Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1777 Retrograde

Soon, the three gates in the southeast, north and south of Suzhou City creaked open for the people outside the city to enter.

"Fellow folks, don't fight or grab. Just line up to enter the city. Don't worry, everyone can enter the city."

"In extraordinary times, if anyone dares to fight, disobey orders, or disrupt order, my officer will have reason to suspect that he is a Japanese pirate spy."

"After everyone enters the city, they must follow the instructions in the city and go to the resettlement area to receive screening inspections to prevent Japanese pirates from mixing in."

Zhu Ping'an loudly set the rules in front of the city gate, and arranged thirty Zhejiang troops in front of each city gate to maintain order and prevent people from fighting to enter the city.

At this critical moment of life and death, if order is not maintained, people will definitely rush to enter the city, and secondary accidents such as pushing and stampeding will easily occur, leading to serious consequences. There were many such accidents in the previous life.

Therefore, Zhu Ping'an learned from experience and lessons and immediately established rules to maintain order.

Under the command of the Zhejiang Army, which maintained order, the people lined up to enter the city. Due to the proper command of the Zhejiang Army, the common people lined up and entered the city very quickly. The common people entered the city quickly, supporting the elderly, the young, and their families.

Zhu Ping'an led the rest of the Zhejiang Army soldiers and walked forward against the flow of people until they walked 300 meters in front of the city gate. They laid out simple fortifications and stood ready, with firecrackers and squatting tiger cannons loaded and ready to go. hair.

When all the common people saw that Zhu Pingan did what he said, not only did he not enter the city, but he also led the Zhejiang army to stand ready in front to guard against Japanese pirate raids and escort them into the city, they were suddenly moved and shed tears.

"This is the real parent officer."

"Father, mother, God has opened your eyes. We are lucky. We have met a good official who really works for our people."

"Thank you, Mr. Qingtian."

Many people entered the city, and one after another they knelt down and kowtowed to the figure walking retrograde outside the city.

The three city gates were opened wide, and in less than half an hour, all the tens of thousands of people outside the city gates entered Suzhou City.

"Master Shang, gentlemen, all the people have entered the city. Please close the city gate quickly. We will return to the Fengqiao camp and prepare for the Japanese pirates."

After the people entered the city, Zhu Ping'an rode his horse to the city gate, clasped his fists and said goodbye to Suzhou Magistrate Shang Wei and others on the city.

"Master Zhu, your Zhejiang army should also withdraw into the city." Magistrate Shang on the top of the city raised his voice.

At this time, the outside of the city was the first line of resistance against Japanese pirates. It was the most dangerous place when it was isolated and helpless. However, the city was protected by the city wall and moat. There were hundreds of thousands of people in the city, and they had enough food and supplies for several months, so they were much safer.

All the officials in the city suddenly became nervous. If the Zhejiang army withdraws into the city, Suzhou City will become the front line.

A group of officials were about to speak up to stop him, but before they could organize their words, they heard that Zhu Ping'an at the bottom of the city had already refused.

"Thank you for your kindness, Mr. Shang. Our Zhejiang Army will not enter the city. Our Zhejiang Army will play a greater role outside the city. You are inside the city and we are outside the city. We are the horns of each other and will definitely make the Japanese pirates return without success!"

"Sir Shang, gentlemen, the fathers and fathers of Suzhou City, Baixin, say goodbye here. After the Japanese pirates are expelled, we will re-enter the city and drink celebratory wine. Hahaha, Master Shang, don't be reluctant to part with the good wine. We will see you later."

Zhu Ping'an shook his head without hesitation and rejected Magistrate Shang's kindness, then turned his horse's head and rode towards Fengqiao Camp. All the Zhejiang troops immediately turned their horses to follow, and no one entered the city.

Watching the Zhejiang army riding away, watching the tall figure disappearing into the distance, Magistrate Shang couldn't help but sigh with emotion, "I have the people in my heart, I have responsibilities on my shoulders, and I always remember to be loyal to the emperor and serve the country. This is how I, the Ming Dynasty court, The magnanimity a magistrate should have! Zhu Pingan, if he is here, our city of Suzhou will be safe!"

After Magistrate Shang finished sighing, he looked back at his subordinate officials and couldn't help but shook his head, "You are far behind."

"I'm so ashamed." All the subordinate officials hurriedly lowered their heads.

"Of course, I'm not that far behind. I didn't expect that I would be able to judge a gentleman's heart with a villain's heart."

Magistrate Shang said and shook his head in shame.

"Did you hear what Zihou said just now? Strictly screen and inspect people entering the city to prevent Japanese pirates from getting in."

"Everyone, be more vigilant and strengthen your defenses. If anyone dares to take it lightly, I will kill him!"

After sighing with emotion, Magistrate Shang gave an order loudly.

"As you command!"

A group of subordinate officials and soldiers responded to the call one after another, and the entire city of Suzhou immediately entered a state of wartime alert.

Lumenli Fulu Street, Zhu Mansion, gate.

Li Shu, who was pregnant, stood at the door and looked around with the support of Hua'er and Qin'er, Baozi's maids.

Several big-bodied nurses were on guard in the streets to prevent the short-sighted Xiaoxiao from running into Li Shu.

Suddenly, a figure ran up the street, wearing Zhufu's nursing home clothes. Li Shu and others' eyes suddenly lit up. Before the man came, Baozi's little maid Hua'er hurriedly asked, "How is it? How is it? Didn’t you just ask that my uncle called the city gate? Has my uncle entered the city? How long until he comes to the house? "

"Miss, Miss Hua'er, my uncle called for the city gate to be opened, not to enter the city, but to send the people fleeing from outside the city into the city. In order to prevent the Japanese pirates from raiding and seizing the gate, my uncle led the Zhejiang army to line up two hundred meters outside the city gate. Formation, to protect the people entering the city. After all the people entered the city, my uncle did not stop for a moment and returned to Fengqiao Camp to defend against Japanese pirates." After the guard ran over, he replied breathlessly.

"Ah?! My uncle is not coming to the city?!" The little maid Baozi was extremely disappointed.

"I knew it was like this. How could someone as proud as him abandon his responsibilities and hide in the city?" Li Shu smiled bitterly and turned around in despair. Although he had known this result for a long time, he still couldn't help feeling disappointed.

"From today on, no killing is allowed in the mansion. All the chickens, ducks, geese, fish, etc. that we bought will be released. In these days, until Brother Zhu beats off the Japanese pirates and comes to the mansion safely, don't eat meat anymore. , don’t see meat and fish, I want to be a vegetarian, everyone must also be a vegetarian, pray for Brother Zhu.”

Li Shu turned around and ordered.

"Miss, miss, you are more than nine months old. It is the time when you need nutrition and nourishment. How can you do it without eating meat?"

"That's right, miss, you have to think about the young master. We all eat vegetarian food to pray for him, miss, you don't have to."

When Qin'er, Hua'er and other girls heard that Li Shu wanted to become a vegetarian, they couldn't help but persuade her.

"It's okay. The big fish and the big meat have been making up for such a long time. I can't wrong them in a lighter time. Besides, their father is out in the rain. If they are the big fish and the big meat, they will be unfilial sons."

"Help me go back. Before the Japanese pirates arrive, I will copy more basic Buddhist scriptures and Taoist scriptures to provide to the Buddha and the Three Purities."

Li Shu waved her hand and insisted.

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