Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1778 Iron Lock across the River

The sky has not yet broken, and it is still pitch black. The winding river in the distance appears one after another with scarlet light spots, like one after another of highly venomous cobras. These are the wind lanterns on the masts of Japanese ships.

"The Japanese pirates are coming!"

Standing on the maple bridge, Zhu Ping'an saw one scarlet light spot after another on the river in the distance, and knew that the Japanese pirates were coming by boat.

In order to prevent Japanese pirate ships from passing through the canal and reaching the Suzhou city, Zhu Ping'an ordered six chains to be placed on the river three miles in front of Fengqiao.

These chains were placed decades ago when Suzhou Prefecture was building river channels. The locks are reserved and are not used normally. Once Suzhou City is in danger, the iron chains can be used across the river to prevent ships from passing through the canal.

The iron ropes across the river are all as thick as an arm and are not easy to break. Even if the Japanese pirates want to imitate Wang Jun and use fire to break the chains, it will not be easy, because the wise working people have learned from Wang Jun's experience of burning the iron ropes with fire. The two iron ropes were placed under the water, and he couldn't burn them even if he wanted to. There was no fire that could burn underwater these days.

In addition, even after they finally broke the six iron ropes after all the hard work, there were a total of thirteen such arrangements along the river. Zhu Pingan had everyone pull up the iron ropes, which was enough for the Japanese pirates to torment for two days. .

On the river in the distance, Japanese ships arrived one after another. On the largest flagship, Xu Hai looked at Suzhou City in the distance in front of him. He couldn't help but feel a surge of ambition in his heart. He could conquer this huge city. Xu Hai could do it. He is no longer the Xu Hai of today. He has capital and reputation, and is on par with King Wang Zhi of Hui.

What Wang Zhi can do, I, Xu Hai, can do too! What Wang Zhi cannot do, I, Xu Hai, can do!

My life, Xu Hai, will reach a higher level again from today on! How could this magnificent history be missing the most colorful and colorful part of me, Xu Hai!

Thinking of this, the smug Xu Hai couldn't help but burst out laughing. He raised his arms and shouted to the Japanese pirates under his command: "Hahahahaha, my sons, what can I do if they are discovered by the Ming Dynasty? There are more than 30,000 people in my army, Ming Dynasty." The army only has more than 10,000 people. Now that they have discovered us, we simply stop hiding and go straight to Huanglong and attack by force."

"A girl who spreads her legs can certainly make people feel comfortable, but a girl who resists with all her strength is more delicious, right?! The more she resists, the more she struggles, overwhelms her, and lies on her stomach. The last moment she trembles, the more Only when you have a sense of conquest can you feel more accomplished and enjoy yourself more. Now Suzhou City is like a resisting and struggling little lady, just waiting for us to pounce on her, overwhelm her, lie down, and tremble all of a sudden!"

Xu Hai pointed at Suzhou City in the distance in front of him, and tried his best to incite the Japanese pirates under his command.

"Xingxi, what Chief Xu said is that if we are discovered, what's going on, let's just attack by force. What we saw along the way is that all the people in Ming Dynasty are like rats. They can only run away with their heads in their hands. They are all eunuchs without eggs. What is Fengqiao Camp? , what is Suzhou City? Let’s pounce on it and win it with just a tremor, hahahaha.”

Hojo Dosan held the Japanese sword with one hand and put his hand on his waist, and laughed arrogantly.

Maye, Chen Dong and other Mingren Japanese pirates immediately glared at him. According to you, we are also rats? ! Are we also eunuchs without balls? !

"Ahem, the rats I just mentioned don't include you, you are the heroes among the Akira people." Hojo Douzan also realized that something was wrong at this time. The spit map cannon just now accidentally injured a friendly force, so he quickly made amends.

"Okay, okay, don't tease Hojo-kun. We all know that Hojo-kun is talking about the common people and soldiers."

Xu Hai smiled and waved his hand.

"Haha, okay, I won't tease you anymore. We still have to save our energy to attack Fengqiao Camp first, and then Suzhou City."

Maye, Chen Dong and others smiled, and one of them slapped Hojo Dosan on the shoulder without mentioning it.

"First attack the Fengqiao camp, then attack Suzhou City!"

"First attack the Fengqiao camp, then attack Suzhou City!"

Under the instigation of Xu Hai, Maye, and Chen Dong, a group of Japanese pirates excitedly waved their weapons and howled. Their momentum was like hungry wolves rushing down the hillside. As long as they got off the boat, they could overturn and stop them. Everything in front of you.

"Three miles ahead is the Fengqiao Camp. Please be careful, don't capsize the boat in the ditch. The little girl didn't get down and fell into the ditch."

Xu Hai saw that the Japanese pirates under his command were all teased and moaning like chicken blood, and he cooled them down appropriately.

"Don't worry, leader, the ditch that can capsize our boat hasn't appeared yet." A group of Japanese pirates screamed.


Suddenly there was a sound in front, and then the boat in the front hit the iron cable across the river and stopped suddenly. Under the huge inertia, the boat tilted suddenly, and then swung sharply. Many of the people on the boat in the front and the Japanese pirates were pulled by the gravity of the earth. Under the action of huge inertia, it fell into the river like a dumpling.

Plop, plop, the Japanese pirates fell into the cold and biting river water one by one, struggling and calling for help.

The second boat couldn't stop either and collided with the front boat. Many Japanese pirates who were unable to stand still on the boat also fell into the river.

Then came the third and fourth boats, and they hit four boats in succession. Only then did the boats behind them stop the general's anchor and stop ramming upwards.

"What's going on? What's going on? What happened in front?! How did the ship at the front sail? Did it sail with eyes closed?!" The flagship where Xu Hai and others were located was also relatively close to the front and came to an emergency stop. Just to avoid a collision with the boat in front, Xu Hai and other Japanese chieftains couldn't help shouting and asking angrily.

They just said not to capsize the boat in the gutter. As a result, the boat in front bumped violently and almost capsized, and it also hit several boats in the back. This feels like a slap in the face, how can I not be angry.

"Chief, the Ming army pulled an arm-thick iron chain in the river and blocked the river. Because it was dark, our leading boat didn't see it. It hit it and almost capsized. Many brothers fell into the cold river water. Fortunately, there was no danger and everyone was rescued, but with these iron ropes, our fleet cannot continue to move forward."

A Japanese pirate came from the front in a small boat and reported the incident to Xu Hai and other Japanese chiefs on the flagship.

"Well, the cunning Ming army must have been afraid of us, afraid that we would go straight to Huanglong, so they despicably broke the iron rope on the river!"

Hojo Dosan cursed angrily.

"Cut it! Or burn it. In ancient times, wasn't there a man who used fire to burn the iron rope?!"

Chen Dong suggested.

"Look back, the Ming army is treacherous. They also set up two iron chains more than two feet deep under the water. They pulled them straight. We tried, but we couldn't pull them out of the water at all, and they couldn't burn them."

The Japanese pirates on the boat quickly reported back.

When Chen Dong heard that there were iron ropes under the water, he couldn't help but cursed angrily.

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