Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1771 Japanese pirates come at night

At the fourth watch of the night, covered with stars and moon, a Japanese boat comes with the sound of the old owl.

At the fourth watch in winter, the night is as thick as ink and you can't see your fingers. It seems darker than the third watch.

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh."

In the darkness, Japanese boats appeared on the river one after another. The Japanese pirates in the cabins were bare-armed, shouting slogans silently, rowing hard, breaking the water surface, pushing the Japanese boats forward rapidly in the river, with wind lanterns hung on the masts of the Japanese boats. The boat behind guides the way.

One after another, the Japanese boats were like black pythons, with their scarlet eyes open, speeding towards Suzhou in the river.

The movement of the Japanese ship disturbed a group of old storks napping on the branches on the shore. They flapped their wings and soared into the sky. They flew over the Japanese ship and let out a sad, hoarse cry of "wow-wow-".

"Hehe, Mr. Xu is still very wise. We boarded the ship in the second watch, arrived at Taicang Haikou in the third watch, and were already under the nose of Suzhou in the fourth watch. It's winter, the sky is so dark, and the cold wind is blowing. They are still sleeping soundly. When they wake up from their sleep, what greets them is not the dawn, but us, the divine soldiers descending from the sky."

Hojo Dosan stood on the bow of the ship, looking at the dark night. Thinking of the scene where their magic soldiers descended from the sky and Suzhou shivered, he couldn't help laughing and praised Xu Hai, the initiator of this strategy.

"Where." Xu Hai said modestly with a smile.

"Hojo, do you know what this hour is called in our Ming Dynasty?" Maye asked hoarsely.

"Isn't it the fourth update?" Hojo Dozo was stunned.

"The fourth watch of the Ming dynasty is called "the time when chickens crow and dogs robber", because this is the time when people sleep the soundest and deepest, and it is the most suitable time to do such things as roosters crow and dogs robber. It's just right for us to act. As the saying goes, the first watch is for people, the second watch for gongs, the third watch for ghosts, the fourth watch for thieves, and the fifth watch for chickens. The fourth watch is our time!" Ma Ye licked her lips and looked in the direction of Suzhou, hoarsely. said.

"We are not thieves, we are bandits. Bandits are more fierce and powerful than thieves. Thieves are afraid of people, but people are afraid of bandits. We Japanese bandits are the best bandits among bandits!"

Hojo Dosan shook his head and said smugly.

"Haha, Hojo, Kou is not a good name in our Ming Dynasty. This is the name of the Nine Clan."

Chen Dong smiled and shook his head.

"If you want to kill the Nine Tribes, you have to catch us. Haha, it's not that I underestimate the Ming Army. We have fought against the Ming Army so many times. Those weak guys still want to kill our Nine Tribes. We can't do enough to kill their Nine Tribes."

Hojo Dosan smiled contemptuously.

"Hojo, don't underestimate the Ming army. Not all Ming armies are as weak as the Ming army that we fought against before. A few days ago, Zhao Wenhua offered sacrifices to the sea, and Wang Zhi sent people to destroy it. We also sent people to do it. As a result, Wu Only less than ten of the more than a hundred people fled back, and the rest were wiped out. What the people who escaped said, there are several Ming armies that are different from other Ming armies. After encountering a surprise attack, they did not collapse at the first touch; especially a group of Zhejiang soldiers The army's weapons were fierce, causing Koji Nakamura's plan to raid the Chinese army to fail."

Xu Hai shook his head and reminded Beijiao of Dao Sandao.

"Haha, that's because King Hui didn't know who he was, and he actually asked Nakamura Koji to take charge of the command. Nakamura Koji is just an illegitimate son. What ability does he have? If I were to take charge, the result would be different."

Hojo Dosan shook his head disapprovingly, and continued, "Moreover, at the time of the sea sacrifice, we could not send a large army because we were afraid of exposing our whereabouts. We and King Hui only sent a total of more than 500 people, and the Ming army at the scene was fully An army of 20,000, not counting Mingren’s navy and the army ambushed not far away, with more than 500 people against an army of more than 20,000, and with a pig-headed commander, it would be strange to be undefeated.”

"Kouji Nakamura and the others rested with us for three days before they went to attack the sea. During these three days, I had many contacts with him. Judging from his words and deeds, he is not incompetent." Xu Hai shook his head.

"Haha, he's just another talkative guy. He talks a lot, but he doesn't have much ability in his hands."

Hojo Dosan disagreed.

Hojo Dosan came from the Hojo clan, a wealthy family in the Kanto region of Japan. The wealthy Hojo family dominated Kanto and almost occupied the eight kingdoms of Kanto.

Although Hojo Michizan was just a bastard from a branch of the Hojo clan, he was also a legitimate member of the Hojo clan. He looked down on Koji Nakamura, who was an illegitimate child, and believed that illegitimate children were domestic slaves.

Just a domestic slave!

In addition, when Nakamura Koji was resting in the forest, he had a very high self-esteem, was arrogant, and did not respect Hojo Dozo enough. Hojo Dozo was extremely dissatisfied with him. When he heard the news of Nakamura Koji's death, Hojo Dozo even Drunk with joy.

"Hojo, we have also discovered that the Zhejiang army that defeated Nakamura at the sea sacrifice site is stationed at Fengqiao Camp outside Suzhou City. Their firearms are very fierce." Xu Hai reminded again.

"The Zhejiang Army only has two thousand people. No matter how powerful the firearms are, they can only be used to show off their ferocity at a distance. Reloading is troublesome. Once engaged in battle, the firearm is just a fire stick." Hojo Douzan said disapprovingly.

"Besides, this time and that time, when we first offered sacrifices to the sea, we only sent more than 500 people, and they had 20,000 people. They were overwhelming. Now, we have more than 30,000 soldiers and horses, Zhejiang army has 2,000, and Suzhou has 2,000 troops. There are only ten thousand soldiers and horses in the city, so we have the advantage of strength. Not to mention, we are still raiding in the dark, and they are still sleeping. Haha, the sleeping people are not human beings, they are just waiting to be slaughtered Just a two-legged sheep."

Hojo Dosan was very confident.

"Anyway, don't take it lightly." Seeing this, Xu Hai narrowed his eyes slightly and said.

"Don't worry, Mr. Xu. I am not someone who underestimates the enemy. I will use my full strength to deal with every Mingren."

Hojo Road San raised his head and said.

Xu Hai twitched the corner of his mouth slightly, but said nothing more. He turned around and ordered the men behind him: "Come on, the river ahead will turn a corner. Suzhou City is very close at hand, only thirty miles away. Go ahead and silence the young men." Don't make any noise, don't alert others. Don't waste time looting nearby towns. Let's go straight to Suzhou City! There are mountains of gold, silver and jewelry waiting for us to pick up in Suzhou City. Busty pussies are waiting for us to get fucked.”

"Follow your orders." His subordinates followed the orders and left.

We are here in Suzhou City!

Gold and silver jewelry, here we come! Fair-skinned and beautiful lady, here we come!

Hojo Dosan, Maye, Chen Dong and others looked in the direction of Suzhou City, their eyes filled with excitement.

Xu Hai was also very excited. After taking Suzhou City, their group of Japanese pirates were the most eye-catching Japanese pirates!

His momentum is no worse than that of Wang Zhi.

Wang Zhi has never captured such a huge city!

By then, the number of thieves and Japanese pirates who came to Tuolin's lair to seek refuge would have doubled, and it would not be a problem to challenge Wang Zhi.

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