.

"Listen to me, my nephew just got married this year, and my nephew and daughter-in-law are childhood sweethearts of my nephew. I didn't know it before. The family background of my nephew and daughter-in-law is so prominent. I only knew that their family was a rich man in the next village until they got married. Only then did I realize that my niece and daughter-in-law’s family is not just a simple rich man, but also a house of the Marquis Mansion, whose in-laws are the concubine son of the old Marquis of Linhuai, and although he did not inherit the title, he is also in charge of most of the business of the Marquis Mansion.” Uncle Zhu Shouren spoke to the two with beaming eyebrows.

Hu Wei and Xia Qiang looked at Zhu Shouren in confusion, not knowing what Zhu Shouren meant by mentioning this.

"My niece and daughter-in-law were spoiled and spoiled since she was a child. After she married into our old Zhu's house, she did not change the habits of the eldest lady. She lived a very particular life. Every day was full of delicacies from mountains and seas. She stretched out her hands for clothes and opened her mouth for food. She was just a dowry maid and waiters. There are dozens of servants and servants in the outer courtyard."

Uncle Zhu Shouren continued.

"Brother Zhu, does it matter?" Hu Wei couldn't help interrupting Zhu Shouren, and said impatiently.

"When we were in Yingtian, even though we missed our nephew, it was not all fruitless. Didn't we find out that when my nephew left Yingtian, besides the Zhejiang army, there were several boats of servants accompanying him? ?”

Uncle Zhu Shouren touched his chin, smiled slightly, and said to Hu Wei with a confident face.

"Isn't this normal? Which official should not have many servants to take care of him, not to mention that Nephew Ling is a fourth-rank official."

Xia Qiang said disapprovingly.

"No, no, you don't know my nephew. My nephew grew up in the village and is used to living a simple life. Unlike my niece and daughter-in-law, my nephew has always done things by himself and doesn't like being served by others. If As far as the nephew himself is concerned, even if he is a senior member of the fourth rank, he will bring at most one or two servants when he takes office. Now that there are several ships of servants, there is only one possibility, and that is that my niece and daughter-in-law also took office with my nephew."

At this moment, Zhu Shouren seemed to be possessed by Holmes, and he analyzed the two with a proud face.

"Brother Zhu, what do you mean?" Hu Wei and Xia Qiang didn't expect Zhu Shouren to surprise them.

"We can't get close to the military camp, but we can visit my niece and daughter-in-law first, and my niece and daughter-in-law will tell my good nephew. It must not be difficult to find out that such a large fleet has entered Suzhou."

Uncle Zhu Shouren said with a proud face.

"Brother Zhu, wise."

Hu Wei and Xia Qiang couldn't help but patted Zhu Shouren's horse. Unexpectedly, he actually thought of a feasible solution.

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