Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1785 No Pressure

Three hundred meters, two hundred meters, getting closer and closer. Zhu Ping'an noticed that the Japanese pirates had already rushed to about 150 meters, and knew that the Japanese pirates must repeat their old tricks, shooting arrows at about 100 meters to cover the Japanese pirates in front of them. Then he shouted to remind all the soldiers, "Raise your shield, lower your head, and be careful of Japanese pirate projectiles and arrows."

"Raise your shield, lower your head! Be careful of projectiles and arrows!"

From the battalion commander to the corps commander, officers at all levels of the Zhejiang Army also shouted, reminding their subordinates to raise their shields and bow their heads.

After this period of training, the officers and soldiers of the Zhejiang Army have engraved in their bones the ability to obey orders. When they heard the shouts of Zhu Pingan and officers at all levels, they lowered their heads one after another. The officers in the back row raised their shields diagonally to block themselves and the officers in front.

It took less than two seconds for the Zhejiang army soldiers to raise their shields. The Japanese pirates who rushed to a hundred meters began to draw their bows and shoot arrows and open fire.

Among this wave of four thousand Japanese pirates, there were more than a thousand archers and more than a hundred fire gunmen.

In an instant, arrows rained down like a shower, mixed with projectiles like hail, flying towards the Zhejiang Army's formation.

Ding ding ding...bang bang...

The arrows and projectiles hit the shield and cotton armor, making a dull metallic clashing sound.


Occasionally, there were a few muffled groans and painful sounds.


There were more than a thousand arrows and more than a hundred projectiles. There would always be fish that slipped through the net, passed through the blind spot of the shield, and hit the soldiers of the Zhejiang Army. Especially the fire cannons were very powerful. Although they were separated by more than a hundred meters, there were still a few fire cannons. It was an extraordinary display, with great power, and penetrated the shield. Fortunately, all the officers and soldiers of the Zhejiang Army wore armor. The cotton armor had a large protective area and high protective performance. Even if an arrow slipped through the net, it would not cause death.

This round of arrows and bullets from the Japanese pirates landed, and more than a dozen Zhejiang soldiers were injured, mostly minor injuries. Only one person was unlucky and his injuries were slightly more serious, but he was not seriously injured and had to go to the line of fire.

Under the cover of this round of arrow rain, the charging Japanese pirates broke into a distance of 80 meters in front of the Zhejiang army's formation.

Then, the Japanese pirates shot another round of feather arrows. Because there was no time to load the fire blunderbuss, this round was all bow arrows.

This round of arrow rain also caused minor injuries to several Zhejiang troops. Under the cover of the arrow rain, the Japanese pirates also rushed 60 meters in front of the formation.

At this point, the Japanese pirates who fired arrows also closed their bows and arrows, and rushed forward. The Japanese pirates in front were too close to the Zhejiang army's position. Their archery skills had not yet reached the point where they could hit the target with perfect accuracy, and their arrows did not have eyes, so they could not distinguish between ourselves and the enemy. If he fired his arrows again, many Japanese pirates would be accidentally injured, so they could only close their bows and arrows and follow the charge.

"Ready! Fire!"

After the Japanese pirates rushed fifty meters in front of the formation, Zhu Pingan raised his right hand to order the Zhejiang army to prepare to fire. After the Japanese pirates rushed about thirty meters in front of the formation, he waved his right hand forcefully and ordered the fire.

"Bang bang bang..."

Zhu Ping'an gave an order, and the Zhejiang army's firecrackers sounded densely and neatly, as if the gate of hell had been opened.

The Japanese pirate who was charging at the front felt as if his body had been hit hard by a hammer. His whole body fell backward uncontrollably. When he fell to the ground, he saw a blood flower blooming on his chest from the corner of his eye.

The strength is withdrawn from the body, the temperature is also leaving the body, and even the consciousness is leaving the body...

Fear, regret, unwillingness, helplessness... At the last moment before their consciousness disappeared, they were deeply immersed in fear and regret. Why should they be pioneers, why should they be Japanese pirates, if there is another chance...

But without if, they could only end their short and sinful life in fear and regret.

The Japanese pirates at the front fell down in pieces like wheat harvested by a scythe, causing a burst of dust to fly.

"Ah, it hurts me so much."

"Help, help me, help me, I don't want to die."

Some Japanese pirates did not die on the spot after falling to the ground, but fell to the ground and let out bursts of heart-rending howls of pain.

This scene was so terrifying. All the Japanese pirates who participated in the charge never thought that this kind of death could exist on the battlefield. The Japanese pirates fell to the ground and died like cutting wheat. No matter how brave, fierce and good at fighting he was, in Zhejiang Even in front of the army's gunfire, he couldn't escape the result of falling to the ground with a scream of "ah".

No matter how high your martial arts skills are, your body is still made of flesh. Even wearing armor is of no use. The Zhejiang Army's fire blunderbuss is too powerful. It fires within thirty meters, and the armor on your body looks like it is made of paper.

"Fuck, be careful!"

After the Zhejiang Army fired the first round of firecrackers, the Japanese pirates had not yet recovered from the fear and shock. They heard someone yelling in horror. When they looked up, they saw the front row of the Zhejiang Army firing on the front. The Zhejiang troops retreated, and the Zhejiang troops in the back row came up to become the first row. The switching between the front and rear rows was as natural and smooth as water.

Then, they saw sparks blooming again in front of the Zhejiang army's formation, and the neat and dense sound of firecrackers sounded.

Deadly projectiles flew from the sparks.

It was like the god of death wielding the sickle again, and the Japanese pirates fell to the ground in swarms again.

Those who died on the spot were relatively well-off. One death was enough to kill a hundred people. The Japanese pirates who were still shot fell to the ground and screamed like slaughtering pigs.

The screams were like those of evil spirits in hell who had their tongues pulled out and put in a frying pan. They were so infiltrative and chilling.

After two rounds of baptism with fire cannons, the Japanese pirates rushing in front were cleared out of the vacuum areas, and their blood flowed into rivers.


My scalp was numb, and my heart seemed to be gripped by a demon. It was thumping, thumping, and I could hardly breathe.

Every Japanese pirate who was still charging really felt the terror of death. His whole body was shaking, his legs were weak, and he could hardly move. He could only rely on inertia to rush forward, but his speed was much slower than before.

Especially the Japanese pirates who are now in the front row, stepping on the bodies of the Japanese pirates who fell to the ground in front of them, they feel more deeply and their fear is several times that of the other Japanese pirates. They know that it will be their turn next. Each of them looked pale and had their mouths opened wide, but what they issued was no longer a killing cry, but a hoarse scream...

"Bang bang bang..."

The neat and dense firecrackers of the Zhejiang army sounded again, like hell blowing the horn of harvest again.

Amidst the screams, the Japanese pirates fell down in pieces again like wheat, and a large piece of them died.

"Mom, I'm going to die, I'm going to die..."

"I don't want the reward, nor the woman. I just want my life. Run quickly, or it will be our turn if you don't run. The Zhejiang Army's firearms are too powerful. If you get close to them, you will die."

The great terror between life and death made many charging Japanese pirates, especially those in the front row, no longer able to bear the fear in their hearts. They shouted in terror, turned around and ran to the rear.

They were Japanese pirates, originally a mob, without much discipline. Just like the plague infection, one person who escaped from battle would infect ten, and ten would infect a hundred. Soon the Japanese pirates would become chaotic.

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