Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1750 Test (Part 2)

"The so-called soldiers and horses do not use food and grass first. In order to prevent the Japanese pirates from attacking Suzhou, we sent troops to cut off the connection between the Fengqiao Camp of the Zhejiang Army and Suzhou City. Our military camp needs to prepare enough food and grass for a month to prevent the Japanese pirates from besieging Fengqiao with superior forces. Big camp. Each soldier of our army needs two liters of grain per day, and each mule and horse needs two liters of forage and one liter of coarse grain per day. Our army has a total of two thousand soldiers and seven hundred mules and horses. For this trip, we need to ask for food and grass from the Suzhou government. ? This is the last official document requesting food, please refer to this official document and ask Mr. Hu to draw up an official document requesting food to the Suzhou government."

Zhu Pingan took down an official document from the bookshelf and handed it to Hu Wei who was beside him, asking him to write a copy of Liang Gongqi.

After returning from offering sacrifices to the sea, Zhu Ping'an sent scouts to inspect the Japanese pirates in a radius of hundreds of miles. Judging from various signs, Xu Hai and other Japanese pirates entrenched in the Songjiang Mansion have already assembled their forces and are preparing to attack Suzhou.

So far, the total strength of Japanese pirates entrenched in Songjiang Mansion has reached more than 40,000, and their arrogance is growing day by day.

The counties and towns around Songjiang Mansion, such as Jiading, Kunshan, and Wujiang, have been plagued by Japanese pirates all over the place. They have long coveted Suzhou Mansion, which is close at hand and richest in the world.

In just a few days, the scouts discovered more than a dozen cases of Japanese pirates spying on Suzhou, and even outside the Fengqiao camp, they found many cases of unidentified people spying on the camp. The frequency and depth of Japanese pirates dispatched are far beyond the past.

Therefore, Zhu Ping'an concluded that the Japanese pirates were already preparing to attack Suzhou, and the time would be in the near future, ranging from three to five days to ten days.

Zhu Ping'an has also issued a warning to Suzhou City, and the Suzhou government has also strengthened the protection of the city.

"Please rest assured, my lord, I will definitely complete the task next time, and prepare the official document for food." Hu Wei took the official document with both hands and said confidently.

Zhu Pingan nodded, then looked at Xia Qiang, and said to him, "Marching and fighting requires the support and cooperation of local governments. Recently, the Japanese pirates in Songjiang Prefecture are ready to move. In order to prepare for the war, I plan to send a battalion of soldiers to Suzhou to train and improve the quality of the soldiers. The state of preparation. This place is the destination of this trip. Mr. Xia helped me draw up an official document to notify the county government to cooperate. This is the official document that was sent to another government office last time asking for its cooperation, for your reference."

As Zhu Pingan said, he picked up a pen and left a place name on the paper, then took an official document from the bookshelf and handed it to Xia Qiang.

"Please rest assured, my lord, I will definitely complete the task next time, and prepare the official document to notify the local government, so as not to delay your military affairs." Like Hu Wei, Xia Qiang took the official document with both hands and said confidently.

The uncle Zhu Shouren at the side couldn't hold back for a long time, and stepped forward eagerly, "Nephew, nephew, what about me, what do you want me to do? Uncle, don't worry about doing things, I promise to finish it beautifully for you."

"Uncle, I also have an official document that I need to assist in drafting. In order to prevent Japanese pirates from attacking, in addition to more food and grass, the camp also needs to prepare more weapons and gunpowder for consumption in battle. The daily consumption of gunpowder is 1,000 yuan. Jin, one hundred war knives will be consumed, and half a month will be spent, so please ask for gunpowder and war knives from the Suzhou government. In addition, an additional five hundred spears, five hundred longbows, and ten thousand feather arrows will be applied for in case of emergencies.”

Zhu Pingan gave instructions to his uncle Zhu Shouren, and also brought him a copy of the official document he applied for a few days ago for his reference.

"Uncle is doing things, so don't worry about nephews, just a document, you can grab it at your fingertips."

Uncle Zhu Shouren rolled up his sleeves, patted his chest to confirm the ticket, and the confidence on his face was beyond words.

"Then I will leave it to Uncle, Mr. Hu, and Mr. Xia. I will go outside to inspect the drills of the soldiers, and I will come back to see your results."

Zhu Pingan arched his hands slightly, and went out of the tent to inspect the drills of the battalions, leaving his uncle Zhu Shouren, Hu Wei and Xia Qiang in the tent.

This is also a test for the uncle and the others, to see if they will rummage through things when they are alone in the tent.

Of course, Zhu Pingan had already locked the handsome seal, tiger talisman, and secret-related documents in the cabinet last night. There were only ordinary books and literature in the handsome tent, so there was no need to worry about being read by the uncle and the others.

These ordinary books and letters, Zhu Ping'an also made a secret mark, put a strand of hair, as long as the uncle and the others read the books and letters, Zhu Ping'an would be able to find them.

Zhu Pingan inspected the drills of the soldiers and returned to the commander's tent about half an hour later.

Uncle Zhu Shouren saw Zhu Ping'an's return from the window from a distance, and stuffed the books in his hand on the bookshelf. When Zhu Ping'an walked into the handsome tent, he said to Zhu Ping'an with credit: "My nephew is back, hehe, you arranged the book. We have already completed the task for you."

"Your Excellency is back, we have already drafted the official document, please give me your advice."

Hu Wei and Xia Qiang also got up and bowed their hands to Zhu Pingan, and asked Zhu Pingan to review the official documents they had prepared with a confident face.

Zhu Pingan nodded, took the official document handed over by Hu Wei and Xia Xian, and reviewed it carefully.

Zhu Ping'an first read the official document asking for grain written by Hu Wei.

There are not many problems with the format of the official document, but I am not familiar with the official document. There are a few minor problems, but they are not serious, but the problem with the content of the official document is a big one.

The grain and grass calculated by Hu Wei were too seriously wrong.

In the official document, Hu Wei requested a total of 400 shi of grain, 140 shi of fodder, and 70 shi of coarse grain.

Zhu Pingan saw this data and knew that Hu Wei was wrong, very wrong.

Do the math.

There are 2,000 soldiers in the Zhejiang Army, and each needs two liters of food per day, which is four thousand liters a day.

Ten liters equals one bucket, and ten buckets equals one stone. In other words, the Zhe army needs forty shi of grain a day, and 1,200 shi of grain in a month.

As for mules and horses, the Zhe Army has a total of 700 mules and horses. Each mule and horse needs two liters of forage and one liter of coarse grain a day, which is 1,400 liters of forage and seven hundred liters of coarse grain. Stone forage seven stone coarse grains. After a month, it is 420 shi forage and 210 shi of coarse grain.

The correct answer is: A total of 1,200 shi of grain, 420 shi of fodder and 210 shi of coarse grain need to be requested.

In the official document, Hu Wei requested a total of 400 shi of grain, 140 shi of forage, and 70 shi of coarse grain.

It's three times worse.

Zhu Pingan thought for a while, and it should be that Hu Wei was sloppy or negligent, and counted a month as ten days.

One day requires forty shi of grain, 14 shi of forage, and 70 shi of coarse grain. After ten days, it is not necessary to need 400 shi of grain, 140 shi of forage, and 70 shi of coarse grain...

If we ask for food according to Hu Wei's official document, we originally reserve a month's supply of food and grass for emergencies, but the food requested is only enough for ten days, and the remaining twenty days will drink from the northwest wind?

Back then when Cao Cao and Yuan Shao were fighting for hegemony, and their strength was not superior, the reason why Cao Cao won in the battle of Guandu was that Yuan Shao's Wuchao granary was burned down, causing Yuan Shao's army to be defeated without food.

Regarding food and grass issues, we should be cautious and careful, and we must not be sloppy at all.

Theoretically speaking, he should be cautious about the first task he gave to Hu Wei, but it turned out that such a big mistake happened, which shows that Hu Wei was not careful enough, and was too negligent.

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