Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1751 Test (Part 2)

"How about my nephew, is Brother Hu's letter written very well? I think you are fascinated by reading it. I told you a long time ago that Brother Hu and Brother Xia are both brilliant talents for a while, and their talents are as good as mine. On the same level, isn't it easy to grab a mere official document?" Uncle Zhu Shouren stepped forward and said with a smile.

"Mr. Hu's official document has a slightly flawed format. It's not a big problem, but the amount of food and grass is calculated wrong." Zhu Pingan shook his head slightly, handed the official document to Hu Wei, and explained, "Mr. Hu, please do the calculation again. be corrected."

"Ah?! Wrong calculation? How could it be?" Hu Wei had a look of disbelief, suspicious of San Lian, and couldn't accept it.

"Calculated wrong? No way, it can't be that my nephew made a mistake, right? Just now, brother Hu was checking the calculation on a straw paper, how could it be wrong? My nephew just did the calculation by mouth, I was wondering if it was a wrong calculation Is that person your good nephew?"

Uncle Zhu Shouren touched the back of his head and questioned Zhu Ping'an.

In his opinion, Hu Wei used both abacus and straw paper in his calculations, while Zhu Pingan just counted by mouth for a few seconds. If there must be one person who miscalculated, it should be Zhu Pingan.

"Uncle can do the calculation with Mr. Hu, and then tell me the result." Zhu Pingan said to his uncle Zhu Shouren.

"Since your lord has ordered, it's up to Brother Xia and Brother Zhu to settle the matter." Xia Qiang said from the side.

At this moment, Xia Qiang was in a beautiful mood.

Zhu Shouren stayed out of bed in the morning and didn't go for a morning run with him. He said he was reading in the morning, but when he came to the Shuai Zhang to read in the morning, the guards in the Shuai Zhang must know, and Master Zhu would also know.

How can this kind of person who sleeps late in the morning win Master Zhu's trust and favor.

Now, Brother Hu's official document asking for food has miscalculated the food and grass, and it must have left a negligent and worrying negative impression on the adults.

One step ahead, every step ahead, this is a universal truth.

This time I got ahead, but I was about to lead the audience, hahaha, I didn’t expect that this time-consuming visit would make me Xia Qiang alone, hahahaha, thank you brother Zhu, thank you brother Hu.

Xia Gao's heart is so dark that the more he thinks about it, the more beautiful he becomes, and the more he thinks about it, the happier he becomes, the smile on the corner of his mouth can't hold back anymore.

"Mr. Xia, Mr. Xia, show me the official document you have drawn up." Zhu Pingan yelled twice before waking Xia Qiang from his dream.

"Oh, this is the official document I am writing, please read it, sir."

Only then did Xia Qiang wake up from his dream, and quickly handed over the official document he had written to Zhu Ping'an.

Zhu Pingan took Xia Qiang's official document, opened it, and read it carefully, but only read the beginning, and Zhu Pingan couldn't help frowning.

Zhu Ping'an's frown didn't relax until he finished reading the official document Xia Qiang had drafted.

After reading it, Zhu Pingan put the official document Xia Qiang had drawn up on the table, and put the paper with the place name on it beside him.

"Mr. Xia, take a closer look, did you find anything wrong?"

Zhu Pingan stretched out his finger and pointed to the place name, then pointed to the official document Xia Qiang had drawn up, and asked Xia Qiang.

"There are mistakes in my official document?" Xia Qiang opened his mouth in disbelief.

Zhu Pingan nodded.

"However, Master Zhu, the reference document you gave me was also sent to the local area to request cooperation with the marching training. This document of mine only changed the name of the place, and everything else was copied from the reference document. There should be no mistakes. If there are mistakes , it may be that the reference document given to me by the adults is wrong."

Xia Qiang argued logically.

"Brother Xia's official document is also wrong? It's just a place name, and the rest is basically copied, can it be wrong?" Uncle Zhu Shouren looked at Zhu Pingan suspiciously, and said in a low voice, "Nephew won't ask for blame?"

Zhu Pingan twitched the corner of his mouth speechlessly, reached out and tapped the paper with the place name on it again, "Uncle, Mr. Xia, what is the place name I left?"

"Qiuxia County." Uncle Zhu Shouren and Xia Qiang replied without hesitation, and then uncle Zhu Shouren said with a smile, "Nephew, it's not like we don't know how to read. Besides, the word Qiuxia County is undoubtedly uncommon." Character."

Zhu Pingan shook his head speechlessly, "Uncle, Mr. Xia, take a closer look, where is this?"

"Qiuxia County, no problem."

Uncle Zhu Shouren and Xia Qiang took another look at the paper with their names written on them, and replied in unison again.

"Uncle, Mr. Xia, please read carefully." Zhu Pingan rolled his eyes helplessly, pointed to one of the characters, and asked the two of them word by word, "Is this 'xia' or '崃'? !"

"'Xia' or '崃'? Ahh!!! '崃'! The word is '崃', it is Qiulai County, not Qiuxia County"

Under Zhu Pingan's blunt reminder, Xia Qiang finally came to his senses, his face flushed instantly, and beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.

"'Lai'? "Qiu Lai County"?"

The uncle was stunned for a moment, picked up the paper with the place name on it, looked at it several times before his eyes, and then smiled mischievously, "Uh, it's really Qiu Lai County, cough cough, this Lai Hexia, also It’s too similar, and the place name written by my nephew is too easy to make mistakes. However, it’s not a big deal to make a mistake. Although Brother Xia mistakenly wrote it as Qiuxia County, people who read the official document may know that it is actually Qiulai County. Bar."

Uncle Zhu Shouren's unreasonable words made Xia Qiang nod as if he was grabbing at straws.

My mother tongue is speechless really speechless.

Zhu Ping'an was amused by the words of his uncle Zhu Shouren, and wrote Qiuxia County by mistake, and others knew it was Qiulai County? !

"Uncle, Mr. Xia, in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, there are not only Qiulai County, but also Qiuxia County. The distance between the two is more than 180 miles. Qiulai County is named because it is located in Lailing; Qiuxia County , named after the Qiushan Grand Canyon. In the military, there is no room for sloppiness. Going to Qiuxia County, which is more than 180 miles away, have you ever thought about the consequences?!"

Zhu Pingan looked at his uncle Zhu Shouren and Xia Qiang seriously, and asked slowly.

Uncle Zhu Shouren and Xia Qiang looked bewildered.

"If there is a Japanese invasion in Qiulai County, the people of Qiulai County will be in danger. I look forward to the stars and the moon, and hope that our Zhejiang Army will help us out of the siege. However, our Zhejiang Army drove to Qiuxia 180 miles away because of an official letter. County. When I arrived in Qiuxia County, I found that I was wrong, and it was too late. The distance between the two places is 180 miles. When I rushed back to Qiulai County, I could only see the ruins and corpses in Qiulai County."

"As for my Zhejiang army, uncle, Mr. Xia, do you know what the consequences will be if our Zhejiang army goes to the wrong place? Uncle and Mr. Xia both know the story of Feng Tangyi and Li Guang's hard to seal. In the Battle of Mobei in the Han Dynasty, the parachutist Li An army led by Li Guang was lost in the desert and failed to reach the main battlefield in time to participate in the battle. Afterwards, Li Guang was punished by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty and committed suicide to apologize; do uncle and Mr. Xia also want me to be punished by the emperor and commit suicide to apologize? ?”

Zhu Pingan looked at his uncle Zhu Shouren and Xia Qiang with burning eyes, and told them the seriousness of the problem.

Uncle Zhu Shouren smiled mockingly.

Xia Qiang lowered his head.

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