Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1740 see uncle again

In the front yard of Zhu Mansion on Fulu Street, after the uncle Zhu Shouren was verified, he and his two friends, Crouching Dragon and Phoenix Cub, were invited into the noble guest room from the common room.

It was very cold outside, and Zhu Shouren and the others couldn't help shivering when they walked outside, but when they entered the expensive room, they felt a sense of warmth rushing over them. Being in the expensive room was like being in a warm spring through four seasons.

"Why is it so warm in this room? How many charcoal stoves have to be burned to make the house so warm?"

As soon as Hu Wei stepped into the room, he couldn't help sighing.

"That's right, the burning of charcoal will cost a lot of money this day." Uncle Zhu Shouren couldn't help agreeing.

"Ah?" Xia Qiang, who came in last, couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Cough cough. Brother Xia calm down." Uncle Zhu Shouren took a look at Xia Qiang, coughed, and reminded him to be careful, we are educated scholars, don't be startled like bumpkins and be looked down upon by others.

"No, Brother Zhu, Brother Hu, have you noticed that there is not a single stove in this room?" Xia Qiang said to the two with a surprised face.

"Impossible, it's so warm inside the house, it's not as warm as ten or eight stoves can't keep you warm."

Hu Wei and Zhu Shouren shook their heads.

"But, look, how can there be a stove in this room?" Xia Qiang pointed to the size of the room and said to the two.

"How could it be?" Hu Wei and Zhu Shouren shook their heads, looked around the room, and then their eyeballs couldn't help but widen, getting bigger and bigger.

I'll go, it's true, there are beds, tables, chairs and cabinets in this room, but there is no stove, not a single one.

How is it so warm without a stove? !

For a moment, the three of them looked like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden, dumbfounded, no, dumbfounded.

"Three lords, the VIP room is equipped with the Zhurong radiator exclusively produced by our Zhurong Commercial Bank, which is why it is so warm. Three lords, do you see the pipes on the wall? That is our Zhurong radiator."

The steward who led the three people to the VIP room pointed to the heating pipe on the wall and explained to uncle Zhu Shouren and the other three.

"What is the Zhurong heater?" Uncle Zhu Shouren and others asked curiously.

"This is invented by our uncle and miss. There is no need to burn a stove in the house, just install Zhurong radiators, and you can enjoy the warmth of spring in winter. We have a boiler room in the front yard, which is responsible for heating. The warmth is sent to every room in the mansion that is equipped with Zhurong heaters."

The steward replied.

The three of them didn't know what to do.

At this moment, a few maids came in with steaming, tasty and delicious food.

In the blink of an eye, the table of the Eight Immortals in the VIP room is filled with delicacies with all kinds of color and fragrance, such as chicken, duck, fish, delicacies from mountains and seas, stir-fried, deep-fried, fried, fried, stewed, grilled, crispy, stewed, steamed, stuffed and stewed. Boiled, grilled, smoked, marinated and drunk, shredded honey sauce simmered and distilled.

In order to maintain the temperature, there are small charcoal stoves simmering under several hot dishes, gurgling, and the aroma is doubled.

The three people who were studying the radiator were instantly attracted by the delicious food on the table, and they salivated wildly.

God knows how they survived all the way from Yingtian to Suzhou, eating and sleeping in the open, starving, eating tree roots, gnawing bark, stealing chickens in the village, but being chased by dogs, going down the river to catch fish, the water is too cold and the fish is too slippery, I haven't seen any meaty smell in a daze.

At this moment, looking at the chicken, duck, goose, delicacies from mountains and seas on this table, especially the delicious and wobbly elbow, the three of them moved towards the table bit by bit uncontrollably.

"When I saw the elbow, I couldn't help but think of Mr. Dongpo's poem of 'cooking the whole grass to make the heart fragrant'. Mr. Dongpo is worthy of being Mr. Dongpo. This elbow has to be boiled in the pot together with the straw that binds the meat. Talented."

Uncle Zhu Shouren shook his head and recited poems, looking at the plate of tempting elbows on the table, drooling.

"I remember it's 'grass pearls are fragrant'?" Xia Qiang scratched his head and muttered softly.

"Well, let me taste the difference between the elbows in Suzhou and the elbows in my hometown." Uncle Zhu Shouren couldn't wait to pick up the chopsticks as he said that.

I haven't seen any meat in ten days, and I really can't help it.

Swallowing it with chopsticks is like opening a Pandora's box, it's so delicious, what care about image, what a scholar, this insignificant self-control is instantly smashed by this elbow.

Hu Wei and Xia Qiang originally wanted to pay attention to the influence, but when they saw that Zhu Shouren was reincarnated like a starved ghost, half of the elbow disappeared after a few chopsticks. All of them were eaten up.

"Ahem, let's try to see how the food in Suzhou is different from our hometown"

The two said a word of respect, and put down their chopsticks.

After the first bite of elbow meat, just like Zhu Shouren, their negligible self-control was also shattered.

The whole person was like opening a Pandora's box, out of control, and joined the battle group regardless of his image.

There is no way, as the saying goes that food is the most important thing for the people, not to mention that they have been eating and sleeping in the open for more than ten days, no meat, and hungry. They really couldn't resist the temptation of the delicious food in front of them, and surrendered.

"Ahem, three masters, bath water and a change of clothes are also ready. Do the three masters want to take a bath and change clothes before eating?"

The steward coughed and reminded.

"It's not too late to take a shower and change clothes after eating."

Uncle Zhu Shouren yelled about the last piece of elbow meat he had snatched, without raising his head, he said vaguely.

"Yeah, it's never too late to take a bath after eating." Hu Wei and Xia Qiang couldn't agree more with Zhu Shouren at this moment.

The three of them were like reincarnated starving ghosts. In order to grab food conveniently, they didn't even sit down, but just stood there.

The dazzling array of food on the table, beautifully arranged, was half-made by the three of them in a short while, and it was out of shape.

From afternoon to evening, I ate for half a day, but I still haven't finished eating, and the bath water has changed from hot water to cold water.

Zhu Pingan received the news that his uncle Zhu Shouren had arrived with two friends, settled down and explained the affairs of the camp, and when he entered the city in the dark and came to the mansion, the three of them hadn't finished eating yet, and happened to see the three of them with their stomachs full of wind and clouds heroic.

With disheveled hair, ragged clothes, rolled up sleeves, one foot on a chair, a chicken leg in the left hand and a duck leg in the right.

Although he had already learned about the situation of the uncle and others from the mouth of the passerby, seeing it with his own eyes, the corners of Zhu Ping'an's mouth still twitched.

How did this happen?

Grandfather and grandmother are partial to the uncle, the uncle always gets a lot of money from the old couple, and often goes to the father's place to play the autumn wind, every time he goes out, he eats, drinks and has fun, never treats himself badly, and usually likes to pretend to be a handsome man outside appearance.


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