At dusk, three limping beggars appeared on Fulu Street in Lumenli, Suzhou.

It was the uncle Zhu Shouren and his party.

"Is it here?" Xia Qiang held his ass that was bitten by the dog, looked at the tall houses and courtyards on both sides of the street, and said in awe, "Look at how magnificent this house is, this is the home of the rich family and Zhong Ding , if you accidentally bump into the nobleman, it will be troublesome. With our current outfits, no one will be polite to us. "

"You can't be wrong. I asked three people, and they all said that they lived in Lumen Fulu Street. There were two big lions at the door, and the two big characters 'Zhu Mansion' were written on the door plaque. We all widened our eyes, but Don't miss it."

Hu Wei limped forward, and said with a firm face that he had inquired about the news, and there was nothing wrong with it.

In order to find out the news, he also paid a terrible price and was bitten by a damn dog. Damn dog, it's not good to bite, so he just grabbed his butt and bit, which made his back hurt every step he took.

Well, God is fair, both of them were bitten by dogs, and they both had buttocks, which made him feel a little more balanced.

"Look quickly, the Zhu Mansion is in front of you, and there are two stone lions at the door, I found it."

Uncle Zhu Shouren shouted excitedly in front of him, and limped and trotted towards the gate of Zhu's mansion.

"Hey, that beggar, stop! This is the main entrance! If you want to beg for food, go to the back door. My young lady is kind-hearted. Knowing that there are many people fleeing to Suzhou recently, she specially asked people to serve meals at the back door. If you want to beg for food, go to the back door."

Seeing the limping beggar, uncle Zhu Shouren, running towards the door, the gatekeeper couldn't help stretching out his hand and scolding.

Why is this beggar so blind? This is the main entrance, is this the door you beggars can enter? !

The nursing home is obviously a son of the Lian family, and his every move has a bit of momentum. Uncle Zhu Shouren was stunned, and he stammered, "Who, who, misunderstood, misunderstood, we are not beggars."

"That's right, we're not here to beg for food." Hu Wei and Xia Qiang, who followed closely, also explained.

"Aren't you here to beg for food? If beggars don't beg for food, then they are here to make trouble and beg for beatings?" Nuyuan shook his neck, made a crackling sound, lifted his feet and walked down the steps, walking out of the feeling of thousands of troops.

"Wait, wait, we're not here to beg for food, let alone to cause trouble, we're here to visit relatives. Is the master of the Ni family called Zhu Pingan? I'm his uncle Zhu Shouren!" Uncle Zhu Shouren shouted hastily.

The nurse stopped in front of his uncle Zhu Shouren, staring at him with burning eyes, "Do you know the consequences of pretending to be a relative?!"

"No matter what the consequences are, I'm a real relative." Uncle's point is true, after all, he is indeed real.

Soon, news of uncle Zhu Shouren's arrival spread to the backyard.

At that time, Li Shu was taking a walk with Hua'er's support, when a girl came forward and whispered, "Miss, there is news in the front yard that three beggars came to the door, and one of them, the uncle Zhu Shouren who claimed to be my uncle, said he came to see the master."

"Brother Zhu's uncle, Zhu Shouren? Why is he here?" After hearing this, Li Shu couldn't help but frowned slightly, and then told a girl, "That's it, let Mama Liu who came from the village go to the front yard to recognize someone If it is indeed Brother Zhu's uncle Zhu Shouren, let the steward put them in the front yard, entertain them with delicious food and drink, and then ask him why he came here. After asking clearly, no matter what it is Come on, I’m a woman, so it’s inconvenient to meet guests, I’ll wait until Brother Zhu comes back. Then send someone to Daying to tell Brother Zhu. If it’s a fake, then let someone send it out. Don’t hurt anyone.”

Li Shu didn't have a good opinion of this cheap uncle. If it wasn't for Zhu Ping'an's face and reputation, and worried that Zhu Ping'an would be labeled as disrespectful to his elders, he would definitely be shut down.

There must be nothing good for him to come to the door.

I'm not afraid that he will fight the autumn wind, but that he brought two strangers all the way here, and he didn't know what kind of monster he was going to do.

He is not very capable, but his ability to cause trouble and stab people is not low, so he has to guard against it.

"Miss, follow orders." The little girl took the order and left.

Liu Ma came here from Shanghe Village, and knew everyone in Shanghe Village and Xiahe Village, not to mention Zhu Shouren's reputation in Xiahe Village was not small (bad reputation), so she knew Zhu Shouren; especially after the two families got married, Mama Liu has seen all the members of the Zhu family up close. Let her go to the front yard to identify, there will be no mistake.

"Miss, I also know my uncle's uncle." Hua'er volunteered from the side.

"What kind of man is his uncle? Haven't you heard of him in the village? He used to gamble and borrow usury in the town, but he signed his father-in-law's name, causing his father-in-law to be beaten; Not doing business, emptying out all the money in the family, and causing Brother Zhu to go to the mountains to collect medicine to make money; after Brother Zhu went to high school, he often shamelessly said that he taught Brother Zhu to learn, hum, full of nonsense, Brother Zhu invited him when he was a child Meng Xue, he excused himself on the grounds that he didn’t have time to study for exams, and instead drove Brother Zhu to herd cattle. Birds of a feather flock together, and people are divided into groups. His two friends are definitely not good people, so don’t talk to them.”

Li Shu rolled her eyes and said angrily.

"Oh, I almost forgot his notoriety in Xiahe Village." Baozi's little maid Hua'er stuck out her tongue.

After a while, around tea time, the little girl and Liu Ma came back from the front yard.

"Miss, I went to the front yard to confirm that the man is indeed my uncle's uncle Zhu Shouren. Although his hair is disheveled and he is in a mess, I will not admit his pretentious face." Mama Liu stepped forward to report.

"It's really him." Li Shu was not surprised by this.

"Miss, you don't know how arrogant he is, he doesn't tell us what to do, but he still puts on the air of an elder, telling the lady to visit him," the little girl couldn't help complaining.


Hearing this, Li Shu sneered.

"Hmph, what a face. Who does he think he is? He also asked the lady to visit them in the front yard. I don't know a little bit of etiquette. I said that the lady is heavy and has trouble moving, and the uncle is not here. It is inconvenient for the lady to meet outsiders, etc. I'll talk about it when my aunt comes back." The little girl continued to report in an eloquent voice.

"What is he going to see Brother Zhu for?" Li Shu asked.

"He is mysterious and pretentious. He said that he is here to do great things, to help my uncle, to help my uncle to make achievements, to send my uncle a prosperity and wealth, to send my uncle to the sky, and to be a marquis."

The little girl replied speechlessly.

"Only by him?!" Baozi's little maid Hua'er couldn't help rolling her eyes when she heard this.

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