Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1770 The Japanese pirates are one family in the world

Xu Hai, Maye, Chen Dong and Hojo Dozo took more than 30,000 Japanese pirates on board the ship and sailed straight into the sea. They would follow the offshore to Taicang, and then go up the river from the Taicang estuary to attack Suzhou.

Just in case, Xu Hai and others left more than 10,000 Japanese pirates to look after Tuolin's lair to prevent the lair from being attacked by the Ming army.

When they boarded the ship in Xuhai, Ye Zongman also boarded the ship with his men. According to the agreement, they also set sail into the sea, went north along the offshore, and then went up the river. The troops were located in Changzhou, north of Suzhou.

"Oh, there are still more than 10,000 people left. Is this to defend against the Ming army or against us? The lion is fighting the rabbit with all its strength. They went to attack Suzhou City, but they still left more than 10,000 troops. They are cautious in doing things, and it is difficult to achieve great results. .”

Zheng Kuang, a general under Ye Zongman and known as the "Sea Spirit", noticed that Xu Hai left more than 10,000 Japanese pirates to guard Tuolin's lair. He shook his head, sneered disdainfully, and commented disapprovingly.

Zheng Kuang is a rare warrior under Ye Zongman. He is powerful and cunning. He has made many military exploits for Ye Zongman. He is especially good at water battles. He won eight out of ten battles in the sea and earned the nickname "Sea Jing".

"A poor boy, who has been homeless for half his life, finally made a fortune, then built a big house and married a new wife. He always has to worry about the house being stolen and the new wife being shot. It's understandable, isn't it?"

Ye Zongman smiled slightly and joked playfully.

"I understand, but I always feel that it's hard for me to become a great person because I'm just a petty person." Zheng Kuang shook his head.

"Haha, it's good for a small family to be angry like this. If they are so angry that they can swallow thousands of miles like a tiger, wouldn't that cause trouble for King Hui?" Ye Zongman reached out and patted Zheng Kuang's shoulder, saying meaningfully.

"Oh, what the boss is saying is that each of their little families is very angry, so we can control it." Zheng Kuang suddenly understood this and nodded repeatedly, then rolled his eyes and said unwillingly, "But, boss, This Suzhou is one of the most prosperous and romantic places in the world. The wealth is so rich that it’s all the fat on the lips. Do we really not want to eat a bite? Although we only have five thousand soldiers and horses, we can’t compare with them. There are so many 30,000 to 40,000 soldiers and horses, but we are all battle-hardened soldiers, one can stand up to two, and King Hui is backing us. Even if we go up and take a bite, or even eat half of it, they don’t dare to do it. What’s your opinion?”

Ye Zongman listened to Zheng Kuang's words, shook his head and smiled, "Haha, Suzhou is not that easy to fight. Whether they can succeed or not is a matter of doubt. The purpose of our trip is to persuade them to send troops to complete the micro-attack." King Hui’s strategy. We wish they could take the initiative to attack Suzhou, a huge city of the Ming Dynasty. We don’t want to create extraneous problems and miss the plan of King Hui. They attack Suzhou, let’s attack Changzhou, Mao Haifeng and the others attack eastern Zhejiang, and join forces together Send a great gift to the court, turn Jiangnan upside down, let them put down their arrogant airs, listen to the voice of King Hui, and open up the port and city."

Then, Ye Zongman opened his arms, as if embracing the world, and said slowly, "As long as the purpose of opening the port for trade is achieved, a mere Suzhou is nothing. They can only grab a handful, but we can get a steady stream of benefits through the opening of the port. The Ming Dynasty also has many overseas Panyi countries with huge wealth. King Hui has a strong conscience and remembers our contribution. Haha, when the time comes, we may also be able to occupy a Panyi barbarian country from overseas and become the leader of the country. After a while, It’s my addiction to be an emperor.”

Ye Zongman said, looking at the overseas with blurred eyes, full of unbridled ambition.

The profits of Haitrade are immeasurable, and Ming Dynasty only has so much money from taxes in a year. In front of Haitrade, he is like a younger brother.

If King Hui succeeds in his plan and coerces the government to open the port and open the city, then wealth will be like the sea, endless and inexhaustible, and there will no longer be a shortage of money. We can build more huge ships, recruit troops, and buy horses. Buy artillery from foreigners and upgrade weapons.

King Hui can also become the real King Hui. According to King Hui's plan, after the port is opened and the city is opened, King Wei will establish a country overseas.

The Japanese country is now divided into pieces, and the various daimyo lords are constantly attacking. This is an opportunity. King Hui revealed that he would first occupy Hirado of the Japanese country and establish the country's name "Song", and then gradually plan to occupy the entire Japanese country. King Hui said that after he established the Song State, he allowed his subordinates to establish vassal states of the Song State to defend the Song State.

Luzon Island is in a good location. It is located in the middle of the ocean. It is not far from the Ming Dynasty and the Japanese country. I used to go there for smuggling. The residents on the island are short and look like monkeys. There is a barbaric and backward Wang Zuo, who is not very powerful. how. When the time comes, relying on the strength of his subordinates and careful planning, it will not be too difficult to overthrow his king Zuo and occupy the magpie's nest. Haha, I might be able to enjoy it by then. The emperor takes turns, come to my house today...

"The boss is still far-sighted, while the little mouse is short-sighted and can't reach far. When the time comes, boss, you will be the leader of the country, and I will be your general and continue to serve you like a dog and horse." Zheng Kuang chuckled and flattered him wildly.

"Haha, I just said it for fun, but you kid took it seriously." Ye Zongman chuckled.

"Hey, I'm with the boss anyway. Wherever the boss goes, I'll follow him..." Zheng Kuang smiled and expressed his loyalty.

"Okay, stop pouring ecstasy on me, go and see if all the men have boarded the ship. If they have, we will set sail and send troops to Changzhou by sea." Ye Zongman scolded with a smile.

Soon, all five thousand Japanese pirates under Ye Zongman's command boarded the ship. Ye Zongman gave the order and set sail.

Two huge fleets roared past like giant pythons riding the waves under the hazy moonlight.

About an hour later, two huge fleets arrived at the Taicang outlet quietly.

"I wish you all immediate success, defeat Suzhou, and return home with a full load. We will say goodbye and send troops to Changzhou."

The two fleets separated at Taicang Haikou. Ye Zongman stood on the bow of the flagship ship and clasped his fists at Xu Hai and others.

"For the good words of Uncle Ye/Leader Ye, thank you very much for Uncle Ye/Leader Ye's attack on Changzhou and coordinating our actions. We will surely be richly rewarded by then."

Xu Hai and others stood at the bow of the boat, gratefully clasping their fists to express their thanks.

"Why are you so polite? King Hui often said that the Japanese pirates in the world are one family. Since they are one family, they should help each other, right?!"

Ye Zongman smiled and took the opportunity to promote Wang Zhi's slogan.

"Yes, the Japanese pirates in the world are one family, and a family should help each other." Xu Hai and others nodded repeatedly.

"Let's just say goodbye."

"Let's just say goodbye."

As a result, the two fleets separated at Taicang Haikou. Ye Zongman's fleet continued northward to Changzhou, while Xu Hai's fleet went upstream to Taicang Haikou, upstream, and sailed along the river to Suzhou.

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